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ย  The excitement has totally gotten to her. She didn't watch the time, but through her bewitched window, it became lighter outside. The beams of moonlight, that still poked through the thin curtains, gradually turned into a bright sunshine rays as it stretched on the wooden floorboard. The boredom that came with staring at the blank ceiling, for hours on end. For those hours, Arlo could hear the small ticks on every turn, dial, to seconds.

ย  4:58, read the clock.

She sighed, shutting her eyes again in hopes fall into a small nap. The cold graced on her skin, as shivers ran down her spleen, making herself tuck away further into the large soft fabric.

ย  5:18, displayed the clock the next Arlo glanced over, wondering how it had gone so fast. She shuffled underneath the blanket before closing her eyes again.

When she opened her eyes again, it traveled to the clock, gazing upon its plate. The ticks got louder as it echoed in her ears, it seemed even more hollow now, and her surrounding seemed to get darker.

ย  5:58 am.

Now, Arlo knew for a fact that it would be pointless to even try to sleep now; considering she only has an hour left. In one hour, everyone would wake and panic for her and Jake's departure. A plus, in adding their older sister, Anna's, departure for her last year in Hogwarts.

ย  'I suppose I could sleep on the train?' Arlo thought to herself as she sighed to the ceiling again, 'Then again, I feel like my excitement would wake my adrenaline too much, I wouldn't even bat an eye of drowsiness in the train.'

ย  The soft blanket felt even more trapping, when she'd want to get up, but she managed to find the will to throw herself off the bed, resulting her sprawled on the floor with a loud thud.

ย  She internally groaned, as much as she wants to return to warm embrace of her bed, she knew she had to get ready. So. . .she once again repeated her morning routine; but she wasn't barreling everywhere as she did before her trip to Diagon Alley with her friends.

ย  Once she finished, she resolutely walked to the door. Her hand already pressed on the cold knob, she looked back to her room. It had been the most clean she had ever put an effort on. Everything was tidied up already, with help from Blair and Jake. Her expression faltered. This room will stay like this for a few months, if she decides she wants to come back for Christmas. If not, it will be like this until next year.

ย  The sun hasn't fully risen, her bed was done, her closet was mostly empty and so were her other wardrobes and cabinets. She was still here, yet it was still sad. It's gonna stay quiet and empty. Dusts might speck, if Blair bothers to check her room.

ย  This house used to be so loud and as if a storm lived inside here, at times it actually did. But anyway, she'll have to say 'farewell' for now. She turned back around and pushed down the knob, as she took a step out of her room, the door hinges start to fall back, with the small click of her shut door.

ย  She left the room, yawning quietly. She stretched, as her grunts quivered in between; as she let out a satisfied exhale after.

ย  From a distance, in the corridor, she recognized the small house elf that she has known for so long now. It made her realize that she'll now also have to look out for herself in Hogwarts.

ย  She smiled softly and skipped to Blair. "Good morning, Blair," She greeted.

ย  Blair faced up to her. "Ah, Lady Sigrid, you are up quite early. Due for departure to Hogwarts today?"

ย  Arlo nodded, "Yes. Already quite a year, isn't it?" She sighed lightly, "I bet it will go through quite fast."

ย  Blair nodded, "Lady Anna isn't here, as she stayed over with her friends the night before. Blair overheard she will be heading to the platform in ahead. Lady Anelle, hasn't returned from her mission yet."

ย  "Oh! I see." Arlo processed, "Anything on Jake?"

ย  "Young master is already awake, Blair heard him but Lady Sigrid prepared earlier. While Young Lady Wendy is still deep asleep."

ย  "Alright. Thank you, Blair." She smiled, "At least now, you won't have to worry of much mess, now that I'm off to Hogwarts."

ย  Blair nodded and looked back to his work. "Do be cautious, Lady Sigrid," He quickly warned.

ย  "Hmm?" Arlo arched a brow, "Why?"

ย  "Dangerous is Hogwarts," He whispered in a low grunt, "Blair hears Hogwarts has secrets. Hidden - hidden secrets."

ย  Arlo blinked at him, puzzled, before she smiled confidently, "Don't worry, Blair! I can take care of myself!"

ย  The elf blinked its big, orby eyes at her and shook his head. "Lady Sigrid can't make promises she can't keep," stated the elf. Before Arlo could say anything, Blair apparated out of sight, presumably to another part of the house.

ย  'What is he talking about? I'm going to school, I'm not learning how to be a curse breaker for Merlin's sake,' Arlo thought to herself as she turned to the staircase. She shrugged it from her mind and headed to the kitchen. Her family had a weird thing for hotcakes, and she felt like having something sweet; so hotcakes would be perfect.

ย  The house was still empty and dark then she lit up the lamps in the kitchen, radiating a warm and cozy morningโ€”'Just right for breakfast,' she thought to herself.

ย  Before she could start mixing up the ingredients for the pancakes, she heard descending steps from the stairs. She pivoted her head to its direction, as Jake came out from the corner.

ย  He noticed Arlo and beamed, "Mornin'!"

ย  She smiled back, "Morning. Excited?" She squealed as Jake started nearing her.

ย  "I feel like that is an understatement," He laughed. He noticed the ingredients on the kitchen counter, as Arlo wore an apron.

ย  "You making somethin'?" He asked, raising a brow.

ย  "Oh! Just some pancakes!" Arlo beamed.

ย  Jake chuckled and took another apron, "Need help?"

ย  She shot him a grin. "You really need asking?"

ย  Jake laughed, as he tied the lace of the apron on his back and took the batter to help Arlo.

ย  "We'll need to make extra," He mentioned.

ย  "How come?" She arched a brow.

ย  He looked back to her, "Jungwon's tagging along with us, and you know how Wendy eats when it's hotcakes."

ย  "Jungwon? That's great! How about Sunoo and Dan'?" Arlo tilted her head.

ย  "They'll meet us at the station," He answered. She nodded back at him. "So, stop talking and start battering!" He laughed.

ย  "RIGHT!"


ย  In northwestern of the state lay King's Cross Station, a Muggle railway station that was one of the busiest in the city. It was a perfectly ordinary station, with big plastic numbers over each track and guards who have never heard of Hogwarts School.

ย  "Exciting, isn't it?" Arlo clapped her hands, sitting in the middle of her brother and cousin.

ย  "Definitely. Shocker on how muggle traffic isn't bad," Jungwon pointed out while leaning his head on the window, "I mean, this is Kings Cross Station. There should've been loads of Hogwarts students here, especially when this is a muggle station."

ย  "Don't jinx yourself, 'Won," Jake chuckled, and Jungwon pouted.

ย  "Why couldn't Sunoo come with us?" Wendy whined, as her eyes widened at her mistake, "Of course, Daniel too," she added sheepishly.

ย  Their Mum giggled, "We'll meet them at the station, honeycakes. Don't worry," she assured as Wendy cheered.

ย  Wendy sat at her mom's lap at the front seat of the car, with their father driving, his focus on the road infront, with other cars lined up. Sirens and horns blared outside, through the bustling streets.

ย  "You know, I still don't understand why we don't just apparate as usual," Arlo suddenly said.

ย  "Muggles travel this way, darling," said their Father in fascination, gripping the steering wheel eagerly, "they don't have wands, or use brooms as we do, or Floo powder to apparate like we do!"

ย  "Yes, extraordinary and all," She waved away, "but why though? I don't mind going on any of these rides, Dad, but it is a bit slow and. . ." She eyed outside the windshield "traffic, isn't it?"

ย  The whole ride wasn't as bad as Father kept the children entertained by telling them more all about the Muggle inventions he has discovered during his time at work. One particular item caught Arlo's attention, a bath bomb. It sounded like those splendid practicals you can buy at Zonko's.

ย  "So it would explode once placed on water?!" Her eyes shimmered in amazement.

ย  As their Father assured that it was no such thing near that, "It's completely harmless, it just fizzles and change the color of the water you are bathing in sweetie." The Father jumped a bit at what he remembered, "There are even these things called airplanes. From what I've gathered, they're like brooms but bigger. So, that they could carry more than one passenger at a time."

ย  "But I mean. . .we have portkeys. So I don't see much," Jungwon shrugged.

ย  "But they really are interesting, Father," Jake smiled assuringly.

ย  "Yes - Yes," He sighed, "But I still have trouble on what the function of a rubber duck."

ย  "Perhaps you should find a Muggle friend or someone who grew up in the Muggle world so your Father can interrogate them instead," teased Mum as she turned to them from her seat. "I remember an old friend of your father and I from our time in Hogwarts, he was a wizard but he lived in the Muggle world for most his life. You father was quite fascinated and they became close. But we only ever met when him and his wife were having their honeymoon the same time as us in Burnham."

ย  "Yes! Lee, my boy! He always showed me the most fascinating of Muggle inventions!"

ย  "Are they particularly nice though?" Arlo raised a brow. "Muggles, I mean."

ย  "I don't see why any of them couldn't be," said Jungwon, finally looking away from out the window and towards them, directly at Arlo.

ย  She huffed at him but decided to ignore him. "Do you think any of the boys we met at the Alley are Muggles?"

ย  "I don't know, I didn't ask," Jungwon shrugged as if it was the most obvious thing either of them could've guessed.


ย  Crowds and crowds of people started to file in, busy chatters rang through the lively station, almost muting out the whistles that blow through the trains. The sunshine's ray clothed the place, through the window panels above, shining in spotlight. Jake and Arlo have been through this before; once, they had to watch their older sisters depart, but that was years ago, and surely Jake couldn't remember every detail. But now being in that situation, Jake found entirely different and the world's perspective seemed brighter and quicker, his pulses running fast.

ย  ย  Jake, Arlo, and Jungwon's eyes anchored in every aspect of the place, that they had to be called by Mum to be yanked out of their thoughts, pushing on their trolley through the crowds. Father had to run along with all of them following behind, as Wendy held unto Mum to catch up.

ย  Mum hastily wheeled around towards them. "All right, children! We have only fifteen minutes left. Let's count to see if you've got your bags and equipments all ready. Hurry, now, come on."

ย  The children stopped and had to use great force to pull back their trolleys in their tracks. When they counted and listed everythingโ€”gladly, none was missing, so they started in hurry once more. . .Until, Arlo's trolley suddenly averted from its direction and almost crashed into one of the trains. Jake noticed she had stopped in her tracks, on a reflex, before she could truly cause an accident.

ย  ย  Jungwon, who tailed behind her, braked on his trolley to see what's got her on a commotion.

ย  ย  "Something wrong?" Jake asked concerned.

ย  ย  Arlo stood back up straight from checking her front wheel, she clicked her tongue in irritation. "I got a bad wheel."

ย  ย  "What?!" Jake exclaimed, crouching down to take an inspection with Jungwon.

ย  ย  "I don't understand!" she sighed frustratedly, throwing her fingers through her hair, "The wheel was absolutely fine just earlier! I checked!"

ย  ย  "So, what?" Jungwon sneered, tearing his eyes away from the wheel worriedly, "It just magically screwed off? Why?"

ย  ย  "Jake! Arlo! Jungwon! Hey!" They heard a distant yell.
ย  ย  The three of them all whirled towards the source and saw their two friends, Sunoo and Daniel, running towards them with their trolleys.

ย  ย  Sunoo and Daniel stopped right just by them, and noticed their little worried looks. "What's happened?" Daniel asked.

ย  ย  Jungwon sighed heavily and stood up. "Lo's got a broken wheel."

ย  ย  "Can you fix it?" Sunoo asked concerned.

ย  ย  Jake shook his head and scooted to the side to show the wheel. "It's missing a screw. It must've fallen off."

ย  ย  Arlo started panic even more as she jogged in place. "We only have a few minutes or we'll miss the train!"

ย  ย  The boys' eyes widened as they looked to each other. "Can't you just cast a spell or something?" Sunoo panicked.

ย  ย  "We can't! Don't you remember? We're still underage and therefore, forbidden outside school! And besides, we don't know any spells!" Jungwon said back.

ย  ย  "Maybe we can just take some of them on our trolleys," Daniel suggested.

ย  ย  "That would just take up more of our time! And the trolleys can only carry a specific weight," Jake reasoned.

ย  ย  "Hello, are you all right there?" A boy with black glasses, who looked hardly older than them, rushed in, noticing the group huddled up with downfall expressions. Jake recognised his face from Quality Quidditch Supplies with his group of friends like Mackey and Han, but he hadn't approached them that time.

ย  "Our friend here just got a bad wheel on her trolley," Sunoo answered.

ย  ย  "Hey! What are you doing?" A shout was heard from a distance, Jake thought it sounded very much like a girlโ€”though she didn't near them, as the newcomer looked back. "I thought your friends were waiting!"

ย  ย  Jake followed his stare but all he saw was a girl in brown-plaid robes over her shoulder and a matching ascot cap on her head that Jake couldn't distinguish her face but she noticeably had very dark, ashen, wild hair.

ย  ย  "Their friend has a broken wheel on her trolley," The older boy explained. "Do you think you could perform a spell?"

ย  ย  "Why me?" She frowned, "And I read that underage wizards and witches aren't allowed to perform any sort of magic this visible in public! You're being considerably a bit generous right now!"

ย  ย  "That is if they actually see it, you know. And those dunderheads who wrote that law expected the parents to police their own children! All the Ministry does is be alerted if an underage witch or wizard does so and where in the vicinity, you were just registered, weren't you? Besides, your name won't show," he reasoned, not looking anywhere near budging away.

ย  There was a considerable moment of silence, then a groan, thenโ€”"Rotam Reparo!"

ย  ย  Next thing the group knew, the wheel was screwed in tight. The new boy grinned, before the group could express being gratefulโ€”

ย  ย  "Honestly, Seungmin! Hurry! We've got ten minutes or we'll miss the train!"

ย  ย  "Sorry, cuz'! Just follow me!" The boy exclaimed as he ran away, returning to pushing his trolley on the way as another figure disappeared along with him in the crowd.

ย  ย  "C'mon!" Jungwon yelled as he, Jake, Arlo, Sunoo, and Daniel all hurried to their trolleys and started pushing as hard, their small muscles feeling strained and forcing on their stamina.

ย  ย  "Where's Mother and Father?!" Arlo panicked, again.

ย  ย  "We must've lost them as they went ahead," Jake breathed.

ย  ย  They all continued their marathon through the station. They searched a particular number on each sign, but couldn't seem to find it. Jake felt his mouth go dry as time was running short until the train would leave and they were attracting a lot of funny looks from the Muggles. They all looked to their tickets then looked at the other's then exchanged perplexed looks at each other.

ย  ย  "This must be wrong. The train ticket says platform nine and three-quarters. There's no such thing!" Arlo exclaimed.

ย  ย  "Didn't any of you ask your parents?" Jungwon goggled.

ย  ย  "Sunoo and I assumed you guys would've," Daniel muttered awkwardly.

ย  ย  "Hey!" said Jungwon, running up to a girl no older than they were with a trolley of three cats and two owls, catching her shoulder. She whirled around, her black hair accidentally lashed Jungwon's face, and she stared at him with a startled look with cat-like features. "Do you know where the Hogwarts train is?" Jungwon asked, holding his face.

ย  ย  The girl jolted in alarm before she sharply shushing him and scurrying away with her pets.

ย  ย  "Oh, thanks for the help!" Jungwon yelled after her, still holding his cheek where her hair slapped him.

ย  ย  She shot him a look over her shoulder before she disappeared into the bustling people. Lo and Sunoo exploded into sniggers when Jungwon returned with a frown on his face.

ย  ย  "You can't just ask people aloud like that," Daniel sighed, shaking his head while Jake was grinning in amusement.

ย  ย  "Let's ask for directions," Sunoo suggested as he pushed his trolley towards a passing guard and stopped him, who had just pointed out directions to a woman and her child. "Excuse me sir, but can you please tell my friends and I, where we can find Platform nine and three-quarters?"

ย  ย  The guard gave threw him a very bitter incredulous look. "There's no such! What rubbish are you playing at, boy?" He sneered, as he walked away.

ย  ย  The group neared Sunoo. Daniel scoffed, "How rude."

ย  ย  Sunoo shrugged, playing with the guard's ID clip. Jungwon expressed his exasperation and told Sunoo to give it back but the latter rebutted casually that he'd leave it atop a post so the rude guard can find it later.

ย  ย  Jake was trying hard not to panic, according to the clock, they had six minutes left.

ย  ย  Arlo sighed defeatedly, "At this point, we'll miss the train."

ย  ย  "Excuse me," said a voice. They all turned to another boy with deep brown hair, wide quirky grin, and a nice big dark eyes, "I couldn't help but overhear" - Jake noticed the small glance he gave their owls - "You five having trouble finding Platform nine and three-quarters?" They all nodded slowly. "Oh! Well, I know where it is. You can just follow me," he offered as he started walking and pushing his trolley.

ย  ย  The five exchanged glances, as the boy looked back at them and smiled, "Well, c'mon! The express isn't gonna just magically pop up!"

ย  ย  The five quickly followed, with the new friendly boy leading at the front. When he stopped in his tracks, so did Jake and the rest trailing behind. Their eyes widened when they saw a group of chattering friends, rush and ram for the divide bricked column between Platform 9 and 10โ€”then they vanished.

ย  ย  It was suddenly coming back to Jake in snippets.

ย  ย  "H-How did they do that?" Jungwon asked, with eyes wide and mouth agape though Sunoo looked like he had just seen a fat troll fly.

ย  ย  "It's easy! You just start running, right on that barrier," The boy explained and pointed to the bricked column, "Didn't your parents tell you guys how to do it?" He raised a brow at Jake.

ย ย  ย  "Ermโ€”no," He replied awkwardly, "we were supposed to follow my parents but we lost them since my sister got a bad wheel on her trolley." He nodded to Arlo.

ย  ย  "Oh, well," said the boy, "just remember when you're gonna enter the column, don't take second thoughts though, you'll scare yourself." He then grinned brightly at Arlo. "Why don't you go first?"

ย  ย  Arlo's eyes already owlish eyes bulged completely. She nodded nervously then slowly marched right a few meters infront of the barrier, muttering: "I must be mental - I must be mental - I must be mental - I must be mental."

ย  ย  "You're not!" The boy laughed, assuring her with a wave. "Best do it on the run if you're nervous, you know?"

ย  ย  The wall looked very solid to Jake though.

ย  ย  Arlo took a deep breath, and let it out slowlyโ€”then she charged for the barrier. Jake, Jungwon, and Daniel all either cringed, shut their eyes, or looked away while waiting for a crashโ€”Sunoo was goggling excitedly to see if Arlo would crash and fall.

ย  ย  When there was silence but chatters of strangers instead of a trolley falling with luggage flying, they all looked back to see that Arlo had disappeared as well.

ย  ย  "Oh, Merlin's beard," exhaled Sunoo, "she went through."

ย  ย  Jake and Jungwon gawked at it then at each other.

ย  "Jake!" said Daniel, "Why don't you go next? So that Arlo doesn't get lost. Don't worry, we'll catch up."

ย  ย  Jake didn't say anything, his mouth going dry, so all he did was nod at his friend and moved his trolley directly infront of the barrier; his friends and the new boy retracting their own while making space for him. . .Then he started to walk towards it. People jostled him on their way to platforms nine and tenโ€”Jake walked more quickly โ€“ leaning forward on his trolley he broke into a heavy run โ€“ the barrier was coming nearer and nearer โ€“ he wouldn't be able to stop โ€“ the trolley was out of control โ€“ he was a foot away โ€“ he closed his eyes ready for the smashโ€”It didn't come. . .instead, he kept on runningโ€”then he opened his eyes. He had done it.

ย  ย  "Jake!" Arlo squealed, beckoning him forward excitedly.

ย  ย  He neared her while marveling at the sightโ€”A scarlet steam engine was waiting next to a platform packed with people. A sign overhead said Hogwarts Express, 11 o'clock. Jake looked behind him and saw a wrought-iron archway where the ticket box had been, with the words Platform Nine and Three-Quarters on it. The crowd was wizarding children, bearing enormous trunks and caged owls and other unusual pets, making their way toward โ€” and then through โ€” the solid bricked barrier between platforms nine and ten.

ย  ย  "Thisโ€”!" Daniel gasped while he had suddenly appeared right after Jake, a glowing smile crawled itself unto his face, "โ€”Is Nine and Three-Quarters?!"

ย  ย  Jungwon and Sunoo came charging in right after, eyes gleaming and laughing in amazement.

ย  ย  "Children! There you are! For heaven's sake, you almost gave me a heart attack!" It was their Mum, still holding Wendy by the hand, "Well, don't just stand there! We're short on time. Come on!"

ย  ย  They all shared stares before hurrying after. Wendy, still gripping unto Mum's hand, her face lit up red when she caught sight of Sunoo, who smiled warmly at her.

ย  ย  Arlo looked back a bit, as she looked to Jake. "Hey, where's your new friend?" She whispered.

ย  ย  He gave her a brief stare. "He helped you too." Then he too looked back. "And. . .I thought he was following us."

ย  ย  She sighed irritatingly, "You're kidding me, right? How're we suppose to thank him now then? Blimey, a lot of people have been helping us, and we can't even bloody thank them properly."

ย  ย  Over the scarlet steam train's billowing smoke, there was the Hogwarts Express sign announcing for the departure at eleven o'clock. Jake couldn't help but take a whiff that the platform also had a distinct smell โ€” one which lifted the spirits of young wizards who would look forward each summer to the start of term.
ย  ย  Steam from the scarlet engine flooded the platform as cats wound their way around the wizards' legs and owls hooted to each other, as hoardes of students and parents moved around through the steam like wallowing ghosts, their voices carrying through the mistโ€”

ย  ย  "Rovert? 'Bin, I can't find Rovert!"

ย  ย  "Your toad?"

ย  ย  "Yeah!"

ย  "I'll help you find him."

ย  ย  So many voices, battling against one another through commotion. . .

ย  "Are you sure you wouldn't want to sit with my friends and I? The compartments are normally spacious, so it wouldn't be a bother!"

ย  "I would be the only first year there with you guys. And, surely, it's more awkward if you were seen with me, an only Muggle."

ย  ย  "Then where will you sit?"

ย  "We'd like you to sit with us. Finding a compartment is quite hard as a First Year."

ย  "I think I'll manage. Thanks for the offer. I'll see you, Seungmin!"

ย  ย  "Why won't she join us? I was sort of excited. . ."

ย  ย  A whistle sounded.

ย  ย  "All right! All your bags and cases are complete and checked, right," Their Mum said, through an anxious breath but her eyes were gleaming with tears, "Oh! You all are growing up so fast! Now hurry up!" And all five of them clambered on to the train.

ย  ย  "Now, you all be careful, look after each other," said their Dad, "you boys better tale care of Arlo. And Arlo-" He regarded her sternly "-don't get into too much trouble. We already saw Anna sneaking some fireworks into the train." He sighed almost tiredly.

ย  ย  Arlo visibly cringed. "But I don't need all of them to take care of me. I can take care of them as much as they can."

ย  ย  Jake and Arlo leant out of the window for their Mum to kiss them goodbye, then Arlo smacked Jungwon at the back of his head for him to get thrown forward and get kissed too (Sunoo and Daniel chortled) and Wendy began to cry.

ย  ย  "Don't cry, Wendy!" exclaimed Daniel, "We'll send you loads of owls."

ย  ย  "I'll even send you some food from the Great Hall Anna keeps talking about!" Jake said.

ย  ย  "Anna already promised she'd send me a Hogwarts potions desk," said Wendy.

ย  ย  "I'd very much rather a Hogwarts toilet seat over that," Arlo remarked with a cringed expression.

ย  ย  Jake nudged her.

ย  ย  The train began to move. Finally, at 11:00, the hiss of the pistons filled the platform as the train began to move, creaking out of the station as family members stood on the platform and waved their children off to school. Jake's parents waved and Wendy, was both laughing and crying as she tore away from their parents and ran to keep up with the train while she waved and cried out their names before the train gained too much speed and she fell back and Jake lost sight of her as the train rounded the corner. Buildings and houses flashed past the windowโ€”Jake felt his heart stutter in excitement. They started moving through the train and searched for a free compartment.

ย  ย  "Crikey. . ." Sunoo sighed, "It hasn't even been five minutes and all compartments are full."

ย  ย  "I'm sure we'll find one," Arlo said, looking inside each compartment. She took out a small smile when she finally caught on a compartment with only three boys inside, a compartment can at least almost fill ten passengers. She knocked gently on the plained glass, catching the three passengers' attention. She gently drew the door open. "Hi! I'm sorry, but do you think we could share? All the others are full."

ย  ย  One of the boys perked at his seat. "Oh! Uh. . .suโ€”" But the one next to him nudged him sharply.

ย  ย  "No, Jay, don't," he hissed, and looked back to Arlo with a sour and smug look.

ย  ย  "Don't hit me so hard, Ni-Ki," said Jay in a hushed tone with a wince, rubbing his rib.

ย  ย  Ni-Ki ignored Jay and scowled at the third boy across from them. "Yeonjun, go give an impression or something. Just rid them."

ย  ย  The third boy stood up and gave a brief sarcastic smile, while blocking Arlo with both hands on both sides of the frame. "Well, this one isn't available anymore," he said before sliding back the door shut.

ย  ย  Arlo blinked then scoffed in disbelief, "How outrageous! Who do they think theyโ€”" Before she could barge back in Jake, Jungwon, Sunoo, and Daniel pushed her forward.

ย  ย  "Let's just look for another compartment!" Sunoo grunted, while struggling with the others at Arlo's attempts to still throw a fit.

ย  ย  After passing five more compartments, they were able to find one empty at the end of the corridor. Jake sighed in relief, "Yep! This will do."

ย  ย  "What do you mean 'it will do'? It's a normal compartment like the others," said Jungwon as rolled his eyes and pushed his way in, as Jake pouted.

ย  ย  The five all dropped themselves to the cushions, as sighs and exhales of relief all exited their mouth. "On our way to Hogwarts now, aye? Time does fly pretty quickly," Sunoo grinned.

ย  ย  Jake stayed by the window, with Arlo in the middle of him and Jungwon while Daniel sat infront of him next to Sunoo.

ย  ย  A small knock emanated from the compartment's slider. All their heads turned to the source and saw a boy slide it open with a bashful smile. "Hello. Do you think I can sit over here? All the others' are full."

ย  ย  "Oh, sure!" Sunoo answered before anyone did. The boy smiled as he stepped in, while Sunoo scooted to give him space. The boy sat down and got himself comfortable.

ย  ย  Arlo stared at him for a moment until she jumped and pointed at him in recognition. "You're the boy who helped us earlier! You know, to find the platform!" - Jungwon slapped her hand down - "Thanks a lot for that by the way!"

ย  ย  "Oh, right! Thanks for that!" Jake said, he smiled warmly, as the other three copied the gesture.

ย  ย  "Oh! I remember you five! Glad I could help!" He returned the smile, "I'm Mark by the way. Mark Lee!"

ย  ย  Arlo looked very overjoyed than Jake thought she should be. "My name's Sigrid! My family and these doofuses call me Arlo!"

ย  ย  Mark chuckled at her behavior.

ย  ย  "Hey, we exist too you know," Jungwon sighed and looked back to Mark, "I'm Jungwon and this is Jake, Lo's brother. And Sunoo and Daniel, they're brothers," He introduced, gesturing to each of the boys at their mentioned names.

ย  ย  "Jungwon is Jake and I's cousin," Arlo chirped and Mark nodded.

ย  ย  Jake silently glanced at the passing green fields, small hills, and tiny houses with cows and herds of sheep speeding from time to time outside the window as the train traveled through the tracks.

ย  ย  Just then, a clatter of a small vehicle from the corridor sounded aboutโ€”as a trolley filled with sweets and treats came into view, with an old lady pushing the cart. Her warm smile wrinkled her face as she asked: "Anything from the trolley dears?"

ย  ย  The five friends gave each other glances.

ย  ย  Jungwon silently smacked Sunoo's hand away from the trays of pumpkin pasties at the lower shelf on the trolley.

ย  ย  Lo sighed sadly and answered for them, "Uhm. . .thanks, but I think we're good."

ย  ย  Mark looked at all of them and huffed as he shuffled through his pocket and pulled out golden galleon coins, holding it out to the trolley lady. "We'll take the lot," He smiled, as the five gaped at him gratefully. He grinned back at them bashfully, "I wasn't able to take breakfast on the way to the station."

ย  ย  Mark had bought almost of everything off the trolley and now their laps sank in Chocolate Frogs, Bertie Bott's Every-Flavour Beans, Pumpkin Pasties, Cauldron Cakes, Drooble's Best Blowing Gum, Liquorice Wands and a number of other sweets that Jake didn't have the luxury of eating nor buying with his Mum.
ย  ย  Jake thought it was a very nice feeling, sitting there with his friends, stuffing their faces way through all the pasties and cakes Mark had bought.

ย  ย  The countryside now flying past the window was becoming wilder. The neat fields had gone. Now there were woods, twisting rivers and dark green hills.

ย  ย  Arlo was about to plop an Acid Pop in her mouth to give it a try but Mark bluntly warned her, "I'd avoid those if I were you. Took one when I was five, burnt a hole right through my tongue."

ย  ย  Her eyes widened with her mouth still open for the treat, as she let it down slowly, away from her mouth. "Yeah. . .maybe chocolates are just for me." But she rummaged and ended up picking cockroach clusters in confusion.

"Well, honeydukes chocolate are still the best for me," Jake said, plopping a piece of pepper imps in his mouth.

"Bertie's Flavored Beans again? Seriously, don't you ever get tired or get a bad one? My first try, and I got liver flavour!" Daniel exclaimed while looking at Sunoo in disbelief who opened a bag of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans.

Sunoo just glanced at him. "What? It's so good!" He said in between chews of a marmalade flavor bean.

"I bet he's had them memorised by colors and just leaves me the bad ones after he's got them all," grumbled Daniel to Jake.

ย  Mark's brows knitted at Sunoo and the seven packs of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans on his lap. "I was pretty sure I only bought two," he chuckled nervously.

ย  Sunoo's eyes lit up nonchalantly up at Mark. "Oh," he giggled with a mix of innocence and deviousness.

ย  Daniel whacked his hand on the back of Sunoo's head at the realization.

"Oh, I never quite tried these before," said Jungwon, holding up a pack of Chocolate Frogs.

Mark goggled at him. "Why not? All I'm missing is druidess Cliodna."


"You know, the cards inside them," said Mark but when Jungwon blinked at him silently - he continued, "you know, to collect โ€“ Famous Witches and Wizards. I've got about five hundred, but I haven't got Ptolemy or Cliodna."

Jungwon unwrapped his Chocolate Frogโ€”

"Be careful when you opโ€”Wait! No!" cried Mark hastily, but before he could finish, Jungwon lifted the lidโ€”a chocolate, shaped like a frog, hopped from the box and over everyone and the stacked sweets to out of the opening space at the window, flew and out of sight as it carried by the wind.

All of them stared at the spot in silence for a momentโ€”but Arlo broke it first and shrugged. "Poor thing. Will probably melt in a few seconds," She said.

Mark sighed, "They only have one good jump in them." Then he shrugged too. "Well, at least you still have your free collectable cards."

Jungwon picked up the card. It showed a man's face. He wore half-moon glasses, had a long crooked nose and flowing silver hair, beard and moustache. Underneath the picture was the name Albus Dumbledore.

"I got Dumbledore!" Jungwon exclaimed, holding it up.

Mark grinned at him, "Got 'bout eleven of him, at least. Can I have a frog? I might get Cliodna โ€“ thanksโ€”"

Jungwon turned over his card and gave a very considerable and impressed nod at the card that Jake couldn't help but snort and ask hik for the card. When it was handed to Jake, he turned it around and it read:

Albus Dumbledore, currently Headmaster of Hogwarts. Considered by many the greatest wizard of modern times, Professor Dumbledore is particularly famous for his defeat of the dark wizard Grindelwald in 1945, for the discovery of the twelve uses of dragon's blood and his work on alchemy with his partner, Nicolas Flamel. Professor Dumbledore enjoys chamber music and tenpin bowling.

"Huh," chortled Jake, "interesting, I guess." He gave it back to Jungwon.

"You guess?" His cousin scoffed and rolled his eyes, checking the words of the card again before he turned back the cardโ€”

"He's gone!" Arlo gasped in astonishment, leaning over Jungwon's arm to take a peek.

"Well, of course! You can't expect him to wait and sit around, do you?" Mark tilted his head at her and she nods in acknowledgment.

ย  He pulled out a card from his box. "No! I've got Aggripa again and I've got about six of her. . ." He then looked at Jungwon. "Do you want it? You can start collecting."

Jungwon nodded and the two started showing and sharing cards as their attention strayed to the pile of Chocolate Frogs waiting to be unwrappedโ€”then they rattled their way through them.

"You know," started Jake, eyeing the Morgana card he picked from Jungwon's side earlier, "in the Muggle world, Dad says people just stay put in photos."

"Do they?" exhaled Mark amazed at him as Jungwon continued with the boxes, "What, they don't move at all? Weird!"

ย  ย  While Arlo and Sunoo ate the Chocolate Frogs for both Mark and Jungwon, who looked very overjoyed with conversing about the cards now and were now not just talking about Dumbledore but but Hengist of Woodcroft, Alberic Grunnion, Circe, Paracelsus and Merlin.

ย  ย  The Bertie's Flavored Beans box shook, as a small rat came outโ€”Sunoo jumped from his spot to over Daniel's head, with a high screech, since it was next to him.

ย  ย  Mark gave a light laugh, "Oh! Don't worry he's completely harmless. His name's Moonpie, by the way." He then looked down at the rodent almost in pity. "Pathetic, isn't he?"

ย  ย  Sunoo swallowed, slowly coming down from Daniel, "Just a little bit." He paused as if trying to stop himself from saying something but he surrendered. "How could you carry such a thing?! I would never let one near me! It could give you swollen lymph nodes, irritation to wounds, infection, rashes!"

ย  ย  "Ignore him," Daniel grunted then winced when he managed to shove Sunoo back onto his spot, "His skin is a sensitive topic to touch. Not because he's sensitiveโ€”but because we all are when he takes two hours to even talk about the occasional dry skin on his lip."

ย  ย  Mark chortled. "Okay," he snickered.

ย  ย  Sunoo gawked, "Not okay!"

"Why Moonpie?" Jake asked instead.

ย  ย  Mark shrugged, "For some odd reason, he likes eating moonpies. He's been passed on from my family, my brother kept him for a long time. Probably around 10 years."

Arlo perked up and jumped to the edge of her seat while beaming at Mark. "I got a spell that can turn him yellow. Got it from my big sis, Anna, a week ago. Wanna see?"

Everyone, especially Mark, nodded excitedly โ€” except for Jake, who didn't know about this spell but knowing his sisters well, it wasn't good at all.

Arlo grinned and pulled out her wand. She cleared her throat and twirled the wand's point in the air, about to cast her spellโ€”Just then, a girl with frizzy dark hair, slid the door open. Her obsidian eyes, scouring the small space, were very dark that made the whites glow brightly. She was already wearing her new Hogwarts robes. She inspected the compartment, then sighed in disappointment.

"Have any of you seen a toad? A boy named Kai has lost one," she said. Jake thought she had a bossy sort of voice.

Everyone looked to her, startled.

Sunoo squinted his eyes at her. "Aren't you that girl that fixed Arlo's broken wheel earlier?"

"Oh, so, you're that group earlier," she said. "I advise you to always take up the trolleys in the back next time. The fronts always end up being a bad one," she stated in a 'matter-of-fact' tone.

"Yeah, thanks," said Daniel almost remotely and awkward, but the girl wasn't listening to him anymore, she was eyeing Arlo and the wand in her hand.

"Oh, are you doing magic? Let's see it, then," she said, looking to be impressed. She sat down next to Mark.

Arlo looked taken aback, blinked, giving a nervous chuckle, "Oh. . .sure! Alright." She focused back on the rat, cleared her throat, then rounded the tip of her wand in the air. "Sunshine daisies, butter mellowโ€”" She flicked the wand down to the Mark's rodent "โ€”turn this stupid fat rat yellow!"

Nothing happened. Moonpie was still gray and pretty much still looked pathetic. Everyone had confused expressions on their faces

"Are you sure that's a real spell?" said the girl, looking at Arlo. "Well, it's not very good, is it? 'Course, I've tried a few simple ones myself, just for practice, but they've all worked for me." She suddenly flourished her wand from the pocket of her robes and pointed it at Jake. They all gawked at her, stunned. "Example โ€” Orchideous." Suddenly, a fresh bouquet of flowers bloomed from the tip of her wand and at Jake's face. "I've read flowers set good first impressionsโ€”Here! Take it!" She grinned brilliantly smug. Quite awkwardly - Jake took them and stared in amazement at it. Arlo looked a bit annoyed. "Nobody in my family's magic at all, it was ever such a surprise when I got my letter, but I was ever so pleased, of course. I mean, it's the very best school of witchcraft there is, I've heard. I've learned all our course books by heart, of course, I just hope it will be enough. And who are you?" She said all this very fast.

The six all exchanged shocked looks, and was relieved to see their stunned faces that all of them haven't learned all the course books by heart either.

"I'm Kim Daniel, nice to meet you," said Daniel.

"Kim Sunoo, his brother."

"Well, I'm Mark Lee."

"Jungwon. Yang Jungwon."

"I'm Jake. Jake Sim," Jake smiled.

Arlo grumbled, "Well, I'mโ€”"

"Mother of Cheesecakes! Are you all really?" gasped the frizzy-haired girl. "I know all about you, of course โ€“ I got a few extra books, for background reading, and you're in Modern Magical History and The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts and Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century."

"Am I?" said all boys, feeling dazed. Then they ogled at each other, then looked confused on who she was talking about.

"Goodness, didn't you know, I'd have found out everything I could if it was me." Then she finally noticed Arlo. "Oh, and you are?"

Jake could tell Arlo tried to hide her urge to roll her eyes and throw a sour look, but she forced a smile. "Sim Sigrid, Jake's sister."

"Pleasure," she said offhandedly. "Strange, I've never heard of you." Then she looked back to the others. "Do either of you know what house you'll be in? I've been asking around and I think I might like Gryffindor โ€” I heard Dumbledore himself was in it, but I suppose Ravenclaw wouldn't be too bad. . ."

Just then, a boy slid the compartment door open, wearing his Hogwarts robes too. He briefly scoured their faces but his eyes widened at the girl next to Mark. "There you are! Have you found Rovert?" he asked.

Jake guessed this was the toadless boy, Kai.

Arlo's eyes rounded when she recognized the boy, jumping to her feet, and pointed at him, surprising all of them. "You're that boy in Gringotts bank two days ago!"

His expression mirrored her's and gave a small grin. "Oh right! I remember you." Arlo smiled brightly at his response, then he quickly looked back to the nosy girl with frizzy hair. His black-bit-puffy hair, made him a millimeter taller, but they were hardly taller than each other.

"Soobin was helping me find him, along with youโ€”but his rabbit seemed to have ran away somewhere in the train, so we have to look for him as well," he inhaled worriedly.

The girl sighed, as she stepped out of the cargo, with Kai stepping back to give her way. She pivoted her head back to the group. "You six had better change, I expect we'll be arriving soon." Then she looked back to Arlo. "You've got dirt on your nose, did you know?" She pointed to a part at the bridge of her nose. "It's right there." And she left, taking Kai with her.

"Whatever house I'm in, I hope she's not in it," said Arlo, while wiping the spot of her nose with a sour look.

Jake, Jungwon, Sunoo, Daniel, and Mark laughed at her.

And just to the nosy girl's prediction, a voice announced through the train that they'd be reaching Hogwarts within a few minutesโ€”Jake peered out of the window once more. It was getting dark, the sky was a deep purple. He could only see shapes of mountains and more tress until it turned to forests. The train did seem to be slowing down.

Jake felt his nerves lurch in his stomach and his chest pound.

Arlo was the first to get to her feet. She reached for her case and pulled out her black robes and said she'll be back in a few minutes to change.

Once she left, Jake and the rest all took of their jackets and pulled on their Hogwarts robes and uniformโ€”it was very exciting.

When Arlo finally returned in her uniform, the train did slow, the tracks squealing, until it stopped completely. Everyone started jamming against each other in the corridor and out to a small platform where Jake saw loads of students, in different ages, chattering or checking on their luggage.

Jake shivered under his robes from the chill of the night. It was dark out, but the moon shimmered on the pathway, the lights and lampposts shaded little sight.

"It's quite cold," said Mark, shuddering next to Jake while the rest agreed.

"I can't feel my bum," whined Arlo, rubbing her lower back. "I knew the travel might be long โ€” but I didn't realise it'd be this long. Mum's probably preparing supper already."

"Well, you're not gonna be home to eat it this time," Jungwon snarked to her.

"Guess Wendy can coddle all the food to her," chuckled Daniel. "But your sisters always talked about the food at Hogwarts, didn't they?"

Arlo just shrugged back at him.

"Are we supposed to follow them?" Sunoo said, pointing to the Hogwarts students walking away down another path, still busy chatting with each other โ€” but they looked to be older than them.

"I don't think so," breathed Mark. "I think First-Years get to Hogwarts a different way?"

Jake and Arlo both shrugged back at him this time.

"Wait! Look, over there!" said Daniel, pointing ahead.

A warm, big lamp hobbled over towards the First-Years. "Firs' Years! Firs' Years - over here!"

"Hagrid!" said a voice.

Jake caught Kai squishing past other First Years and grinning up at Hagrid brightly, another boy followed next to him.

Hagrid's big, bearded face beamed down at Kai from over the heads. "Kai! Soobin!" He gave a deep but loud laugh. "All right! C'mon, follow me โ€” any more firs' years? Mind yer step, now! Firs' years follow me!"

A great anticipated silence washed over them as slipped and stumbled to follow Hagrid down a narrow path.

"Yeh'll get yer firs' sight o' Hogwarts in a sec," Hagrid called over his shoulder, "Jus' round this bend here."

There was a chorus of gathered whispers and excited murmurs with a loud "Ooooooh!"

The narrow path had opened suddenly onto the edge of a great black lake. Perched atop a high mountain on the other side, its windows sparkling in the starry sky, was a vast castle with many turrets and towers.

"No more 'n thre' to a boat!" Hagrid called, pointing to a fleet of little boats sitting in the water by the shore.

Jake and Arlo were followed into their boat by Mark while Sunoo and Daniel had Jungwon along with them.

"Everyone in?" shouted Hagrid, who had a boat to himself, "Right then โ€” FORWARD!"

And the fleet of little boats glided across off all at once. Everyone was silent, staring up at the great castle overhead. It towered over them as they sailed nearer and nearer to the cliff on which it stoodโ€”

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
