Chapter 9

im back hehe

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y/n knocked on aidans door hastily
come on answer the door man she thought in her head

just then the door opened and there he was.

"oh hey y/n." aidan smiled brightly.

due to the dim light he couldn't see her red cheek

"uhm can i stay here?" y/n asked holding back her tears of frustration

"uh sure? my parents aren't home though, they won't be home till tuesday, i don't know if they'd let-" aidan sentence was cut by the sounds of y/n faint sniffles

"wait are you okay?" he asked worriedly

that was enough for her to breakdown, but she tried not to. not in front of the boy

"no i'm not okay." the girl wiped her eyes

"geez i'm sorry uh yeah come in." aidan opened the door wider to let the weak girl inside.

y/n shakily sighed once she stepped inside

"here my rooms down there, i'll get you a glass of water." aidan pointed down the hall to a door

y/n nodded and walked down.


"i'm so sorry that happened to you y/n." aidan rubbed the girls back comfortingly

"it's fi-" before the girl could finish aidan cut her off

"no it's not fine y/n. your mother hit you!" the boy stood up running his finger through his hair frustrated "why don't you move in with kelsey? then you won't have to deal with your mom." he asked

"she's still my mom aidan. plus," y/n sighed "i already tried. it's no use. my mom knows where i am." y/n sank her head into her hands supported by her knees. "My dad is never really around to witness it, plus my mom has him wrapped around her little finger, he wouldn't believe me."

"you could stay here." aidan mumbled under his breath

"what was that?"

"never mind, look i'm here for you. alright?" aidan sat back down next to girl pulling her into an embrace

"thanks danny." y/n managed to laugh which made aidan smile

"you should laugh more often y/n. i like it." aidan grinned down at the girl

"stop it." she nudged his side lightly

"you can stay here for the night if you'd like? i mean as long as my parents don't know we'll be fine right?" he laughed



y/n laid wide awake on her back facing the ceiling.

aidan gave her no choice but to sleep on his bed. she said she didn't have to but he insisted

aidan however was passed out in the sleeping bag on the floor.

her cheek still stung and her eyes were still red from crying.

"aidan?" the girl whispered softly

no response

"aidan?" she whispered a little louder

aidan grumbled in his sleeping bag

"Danny ?!" she flung a pillow down at him

"ow! i'm up." the boy sat up rubbing his eyes

"can you uhm." she didn't know who to say this without sounding like a complete werido

"can i what?" the boy whispered back

"come here? like uh, next to me? sleeping?" the dark setting hid the blush forming on her cheeks

little did she know, aidans stomach filled with butterflies at that statement

"oh." aidan muttered out "sure-i mean- yeah if you want me too- i don't wanna make you uncomfortable or anything-i can"



"it's fine" y/n moved over to the side of the bed created room for him in the other side

she felt the bed dip and they both stared up at the ceiling

"good night." she said quickly and turned her back to him

"night." and he did the same

longer chapter!
"for the first time in forever"
okay i'm done lmafo

