๐œ ๐ก ๐š ๐ฉ ๐ญ ๐ž ๐ซ 7

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Your POV

Aidan was in the restroom for awhile
while so I decided to knock on the door

"Aidan you okay in there?" I waited till the the door eventually opened

"Hey I think ima head out" his face was still red from early

"oh uh okay I guess I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Sure thing alright bye" he grabbed his stuff and left

I just happens to notice that he left something

A vlog camera?

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I then realized he does YouTube but why would he even bring his camera to my hotel room?

I grabbed the camera and hooked up the footage to my Mac book

That's not weird I swear

I clicked the first video that came up

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"Hey guys it's Aidan I'm currently in Toronto because we are finally filming season 3 of tua! I'm super nervous because five gets to have a love interest and the girl who plays it is super pretty like super pretty!! Man ima cut that part out."

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I'm sorry what? He just called me pretty? Let me get this straight. He called me baby,pretty,and he gets nervous around me. Man this boy is adorable!

the day went by pretty fast and I ended up falling back asleep

today was the first read through of the show! I sat down at the read table
Three tables were set upย  Like this but bigger

I sat next too a tall woman and a shorter male.

"Hey everyone I'm so glad we finally get to work on this project" some guy said standing up

"I'd like to start out with all you guys introducing yourselves" as he pointed to who I believe was Tom Hopper

"Hey I'm Tom also known as Luther and I like snacks"

"Sup I'm David aka Diego i like to dance"

"Hello I'm Emmy I play Allison I like singing"

"Hello my fellow children I'm father Robert and I play Klaus"

I giggled a bit

"Hi I'm Aidan and I play five I like playing the piano and guitar"

He smiled at me I blushed a bit

Then I saw Robert nudge Aidan. "Stop Robert I'm trying to play cool" Aidan said I think he didn't mean for me to hear it.

"Hi I'm Ben and I play Justin oops I mean im Justin and I play Ben" everyone laughed

"And I'm Elliot and I play Vanya"

It was then my side of the table's turn to go.ย  I heard name alike





It was then my turn
"Ahh hi I'm y/n I play McKenzie and I like musical theater"

"Oh I think I'm gonna get along with you!" Emmy pointed from across the table and I laughed and sat down.

The read through was pretty normal everyone did everything and when we did scenes together some of us would laugh.

"Okay everyone that was fantastic we'll see some of you tomorrow for filming" announced a director

"Hey y/n right?" David asked coming over to me "that's me"

"Alright, HEY GUYS SHES OVER HERE!" He literally yelled across the room

6 others came over
"So you're the infamous y/n?" Emmy reached out her hand

"I guess so"

"Aidan you didn't tell us about how pretty she was" Emmy whispered into Aidan ear he nudged her off.

Emmy obviously wanted me to hear that so I laughed "oh thank you"

"We should go to a restaurant to get to know you" Justin offered

"That's a great idea I'm down" I laughed and high fived him

we all walked and talked to this really nice restaurant

I sat next to aidan of course and emmy

"So y/n are you excited?" emmy asked

"Ofc I am you have no idea how crazy it is just sitting in a room with you guys!" I responded excited

They all laughed lol

"y/n ever had a boyfriend" I automatically knew Robert was trying to embarrass Aidan on purpose

"Oh no to hard when you do acting right?"
Why would I say that too hard y/n?! You want to be with Aidan damn it you idiot

"mhm" - "oh okay" - "true" they seemed to say

I felt something on my foot I slowly looked down and saw Aidans foot on mine. I couldn't help but smile.

"Oh this reminds selfie for instagram!!" Emmy yells we all pose aidans arm wrapped around me....I didn't even notice.

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แฏพaddy, your author, and local simp
