The Party

A few moments later, one of the balloons popped as an example of what would happen if you accidentally popped one of the balloons. Blue quickly woke up, you noticed he looked... Sad... Blue chased after the sound, then soon went back to his place and went back to sleep. The door to the balloon minefield opened, letting you and the remaining students through.

Y/n pov:

I know I'm going to find my way back here... I know that for sure... -You then took a step into the balloon minefield, making sure to avoid the balloons, not wanting to disturb Blue's slumber. You soon reached the other side, where the cake and the exit door was waiting. The other students were less coordinated than you, so it took them more time to get across, but they soon made it, running up the ramp, not bothering to take a slice of cake. You all waited, then one of the balloons above the fork touched the sharp points of the fork and it popped. The sound was loud, the exit door opened and Blue was running up the ramp. You all got through the exit door before it closed and began pushing the blocks, soon letting down the wooden ramp. Suddenly, the door bursted open and in came Blue. You guys sprinted up the wooden ramp and began navigating your way through the vents, having to crouch once and make your way across a thin wooden plank. You soon reached the end of the vents and saw the fence outside, you also saw Odd World in the distance, behind the fence. You guys crouched underneath the small opening in the fence. Blue was still chasing you, when he reached the vents, the door closed in on him and he crawled back inside. You did it, you were finally out of the play place...- "I will find my way back..." I said quietly, not wanting the others to hear what I said. The others were breathing heavily, trying to catch their breaths after that energy-draining experience. They began talking to each other about the five nights we were trapped in there. Talking about how close they were to dying and how weird the "monsters" looked. This got me pretty angry, they didn't look weird! They're adorable! I don't understand how anyone can't think they're cute... The other students finally finished talking and catching their breaths. -Then, a rescue team with multiple people, teenagers and adults ranging in ages from 16-30 showed up behind you. You were still facing the vents when they showed up, you turned around to look at the group of people. They checked you guys for any injuries, you had none, then they told you to follow them back to the bus they rode here in-

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