βœ„ happiness

It had been a few weeks after the gender reveal party, me and Jack had decided to go baby shopping since we now knew the gender.
Jack starts picking up random things and he is either putting them on or he's just chucking random things in the basket.

"Jack stop pissing about!" I said firmly trying not to be too loud whilst looking at the cots.

"What cot do you think we should buy?"

Jack answers
"One the baby can sleep in."

"You think you're funny? I'd rather of done this on my own."

"Why are you stressing for El? Everything is going to be just fine. I promise."

"Okay." I said putting my head on his chest whilst he's giving me a hug with one hand occupied with some baby clothes he was holding.

After we finished shopping for the baby, we decided to go straight back home since I couldn't feel my legs. I was so tired.

As soon as we got home, I went straight upstairs leaving everything in the car and just fell asleep.Β  All that walking shattered me.

It was now around 9pm, I had just woken up from the nap I took and I just looked over to the side of me and I saw Jack was asleep ever so early for him.

I had this sudden burst of energy.
I decided I was going to get out all the things we brought today from the car. I got up out of bed and saw there was piles and piles of the items we brought today already here... that means Jack brought them in. How sweet of him.

I'm pretty sure I was going through my nesting phase, because I had the sudden urge to organise and clean everything. I took some of the items in multiple trips to the nursery and started organising all the clothes in the dressers, and all the other accessories.

I kept having sharp pains in my stomach, I think that they were just Braxton hicks which are false contractions, but I didn't know the difference between the two.
So I decided to take a break and sit down on the baby rocking chair.

30 minutes went by and theses 'contractions' weren't going, they weren't getting better too. The pain just kept getting worse and worse...

Before I let the pain get any worse that it already was I decided to pack my hospital bag since I could probably pop any day now at this rate.

So I sat down on my bedroom floor and started packing my bag...
But the pain was just unbearable. So I got up and went to wake up Jack.

"Jack. Jack. Jack." I whispered nudging Him ever so slightly.


"I think we need to go to the hospital. I'm having major contractions."

"Oh yes!" Jack jumps out of bed and puts his sliders on that he had lying there pre set up.Β  Why does he have so much energy?

I decided to leave my hospital bag here incase it was nothing and incase it wasn't time for me to give birth. Worse comes to worse Jack would have to drive to come get it.

"El I think we should take your bag just incase. I'll leave it in the back of my car."

"Yeah okay."

Never mind then, we decided to take the bag in the end.

On the way to the hospital Jack kept trying to calm me down because i couldn't control my breathing and because I was in a lot of pain.

We finally arrived at the hospital and we walked in and Jack checked us in and they took us in immediately.

We got into our room and the doctor checked my condition, and told me that I had gone into labour and that the contractions I was having were only the start.

"Wha- what?! I could barely handle them contractions and you're telling me they're going to get worse." I panicked.

"Everything will be okay El." Jack kissed my forehead.

I nodded.

I got changed into the gown that the hospital provides and I got back into the bed.

6 hours went by, and the pain was so unbearable...

The doctor came in and announced
"Right Elise, you're ready to push." The doctor came in.

Jack immediately shot up from his half asleep nap and stood up next to my bed.

An hour goes by and nothing was happening. I was way too tired to be doing anything.

"Jack I can't. I'm sorry." I said with sweat all over me.

"El I don't care. You're doing this." Jack said firmly, I looked at him a bit shocked.

I got ready to start pushing, I had my full grip on Jacks hand, he looked like he was in more pain than I was.
Few more minutes went by.
I heard the noise of a baby crying

"Omg el you done it! Im so proud of you." Jack said resting his forehead on mine.

I looked up and see the baby being carried over to me and being placed on my chest.

"Jack we don't even have a name." I giggled whilst crying...

"We will think of something. I'm so happy right now. I love you."

"I love you too."
