Chapter Ten

"EVERYBODY HIDE!" Newt says tugging my shirt for me to follow him and we run at top speed into the corn field with around 5 other Gladers, including Zart, Alby, chuck, Thomas and Teressa, they had gotten to know each other over the past hour after him and Newt got back.

Apparently for some people, Newts warning wasn't enough, gladers where running around like ants, being scooped up by the minute, before we knew it, The place had caught fire, everything was burning to the ground, I saw Gally and some other Gladers run into the Box, not going to lie, very smart Idea, Zart was plucked up by the tail of a Griever, I cover my mouth trying not to breath to loudly.

"Newt..." I whisper, he looks at me concerned, "What do you thinks going to happen?" I ask,

"I'm not sure Love..." He looks away from me, He was clearly nervous.

We eventually ran for it, We ran and ran around until we found a place to hide,

"GUYS! IN HERE!" Chuck yells holding the door wide open, we run inside, I help him lock it up. Little did we know there was a Griever on our tail.

We all sat down trying to catch our breaths, I rest my head on Newts shoulder, we join our hands in fear that we might lose one another.

Thomas's POV.

We were now in the hut where we have our gatherings, I had Teressa next to me,

"Look at them" She says smiling at y/n and Newt, "Are they always like this?" She looks back at me,

"Maybe not the hand holding but otherwise, yea" I nod, she smiles looking back at them,

"Do you think they're in love?" She tilts her head to the side,

"You'd be stupid to think otherwise, they're literally made for eachother" I snicker, swapping my eye contact from y/n and Newt to her, she was already looking at me, I sigh, "When she first arrived, you could see it, they warmed up to eachother immediately, She was in the Med-jacks for a week or so, not gonna go into detail about that, it's not my place, anyways, He spent all day and night in there waiting for her to wake up, when he wasn't in the Med-jacks at night, He said he wasn't used to having a bed to himself, so I top n' tailed with him, and when we were running, He basically confessed his love for her." I smile, looking off, I knew she was smiling, I'm not sure why she was so Fascinated, "she has the same Dreams as us, the 'wicked is good' ones"

She nods, I think she expected it. There was a bang on the roof, I mouth the word 'Griever' to Teressa, she seemed to get it.

It was trying to get in, but was fortunately failing miserably. Or so we thought.

Next minute, A Griever tail broke through the wood and scooped up Chuck, or Tried to, my reflexes we so fast I managed to Grab him, quickly eveyone else followed and we tried to tug the poor boy out of its grip, It was Alby who truly saved him, the deadly creature was about to sting him when Alby snapped it off. It dropped Chuck and scooped him up instead and scurried off with the Rest of them, there was nothing we could do.

End of Thomas's POV.

We walked outside, still hand and hand with my Blondie. Gally came marching towards us with his croons behind him, He tried to punch me but I managed to duck under and miss it by a lot,

"Pathetic" I say tripping him up,

"This is all your fault! Everything started going wrong the moment you showed up! First Ben! Now Alby! This other shank showed up! And god knows what else!" He yells standing up and pointing his index finger at me,

"Woah, Woah, Woah! Gally how can you Blame this on her! She's done nothing wrong!" Newt start, everything was buzzed out of hearing, all I could see was the Stinger in Chucks hand, I pull it out of his grip, I remember Alby telling me that he remembered some of his memories, only a few though....

"Y/n what are you doing..?" Newt says spotting the Stinger in my hand,

"I need to know..." I say, before anyone anyone can stop me, I inject it into my leg and fall unconscious.

I hear faint yelling in the background, gladers yelling my name, the feeling of poison scorching my veins, eating me from the inside out.

From what felt like the next few minutes, was utter pain, the worst part was that I couldn't react, I felt my stiff body be suffocated by venom, no wonder why They all went Crazy....

I'm in a room, with crates with the letters WCKD and bright lights, I'm hugging and crying with someone, 'I love you so much y/n, no matter what happens' I recognized that accent, 'I love you too, we will find eachother again' I promise without knowing, it was like I had nothing in control, like I was seeing out the eyes of someone else, we passionately kiss like it would be the last, we hold eachother tighter like our lives depended on it, he placed his hand on my stomach, 'I know Your gonna be a great mother to our kid, that'll keep me asleep at night'ย he sounds like he's on the brink of tears, he kisses me again, then men dressed in black barged in, He kisses me once more, 'Ill see you soon, and just know I don't regret anything' They start ripping him away from me, I was restrained, Neither of us tried to fight back, what was it worth, he was going to be sent up to the Maze anyways, They drag him out of the room, I was injected with some serum that was making me drowsy, That was the last time I ever saw Newt before the Maze, then my vision blurs. I see a corridor, a long, winding corridor, I see no windows, only solid concrete, I feel the ground moving underneath me, I am strapped into a hospital bed. The doctors above me take no notice of my discomfort, it fades away. I see a woman, with long black hair, Beautiful E/C eyes, just like mine, Her smile, when I see her smile it brings me warmth, she brings me into a tight hug, Then everything goes black.

Finally I feel the stiffness reduce so that I can move again, sit up gasping, what just happened?!

"Y/n?" I hear a soft voice ask my name,

"Teresa?" I place my hand on my chest,

"What did you see?" She asks brushing the dirt off my shirt, at first I had no words, I exhaled,

"Well, Doctors, A corridor, I was in a room, with Newt, Teressa... I think me and him dated before the Maze..."

"I think we all saw that coming, Then what?"

"I think I saw my mother..." I was trying to ignore the fact that Newt told me I was going to be a great mother, what is that even suppose to mean?

"Oh y/n" She brings me into a hug,

"How long was I out?" I ask pulling back after a moment,

"3 days..."

"3 days!?" I widen my eyes at her,

"Yea, lots has happened since you've been gone..." She says, "Gally has taken charge, He said we can either stick with him and restore the Glade... or Stay with you and be banished to the Maze..." She says Scratching her head,

"Of course he has, I told you he hates me" I sigh shaking my head, "but the others..?"

"They have come up with a plan, they have 100% found the exit, so now all we need is to escape..."
