9. blissful ignorance

There was a crash, and it jolted the two girls from their blissful ignorance.

Skull Mask was rising from the floor.

"Fuck! Hide!" Jessica screamed, grabbing her pan from the floor and preparing to hit the motherfucker as many times as it took.

Kate grabbed her stomach again, and reluctantly ran away as quickly as she could.

Jessica hit him with the pan, expecting to at least stun him for a minute. But nothing. She smacked it into his head again as hard as she could.

Still nothing.

So she took off running in the opposite direction Kate had just left from. Desperately she looked around for a place to hide.

Her breathing was so loud, she could barely hear herself think.

Come on, come on!

She jumped over the pharmacy counter and waited.
But the killer was no longer chasing her.


The sound of Deena frantically shouting drew her attention.

"Come on, die!" Deena yelled.


Slowly, she stood up and scanned her surroundings to make sure she was safe, and went to find Deena.

Who was currently trying to drown her girlfriend in an empty lobster tank.

"What are you doing?" Jessica shouted, running over to the girl.

"The pills, they got mixed up. I couldn't use them. I don't know what to do!" She replied, pushing harder on the back of Sam's head.

Jessica nodded. This was all going to shit, just as Simon had warned. Everything was falling apart, and she couldn't figure out how to stop it.

She was terrified. They were just kids. None of this should be happening. It shouldn't be up to them to save everyone.

Fuck you Sarah Fier, Jessica thought. It was all that witches fault that she was in this mess. If she hadn't decided to fuck with them, she could be at home with the girl she loved laying by her side, sitting in blissful ignorance of the world outside.

All that would matter was Kate. And they could be happy, without worry. Without fear. And without grief.

"No! No! No!"

Jessica froze. Her heart sunk down past the pit of her stomach, all the way to her feet. This couldn't be happening...

"Kate." She whispered.

"Go!" Deena yelled.

And she did. She sprinted through that fucking store. She knocked down different little items, but they didn't matter. Why would they?

"Kate!" She cried. "Where are you?" The last part made her break into a fit of sobs. Her mind was racing. She couldn't find her.

This was all a bad dream. A nightmare she would awake from in a moment, her father bringing her a glass of milk. Calling Kate on the phone and her picking up, reassuring Jessica that she was ok. That she would meet her at the park the next day.

When they were kids, they used to always go to that park. It was old and dingy, and the structure would surely fall down any day. But they didn't mind it. They would stay for hours, just talking about their lives. Sometimes they would chase butterflies together. Running around in blissful ignorance.

The screaming stopped as she finally came closer to the sound. Rounding a corner, her heart pounded so loudly.

There were red splatters surrounding the area. A cake was turned over, and icing stuck to the sides of the counter.

Her heart stopped altogether. There was no way.

Her eyes were wide as they finally landed on a body.

A bloody body. A familiar body. A lively body. A still body.

Her body.

"No.." She whispered, as she approached the still body of the girl she loved so dearly.

Her face was in slices. It was horrific.

Jessica gagged, and began to sob again.

"No!" She screamed. It was the most agonizing scream you could ever imagine.

She sunk to her knees and grabbed Kate's hand, just as she had done so many times. But it was different.

Kate didn't squeeze her hand in return.

Because she couldn't.

Because she was...

Jessica's heart wrenched. Her worst fear, the most awful thing she could ever imagine, had happened.

The world had no meaning anymore. Jessica had never loved anything or anyone the way she had loved this girl. And Kate had loved her back.

She had loved her so dearly. Their love was so careful, so pure. Nothing could ever compare.

Maybe grief could. Maybe loss. Maybe pain.

Jessica thought she would never feel anything as strongly as she loved Kate.

But Kate was gone.

Her tears landed on Kate's top, soaking through the fabric. But it wasn't like she would notice. She would never know that Jessica sat on her knees and sobbed, unable to comprehend the pain she felt.

Jessica looked up, and saw Simon and Josh running towards the area in which she sat.

Simon stopped, a confused expression on his face morphing into one of terror as he realized what he was looking at.

"Kate?" He whispered.

Josh looked too, but he looked more ill than Simon did. The two boys turned to each other, not knowing they were about to be joined by a third.

"Simon!" Jessica shouted a warning. But he heard her too late.

Tommy Slater sunk his axe into Simons head with no hesitation.

All Jess could do was scream.

"Run!" Josh yelled as the killer began to chase him through the store.

Jessica shakily rose to her feet and stumbled backwards as she watched Josh run for his life from the murderer who killed her best friend.

Another cry of fear escaped her lips as an arm firmly wrapped around her neck, snugly keeping her from going anywhere.

She grabbed it and tried to push him off of her, but she wasn't as strong as she usually was due to the shock.

The man holding her smelled awful, like rotten fish. His tongue softly grazed her cheek as he rose his knife to her eye level. He was way taller than she was, giving him an advantage.

"No!" She cried, as tears rolled down her cheeks and the knife got closer to her face.

This is it, she thought. She gave one last kick before the knife met her cheek, dragging down and leaving a line pooled with blood.

Memories of the day flashed through her mind.

Strolling through the hospital, hand in hand with Kate. Running for their lives. The ambulance. The police station. Simons close call with Ruby Lane. Finally understanding what was happening to them. Laughing with Kate even in the middle of tragedy. The woods, and trying to solve the messed-up puzzle. Their dumb plan. Her first kiss with the girl she had loved for so long. When she first saw the man who was now trying to end her life. How she stood next to Kate as they blew up school property in attempt to save the town they hated so much.

The few moments of relief when they thought they had done it. Frantically checking doors. Sam almost dying. The fear that surged through them while they tried to find a way out. Another plan. Marking themselves as bait for killers to come get them. Their idea working. Kissing Kate again. Splitting up, and Kate almost dying. Saving her. "I love you."

Kate dying. Simon dying.

And now it was her turn.

Jessica had a clear view of Kate's body while the Milkman Killer sliced her face again, cutting deeper this time.

This is what I'm going to see when I die.

He drove his knife into her face once more, and she screamed in pain. If he started to pull the knife, creating another cut, there was no way she would survive.

She braced herself for the pain. She gave up. There was no point in fighting anymore. She didn't want to survive at this point. It was too hard.

Suddenly, the grip on her neck vanished. The store went silent. The killers disappeared.

Jessica fell to her knees and sobbed with everything she had.

Oh how she missed living in blissful ignorance.

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