XXXI. Real Life/Phone Call

Lizzy set her phone down after her text conversation with Ethan, Victoria and Thomas. She now knows that it was in fact Giorgia that was using Damiano's instagram and it was her that was mentally abusing her, without Damiano knowing.

Her phone starts to ring once again and she sighs before picking it up and seeing it's Victoria once again.

"Hi Vic" she sighs

"It's Damiano" a man's voice says

"Damiano? Why didn't you use your own phone?" She asks

"Because of Giorgia. She's become a monster ever since i tried to break up with her. She even logged into my social medias and is the one talking to you." Damiano says lightly

"What do you suspect from a backstabbing woman? I mean she is the reason that we broke up." Lizzy's voice cracked saying the second sentence.

"Can we maybe talk about this at a different time?" He asks

"Sure, whatever"

The line went dead so she shut off her phone and decided on a glass of wine and a warm bath while writing ideas for an up coming video.

After Lizzy recovered from the overwhelming fight Damiano and her had the night she found Giorgia leaving his room, she made a YouTube channel with her sister. The siblings' main footage that is filmed is exploring haunted places in Italy and some fun videos with their friends and significant others.

As the red liquid pours into the large wine glass Lizzy's thoughts spiral. The only time her thoughts spiral are when she's thinking of photoshoot ideas or even video ideas.

Once the water in the bathtub was warm, Lizzy slipped her body into the warmth and laying her wooden tray in the middle of the tub and places her wine and idea book on it.

A few sips of wine later and she planned out a whole video and a little of the next video.

Alissa and Lizzy would travel back to Los Angeles for a bit then head to San Francisco and go to Alcatraz island.

After scheduling and applying for a permit for filming on Alcatraz. The tall girl went to bed like there was nothing left to do.

Hi, i just want to clarify i am not signifying that Giorgia is like this in anyway. She seems sweet from what i can tell and i see that she makes Damiano happy. I wish nothing but luck to her and Dami, and i wish her luck for the surgery she is having today.
