02 | lost in a lost world

Vena woke up early in the morning. She ran out of her house, she was the only one awake. Vena escaped her house before her mother woke up. She didn't even bother having breakfast, in all honesty, she wasn't even hungry. She walked down to the lake, taking a seat on the grass. Olivia came down to the lake, trying to rub the sleep from her eyes.

"What are you doing up so early?" Olivia asked.

"Dunno," Vena shrugged, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm alright. I realised you haven't been sleeping much," Olivia responded.

"What makes you think that?"

"The bags underneath your eyes. I'm not daft you know?"

"You must be seeing things."

"Vena! I've been fourteen once too! I can tell! Is this about father?"


"Lies. You need not worry so much. He's fine."

"I know that Via! It's not father."

"Mother has been treating you poorly again?" Olivia guessed.

"No," Vena lied. Olivia sighed. She knew she wasn't gonna get anywhere with her.

"Be back in time for breakfast," Olivia sighed.

"Alright," Vena said. Olivia walked into the house, leaving Vena alone with her thoughts. She looked at the lake in front of her. A face appeared. Someone on a horse. Vena stood up and whipped her face around so fast, her hair flew into her eyes. There was no one behind her. She tried walking backwards but ended up falling into the lake. She hit the cold water. It was like time froze. Her body hit the lake's bottom. She felt everything darken. Her hair flew around her face, as though it had a mind of its own. Her body floated up by itself.

The boy who she had seen in the lake, frowned and pulled her body out. The girl's skin was so cold, it shocked him. Judging by her outfit, she wasn't Narnian. He couldn't take her back to the castle. What would his uncle say? He also knew he couldn't just leave her. She could die. He knew Narnians were extinct... He couldn't send her too Archenland or anywhere near alone. He scooped the soaking wet, cold girl up and somehow got both of them on the horse. The castle was empty. Only then he realised how early it was for them. He speed walked through the halls and got her to his room. He layed her down on the bed. He genuinely didn't know what to do. He didn't have any clothes for her, nor would he ever think about changing her whilst she was unconscious. Vena started to stir, as the young Prince anxiously paced the room. She coughed, catching the Prince's attention. He rushed to get her a glass of water. Vena sat up, suddenly aware of the silky sheets she rested in. She looked around the dark room. This was not her house. This also definitely was not a place in London.

"Oh, you're awake," The Prince said. Vena narrowed her eyes, but she couldn't help but notice his strange accent. He had dark hair that reached right above his shoulder blades and dark brown eyes. He looked as old as her.

"Who are you? Where am I? Why am I here?" Vena asked.

"I'm Prince Caspian, the tenth. You are in Telmar. You are here because I pulled you out of a lake nearby," Caspian responded casually.

"Prince Caspian? Telmar?" Vena asked, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Yes, Prince Caspian, and yes Telmar," Caspian chuckled.

"So I'm not at home?"

"Where is home?"

"London, England, U.K., Earth, The Milky Way, Space."

"Another world."

"It seems so. Where am I again?"

"Telmar, Narnia."

"What planet?"

"Don't know."

"So I'm lost in a lost world."

"I would not say so. You aren't quite lost."

"Well I don't know where I am. Therefore I am lost."

"That is no way to speak to a Prince," Caspian joked.

"I am not your subject, therefore I need not speak to you formally," Vena smiled sarcastically. Caspian raised his eyebrows, clearly amused.

"I didn't quite catch your name."

"Vena Miller."

"Vena? Like the constellation, Canes Venatici?"

"That would be it, your Majesty."

"Your Majesty?"

"You asked me to address you formally."

"I didn't ask, I merely stated."

"Same thing."

"I think not."

"You have a brain?!"

"So funny."


"You're welcome."

"That was meant to be sarcastic..."

"I had no idea."

"Don't use my own spells against me!"

"Sarcasm isn't a spell."

"It is. It's a defensive spell against all forces evil."



"Your definition of evil must be completely different than ours then."

"Oh? Care to explain, Your Highness?"

"Examples would be: The White Witch, wolves, etc."

"Witches? Wolves?"


"These things actually exist?"



"It isn't actually as amazing as it sounds."

"You have a point there. Need I remind you that I am not from here, your majesty?" Vena asked, tilting her head slightly.

"You'll never drop that will you?" Caspian sighed.

"Of course not, Prince Capsian," Vena said, clearly enjoying being annoying.

"It's Caspian," Caspian corrected.

"Capsian. That's what I said," Vena smirked. Only then Caspian realised, she knew his name, but she was only teasing and annoying him. Caspian rolled his eyes and shook his head. Realisation hit Vena, her eyes widening with fear.

"What am I going to do? How am I going to get back?" She asked.

"How you are going to get back... we'll figure something out. As for what you are going to do, you can not stay here," Caspian responded.

"What? Why? Where am I to go or stay if not here?"

"We'll figure something out. I would send you into the woods, but that would mean your death. I don't have anything for you to wear."

"I've dried a bit. Your bedsheets are now soaked with dirty lake water," Vena said.

"It's not an issue," Caspian replied.

"If you say so," Vena shrugged.


Vena decided to go for a short walk. To explore the place a bit. Caspian had told her to be back by dusk. As she was walking, she spotted another girl's figure. The girl had long red hair, and was wearing a dress. The dress was much different to the one Vena was wearing. Outdated fashion style, was what it was. It looked more medieval than modern. The girl seemed to spot Vena.

"TRUFF!" The person yelled, "I found something exciting, wait- actually, someone!"

"What is it Ella?" Trufflehunter asked.

"Look," The red-haired girl, who Vena noted was called Ella, pointed at Vena, "I found another Narnian!"

"It's rude to point you know?" Vena snapped.

"Drop the attitude," Ella replied, "Anyways, blondie here, just fell from the showed up out of the blue."

"What's your name, dear?" Trufflehunter asked, turning his attention to Vena.

"Vena Miller. A-And you're a badger?! That talks?!" Vena replied.

"You're in Narnia! H-How do you not know that? Animals always talk here!" Ella asked.

"What in the world is a 'Narnia'?!" Vena asked, actually starting to get confused.

"The place you are in right now!" Ella replied, she was starting to lose both, her patience and her temper.

"Where are you from?" Trufflehunter asked more calmly than Ella.

"England!" Vena replied.

"E-England?" Ella stuttered, "That's where The Kings and Queens of Old came from."

"The Kings and Queens of Old? Can you please speak english?" Vena frowned.

"I'm not speaking Telmarine, am I?" Ella replied.

"English, woman! E N G L I S H!" Vena hissed. Ella rolled her eyes.

"Enough, the both of you!" Trufflehunter scolded, "Do you happen to know any people with the name 'Pevensie'?"

"Pevensie?" Vena asked, "As in, Susan, Lucy, Peter and Edmund?"

"Yes," Trufflehunter nodded, "High King Peter the Magnificent. Queen Susan the Gentle. King Edmund the Just. Queen Lucy the Valiant."

"They've been here?!" Vena exclaimed.

"Based on what I heard, yes," Ella replied.

"Based on stories, Ella. It's hard times we have now. The Telmarines are attempting to invade Narnia. With Miraz there, they will before we know it," Trufflehunter explains. Ella casts her gaze down to the floor. If only I knew what went on in that girl's head, everything would be solved, Vena thought, and didn't a Telmarine just save me? More specifically... The Prince...?

"Are they all bad? And if so... what am I doing here?" Vena asked.

"Maybe, just maybe, you were sent to rid us from the Telmarines?" Ella suggested.

"I don't think so," Vena replied.

"Come on then. I'm sure Trumpkin and Nikabrik wouldn't mind," Trufflehunter says. Vena frowns at the names, whilst Ella nods. Trufflehunter starts walking, followed by Ella. Vena picks up her bag and follows, not knowing what else to do and definitely not wanting to get lost. She focused on the path, so she would be able to return back to the castle.
