
this chapter is inspired by -PLAYBOIDIOR

authors pov
alvaro and roshaun were making tiktoks, kairi was playing fortnite, ale was on mattias couch scrolling on his phone with robert and mattia was on his bed, on tiktok.

"bro you can't dance tf you doin" roshaun said annoyed.

"shut the fuck up rat" alvaro replied.

ale laughed and kairi giggled.

"hey babe" mattia said.

"mhm" kairi replied.

"c'mere"mattia said making grabby hands.

"no wait" kairi replied focusing on his game.

"no? what do you mean no? i said come here" mattia said slightly raising his voice, sitting up.

"mattia i said wait" kairi replied.

the other boys looked at each other slightly worried about what's going to happen.

"fuckin bitch" mattia mumbled.

"what did you say?" kairi said putting mattias controller in his desk.

"i said you're a fuckin bitch" mattia said in a mad tone.

"mattia just shut up i don't want your crap right now" kairi said.

"hey guys calm down" alvaro said.

"no i won't calm down hes being a bitch" mattia said.

"yeah yeah whatever you say mattia" kairi said.

kairi turned to his game and mattia laid back down, scrolling on his phone.

20 minutes later...

"hey kairi come with me to the bathroom" mattia said getting up.

"i don't want to talk to you right now"

"just shut up and come" mattia said.

kairi groaned and got up, heading to the bathroom with mattia. mattia closed the door and locked it.

"what do you wan-" kairi got cut of by mattias lips crashing on kairis.

it got heated quick. mattias hands went down to kairis ass squeezing his ass. kairis hands were on mattias shoulders while they made out. they both pulled away, their lips swollen and pink.

"are you still mad at me?" mattia asked.

"no" kairi replied.

"pull your pants down" mattia said with a smirk.

"no? why would i do that?" kairi asked.

"i said. pull. your. pants. down." mattia said.

kairi pulled his pants down.

"and your underwear"

mattia opened his drawer taking a vibrator. kairis eyes widen.

"uh w-what is that for?" kairi asked.

"bend down" mattia said.

kairi bend down as he was told. mattia pushed the vibrator in kairi making him let out a moan.

"s-shit" kairi moaned.

"stand up" mattia said.

kairi stood up pulling his pants and underwear up.

"let's go" mattia said.

kairi and mattia went out of the bathroom. kairi sat next to ale on the couch and mattia later down on his bed. mattia pressed on an app where you control the vibrator and turned it up. mattia could see kairis eyes widen. kairi started messing with his fingers while biting his lip. mattia smirked turning the vibrator higher. kairi threw his head back while his leg was shaking.

"bro you ok?" ale asked.

kairi couldn't talk, so he didn't answer.

"yeah kai what's wrong?" mattia asked while smirking.

"i-i'm fi-fine" kairi replied.

mattia turned the vibrator to the highest it could be. kairis legs were shaking uncontrollably. kairi stood up. he couldn't even walk right. he went over to mattia who was smirking.

"t-turn it o-off please" kairi asked.

"no" mattia answered"

tears were rolling down kairis face.

"mattia p-please it's to m-much" kairi said.

"i'll turn it off when i want to" mattia said.

"i-i cant ta-take it, to m-much" kairi said.

kairi went over to mattias gaming stol and sat down. his legs were shaking, tears rolling down his face and he was biting his lip holding back his moans. luckily the boys were busy on their phones and talking to each other. kairi rested his head on mattias desk. kairi got a message from mattia.


don't cum

Β  Β  mattia turn it off
i can't take it anymore

"guys it's getting late, you should probably go" mattia said.

the boys picked up their stuff, said their goodbyes and went home.

"you can moan now" mattia said.

"f-fuck" kairi said.

mattia went over to kairi, slipping his hand in kairis pants pumping his dick up and down.

"m-mattia i-i can't" kairi said.

now that kairi has a vibrator up his ass and his boyfriend pumping his dick up and down, insane amount of pleasure was going through his body.

"you can cum now too" mattia said.

right after mattia said his sentence, kairi cummed in mattias hand.

"f-fuck FUCK" kairi said while his eyes rolled back.

"good job" mattia said.

"shut the fuck up"

so this chapter was inspired by -PLAYBOIDIOR
my next chapter will be one i came up. ty guys for 1k reads i can't believe it. thank you thank you thank. ok bye.
