
Jisoo's Pov

"Are you hearing what you're saying?! We can't kill Y/N." Jennie said.

"Fine! If you don't want to do my plan. I'll just gonna do it on my own." I said and flipped my hair.

I texted Y/N to meet me up in an abandoned building in Gangnam Street.

Unknown Number
Meet me up in Gangnam Street, 097. Only you.

Who are you?

Unknown Number
You'll know if You will come.

I can't wait to see your name in the grave, Park Y/N.

Y/N's Pov

I was eating my lunch with my friends when I received a text from an unknown number.

Unknown Number
Meet me up in Gangnam Street, 097. Only you.

Who are you?

Unknown Number
You'll know if You will come.

*Time Skip/Gangnam Street, Abandoned building*

It was dark as I entered the building when I heard strange voice whose calling me.

"hey Y/N."

"Hello?! Come out you moron!" I yelled. I was looking around when I felt a hard thing was hit on my head, I felt dizziness and fainted.

Hyunjin's Pov

I'm here at the soccer field waiting
Y/N to appear.

"Hyunjin! Hyunjin!" I looked around when someone called me, and it was Jennie. She was crying.

"Oh hey-" I was cutted off when she said something. "Y/N is in danger right now!" She said. My knees started to be weak. My baby...


"What's the problem here?" Irene appeared with her friends and my friends. "Y/N.. Jennie said she's in danger." I think I lose my soul when I was saying that. What's happening? Oh lord please tell me this is just a joke.

"Jisoo wants to kill her, They are in Gangnam Street, 097. The abandoned building there, Please save Y/N from Jisoo!" Jennie said worried.

We quickly road Woojin's Car and the girls took Joy's Car.

Y/N's Pov

I woke up in the same place, My head still hurts.

I can't even move my hands and feet's, I was tied up in a chair.

"Oh hey, Darling. You're awake." A familiar voice said, It was Jisoo. "Jisoo, You brat! Let me go!" I yelled as I saw her walking towards her. "Okay, But not now. I still want to play with you." She said as she pulls my hair so hard. I screamed in pain, crying for help...

Hyunjin... where are you?

"Why are you doing this?" I cried and Jisoo just smirked. "I don't even know you anymore.. You're not the Jisoo I know as my best friend." I was begging for her to let me go.. but I can see her eyes are full of anger.

"It's because you changed me, All of you changed me." She laughed evilly. "What do you mean?" I sobbed.
