t h i r t y t h r e e

"Tongue-tied Teabags," I read aloud, furrowing my eyebrows. "Why would one ever need that?"

"I've found them quite useful. They prevent the drinker from talking for ten minutes, which is great if you're having tea with someone insufferable β€” I've used it on my mother a few times," Sirius explains with a glint in his eyes.

"Remind me never to accept a cup of tea from you," I laugh, putting them back before picking up another item.

"Be careful with those." Sirius warns.

"Why, what do they do?"

"It's Screaming Drops. Guess what they do?"

I shrug, "Makes you scream?"

He shakes his head, "they scream when you drop them. They're great for causing a distraction. Will you hand me some?"

I hand him the one I'm holding and pick up a few more.

"Unless you want to check out more items, I think I'm done in here." He examines the basket he's holding.

It is the third Saturday of October, the first Hogsmeade visit of the year, so the shops are packed with students, making it near impossible to move around. The prospect of more space to move around is tempting. "I'm good. How about we meet up outside? I need some air," I tell him, resisting the urge to kiss him goodbye before turning towards the door.

Once outside, the cold wind prompts me to button up my coat. I glance at the display in the window of the neighbouring shop, a potion equipment store, though I have no interest. The moments tick by as I twirl around, just as someone exits the shop, narrowly avoiding a collision by holding out my arms.

"Watch where you're going, Davies," Snape sneers and moves away from me.

"Maybe if you looked up from that nose of yours, you could see where you were going, Snivellus," Sirius retorts before I have a chance to say anything. I give him a look, telling him to let it go because I don't want any trouble, but he ignores me and puts an arm around my shoulders while glaring at Snape.

The Slytherin's eyes shift between the two of us as he connects the dots. He smirks as if he finds the sight of us amusing.

"Oh my, your friends busy, Black? I haven't seen Lupin around, is it that time of the month?" He taunts, and I feel Sirius stir next to me. I quickly reach out and hold his hand to prevent him from grabbing his wand. "Aww, need your girlfriend to hold your leach, do you?"

I clench my jaw, but before I can respond,Β  Sirius interjects, his tone sharp, "Don't you have somewhere else to be?"

"Enjoy your little rendezvous while it lasts. Davies, don't be surprised when he moves on to someone else. Black's not known for commitment."

"Walk away, Snivellus."

Snape continues to glare at Sirius. Neither of them moving.

I finally break the silence and loosen my grip on Sirius. "Sorry for bumping into you, Snape. We'll be going now."

Reluctantly, Sirius follows as I begin to move away.

"What was that about?" I ask when Snape is out of earshot.

Sirius looks tense. "Just Snape being a tosser."

"That's nothing new. I meant with you and him, though. I know you don't like each other, but I just bumped into him. There was no reason for a duel."

"He's a git."

"That has been established. I meanβ€”."

"Eileen, just leave it."

I raise an eyebrow at the use of my name. He usually calls me Ellie. "It's some lame macho reason, isn't it?"

Sirius laughs. "Something like that."

We weave through the busy streets of Hogsmeade. The air is brisk, and the quaint village is adorned with Halloween decorations, adding a festive touch to the otherwise grey and cloudy autumn day.

"Let's stop by the Three Broomsticks for a bit. I could use a butterbeer," Sirius suggests, steering us toward the warm glow of the pub.

As we enter, the chatter and clinking of glasses embrace us. Madam Rosmerta nods in recognition as we find an empty table. We settle into our seats, and she swiftly brings over two foaming mugs of butterbeer.

"Thanks," Sirius says with a grin, taking a sip. "So, what did you think of our first Hogsmeade trip?"

"Technically, it's the second trip," I reply, taking a sip as well. "But so far, I like it very much. You haven't been a boring date... not yet, at least, but we have a couple of hours left."

I notice a group of students at a nearby table, exchanging glances and whispering. Their eyes flicker toward us occasionally, and I can't shake the feeling that we're the subject of their discussion.

Sirius, sensing my unease, leans closer to me, his lips brushing against my ear. "Don't let them bother you. We're just having a good time."

"I know," I reply, feeling reassured by his presence. Our hands find each other under the table, fingers intertwining discreetly.

He changes the subject, "Tell me something."

I take another sip of my butterbeer while I think of something to say."I bake when I'm anxious β€” or I would if the house elves didn't yell at me when I try to use the kitchen," I admit, offering a light-hearted smile.

"Aren't house elves generally accommodating?"

"They don't like sharing their space."

The door swings open, and I watch as Lily, James, Marlene, and Eric stroll in. Spotting us, they make their way over, Lily questioning, "Do you want company?"

I glance at Sirius, who tilts his head slightly, leaving the decision to me. I shrug, giving Lily a small smile, welcoming their company and moving over, so there's room.

"How's my favourite McKinnon?" I ask Eric, who takes the seat opposite from me.

Marlene holds a hand to her chest, "I'm ignoring you said that. Besides, you're only my second favourite Davies, so I guess we're even."

Marlene's friendship with Robbie should probably worry me more.

Eric sticks his tongue out at his sister and returns his attention to me. "I have a feeling the OWLs will be my death, but other than that, I'm good."

"He's seeing someone," Marlene chimes in with a teasing smile, and Eric turns red as a tomato, which he tries to hide by covering his face with his hands. "I walked in on them making out in an alley."

Sirius playfully hits my arm, "We could've done that." He teases.

I raise an eyebrow, "and risk Marlene walking in on us, no thank you."

"Again." She adds, referencing spring break when she found us sleeping on the couch.

"You too? I interrupted them on the train once." Eric declares, and now it's my turn to blush.

"Hey, we weren't doing anything either of those times." I defend.

Lily clears her throat. "Third-floor broom closet."

"Great, basically, James is the only one who hasn't caught us together." I pout, occupying myself with my almost empty drink.

"That's because I've manners, doll." James claims and winks at me.

Winking and calling me doll. He's a brave man.


James and Sirius had to leave early, excusing themselves on the premise that they wanted to check on Remus, who had to stay back because he's sick.

Instead, I walk back with Lily, Marlene, Dorcas, and Mary. The latter joined us in the Three Broomsticks after James and Sirius left. Eric returned to his friends.

"So, Dorcas," I begin with a sly smile, falling back so I'm next to her and Mary. "Kissed anyone lately?"

Her eyes widen. "He told you?"

I nod excitedly. "It's a shame he is sick and had to cancel your date."

"Remus didn't cancel," Dorcas clarifies and shoots me a quizzical look. "We are going together next time."

"I thought, er... why not today?" I ask.

Dorcas shrugs. "He just said he couldn't go."

"That's odd," I tell her, but she's already moved on to a new conversation with Mary about something they read in Witch Weekly. I pick up my pace so I'm next to Lily.

Something bugs me. How did Remus know he wasn't going to make it on this trip? Why did James and Sirius have to leave early to see him? Surely he wasn't dying, so why the rush? And where was Peter?

"Did you see Remus this morning?" I ask Lily, subtly steering the conversation. "He seemed ill, didn't he?"

Lily looks concerned. "Yeah, he did. Poor guy. He gets sick often."

"But he's alright, isn't he?" I press further.

"Yeah, he'll be fine. Just needs some rest." Lily glances at me. "Why do you ask?"

"Just curious," I mumble.

Lily gives me a questioning look but doesn't say anything more on the subject. Instead, she suggests, "You know, since the boys are busy, we should have a girls' night. What do you say, Marlene?"

Marlene nods, appreciating the idea. "Sounds great. We can catch up on some gossip β€” are you in?" She turns back towards Mary and Dorcas, who likewise agree.

"I've been dying to hear more about Ellie and Sirius." Mary teases me.

I feign innocence by putting a hand to my chest, although the smile on my face gives it away. "I don't know what you are talking about. There's no Sirius and I."

Mary grins, "Whatever you say, sweetheart."

I turn away from her to hide my blush. While we're still lying low about our relationship, we no longer go out of our way to hide it. It feels natural, and I sometimes forget that only a small group knows we are together.

As the evening progresses, we indulge in laughter, snacks, and discussions about everything from crushes to our future plans. It's a refreshing break from the usual routine since we all share a dormitory but rarely make time for staying up late and gossiping. I even tell the story of Sirius coming to see me over the summer and us getting together, earning an 'aww' from Mary and Dorcas, while Lily and Marlene roll their eyes. They have already heard it.

After our girls' night, I lie in bed, staring at the canopy above. I can hear light snoring around the room, but sleep eludes me. My mind wanders back to Remus, although I don't know why. I can't shake the feeling that something is amiss.

The way Remus knew he couldn't make it to Hogsmeade, Snape's comment, the urgency in James and Sirius leaving to check on him, and Peter's absence...

I sigh and get out of bed. Maybe I just need to occupy myself with something. A book, perhaps? I stroll over to Lily's bed and find a book on her bedside table. She's reading Jane Austen at the moment.

A howl in the distance jolts me out of my thoughts, and I look outside. The grounds are lit up by the moon, which is on full display tonight with not a cloud in sight, despite it being a cloudy day earlier.

Wait a minute.

It's a full moon.


Then it hits me. The reason for Remus's frequent illnesses, the secretive disappearances, and the odd behaviour of his friends. The conclusion forms in my mind, and I whisper the word into the darkness of my dormitory.


The realization sends shivers down my spine. Remus Lupin, the quiet and kind Gryffindor, is a werewolf. I remember the stories, the prejudices, and the fear associated with lycanthropy. My thoughts whirl as I consider the implications of this revelation. Remus's secret, the pact between his friends to support him β€” it all takes on new meaning. Obviously, James, Sirius, and Peter know. But, unless their whereabouts were a lie too, why are they with him? Surely, a werewolf would attack a human.

Another thought infiltrates my mind, and I drop the Jane Austen book and head towards Dorcas's desk. Ironically, she takes Magical Creatures, and if my memory serves me right, I remember reading something from her textbook during one of my sleepless nights... I know, I need to buy some books of my own.

I open the book on the right chapter and skim over the content, releasing a breath when my eyes land on the sentence I'm looking for.

'Despite being a danger to humans, werewolves are generally not a threat to animals and other nonhuman creatures.'

The image of Professor McGonagall transfiguring into a cat flashes behind my eyes.

The boys are Animagi.
