"dustin!" i hear lucas through the walkie talkie. "dustin do you copy?" lucas asks. "well well well, look who it is." dustin says. "sorry man. my stupid sister turned it off." lucas says. "hey don't call her stupid." i say. "well when you were having sister problems, dart grew again, he escaped, and i'm pretty sure he's a baby demogorgon." dustin says. "wait. what?" lucas says. "i'll explain later. just meet me and steve at the old junkyard." dustin says. "steve?"i ask. "and bring your wrist rocket." dustin says. "steve harrington?" i ask. "just be there stat. over and out." dustin says. "i'll come pick you up." lucas says to me. "ok over and out." i say.

"mike do you copy?" i say into the walkie talkie, mike's channel. "mike this is y/n do you copy?" i ask. "hey y/n this is karen, mike is at wills house." karen says over the walkie talkie. "oh ok, thanks mrs wheeler." i say. i switch to wills channel. "will do you copy?" i say. "willll this is y/n do you copy?" i say again. i hear a knock at my front door. "bye dad! love you!" i say. "bye sweet pea!" dad says. i open the door and see lucas. "will and mike aren't answering, i'm worried." i say shutting the door. "i'm sure they're fine." dustin says. i grab my bike. "let's get max." i say. lucas nods.


we pull up beside i blue camero. i ring the doorbell. no answer. i ring it again. i ring it a couple more times. max opens the door. looks at us. then at her brother. and then shuts the door. "what're you doing here?" max asks. "we have proof." lucas says. "what?" max asks. "proof that what we told you was real. but we have to hurry." i say. "what kind of proof?" max asks. "just come with us." i say. "i don't have a bike." max says. "i...i guess you'll have to ride on the back of lucas' bike." i say. "actually, y/n would it be fine if she rode on yours and you rode with me?" lucas asks. max smiles. i blush. "uh yeah sure." i say. "move your bikes to the back and i'll meet you there." max says. we nod. she opens her window and gets on my bike. i get on the back of lucas'. i hold onto his shoulders. "this better be good stalker." max says. "have you ever been to the old junkyard?" i ask max. "not yet." max says. "ok then just follow us." i say.

"i said medium-well!" lucas yells as we ride into the junkyard. we hop off our bikes. we wave to them and walk over. "oh you're my neighbor." steve says. i nod. he's cute oh my god. dustin grabs lucas and i and we duck behind a car. "you guys told her?" dustin asks. "so what?" i say. "so what?" dustin says. "you wanted to tell her too." lucas says. "yeah but i didn't all right? we all agreed not to tell her and to look for dart." dustin says. "who you conveniently found." lucas says. "are you suggesting that i'm lying?" dustin asks. "i'm saying you have a creepy little bond with him." lucas says. "yeah that was before he turned into a demogorgon." dustin says. "guys stop..it was my idea to tell max anyway." i say. "and you haven't heard from mike?" lucas asks. "no." dustin says. "or will?" i ask. "no." dustin says. "hopper?" lucas asks. "no! no one is around." dustin says. "why do you think i'm with steve harrington?" dustin asks. "somethings." "wrong. i agree. which is why we need as much help as we can get." lucas says interrupting dustin. "and you like her anyway so this is good for you." i say. "she didn't believe us though." lucas says. steve comes over and hits a chair on the car. "hey, dickheads! how the only one helping me out is this random girl? we lose light in 40 minutes. let's go." steve says. we stay silent for a couple of seconds. "let's go i said!" steve says. "all right asshole!" dustin says. "okay stupid." lucas says at the same time. we follow steve and help him out.

we gather metal and such and bring it inside the bus. steve pours gasoline from the bus to a pile of meat. i bring a ladder in and put it through the emergency exit at the top of the bus. it quickly turns dark and we file into the bus. lucas climbs to the top of the bus. "so..you really fought one of these things before?" i ask steve. steve nods. "and you're like totally one hundred percent sure it wasn't a bear?" max asks. "shit don't be an idiot okay? it wasn't a bear." dustin says. "gosh dustin." i say. max looks taken aback. "why are you even here if you don't believe us." dustin says. i roll my eyes and climb to the top of the bus. i sit next to lucas. "it's kinda awesome." i say. "huh?" lucas asks. "the fog, i mean. looks like the ocean." i say. "do you miss new york?" lucas asks. "sometimes." i say. "hawkins seems pretty lame i bet." lucas says. "no. no. it's not that it's just. my mom is still there." i say. "why?" lucas asks. "well it's this legal term called divorce. see when two married people don't love each other anymore." i say. "yeah." lucas says. "no one had cars in new york because there was no where to park. we all took taxis. it was scary actually. i could've been kidnapped at anytime." i say. "did you go out by yourself?" lucas asks. "not a whole lot." i say and put my head on his shoulder. "which is another reason why hawkins is such a refresher." i say. "what's the other reason?" lucas asks. "having..." i put my hand in his. "amazing friends like you guys." i say. "i like talking with you y/n/n." lucas says. i take my head off of his shoulder. he looks at me and slowly leans in. a loud roar stops us. lucas takes out his binoculars and looks around. "lucas, what's going on?" dustin asks. "hold on!" lucas yells. there's low growling. "i've got eyes! ten o'clock! ten o'clock!" lucas yells. steve walks out of the bus. "idiot." i whisper. steve whistles. "what's he doing?" i here max ask. "expanding the menu." dustin says. "he's insane." i say. i see more surround steve. "steve! watch out!" i yell. "a little busy here!" steve yells. "three o'clock! three o'clock!" lucas yells. "steve! abort! abort!" dustin yells. all of the dogs run at steve but he dodges them and hits them. i quickly climb down the later and lucas follows me. "steve run!" i yell. "steve hurry!" dustin yells. steve runs to the bus and quickly shuts the door. "shit!" dustin says. "are they rabid or something?" max asks. "they can't get in! they can't!" lucas yells. we run to the back of the bus. there's a banging at the top of the bus and all on the side. the demogorgon sticks it's head through the escape exit right above my head. i scream. "out of the way! out of the way! you want some? come get this!" steve says and pushes me back. the things growls at steve but turns to the side and growls at something else. it runs off. when everythings settled down a bit i realized i was squeezing lucas' hand. steve warily goes out to check. they've all run off. "what happened?" i ask. "i don't know." max says. "steve scared me off?" dustin says. "no. no way. they're going somewhere." steve says.
