


I slowly opened my eyes, don't even know why. The universe clearly just wanted me to open them. I stretched my body by literally spreading myself across the whole bed and clenched my butt. Weird but feels amazing.

It took me a few seconds to realise that the other side of the bed was cold which made me turn my head to see that Matteo wasn't in bed. I look on the nightstand and read the time on the clock that reads 8:12am. Ew why did I get woken up at this time why not like 5pm instead so I can sleep more. But no.

I groan and slide myself off of the bed and land on the floor on my stomach and my face buried into the carpet. "Hey tin- what in the fuck are you doing?"

I turn my head and notice Sam standing at the doorway face scrunched up in confusion. I huff and put my face back into the carpet. "Too early." I'm not sure he would understand what I said considering it was muffled from my mouth being covered by carpet.

"Uh..okay then?- well let's go get breakfast" he replied concern laced in his tone. I don't blame him if I'm being honest, I still have my face buried in the carpet and I'm just lying down not moving. You might mistake me for being dead. I'm alive but I'm dead.

I groan from how tired I am and roll myself over so I'm facing up towards the ceiling. "Can't you just carry me Sammy I broke my toes and legs so I can't walk." I see him shake his head and then hear his footsteps come closer towards me. Suddenly his face comes into clearer vision from where he's standing over me with a slight grin on his face.

"Come on lazy bones" he says before scooping me up and placing my feet on the floor. Instead of me just standing like a normal person, I instantly just flop and fall into Sammy's arms not caring if he caught me or not. He obviously did though. "My god you really are lazy aren't you" he chuckles softly.

"Hop on then" he says before turning around so his back is facing me and he squats down a bit.

"Piggy back?" I question him.

"Yes, now hurry and jump on, I'm hungry everyone's waiting for you downstairs so we can eat."

Waiting for me? Why didn't they just eat. I would of anyway. I quickly jump onto his back and wrap my legs around the front of his waist and leave my arms dangling over his shoulders. "Take me peasant" I mumble making him turn his head around to face me and I notice he has a small smile on his face.

"You really are something Aria" he mumbles.


We reach the bottom of the stairs and Sammy makes a few turns and then opens some doors and...

...everyone's staring at me. On Sammy's back.

I shyly wave a bit embarrassed of how I'm on Sammy's back like what a child does to their parents or something. I really regret going on his back now.

Sammy just ignores everyone's stares and walks further in the dining room and gently places me in a chair. I smile a full teethed smile showing my appreciation of how he just carried me with no complaints even though I was probably heavy. "Was I heavy?" I blurt at him making him turn his head back around to me.

"Of course not you idiot, if you jumped on my back at anytime I probably wouldn't even notice you jumped on me. It would feel like when a fly crashes into you, you don't even feel it. That's how light you a-"

"Okay I get it thank you Sammy. You just did a whole essay on explaining how light I am. Thank you very much I appreciate it" I cut him off with a slight pout. He's probably just saying that. I'm probably so heavy but he didn't wanna say anything so he's trying to be nice and say how light I a-

"What are you thinking about now miss moody pants" a voice from beside me says. I turn my head around and notice I'm sat right next to Matteo.

"I-oh uh..hey?" I say awkwardly not realising he was there. "W-where did you go this morning?" I blurt out before I could even realise what I said. Wait I didn't mean to say that!

"I-um I mean..." I scratch my head embarrassed, my cheeks turning red.

The corners of his lips twitch up into a small smirk. "Why did you miss me princess?"

"Woah, that's my nickname for her you nickname stealer!" Micheal says making me turn to see his face and I see him glaring at Matteo.

"Shut the fuck up Micheal" Matteo rolls his eyes.

"Anyways where is my food I'm hungry!" Micheal says leaning back into his chair patting his belly.

-chapter complete-

Another chapter! :0 how cool am I...
Even though it's a really bad chapter I still updated so your welcome πŸ™

I haven't gone through this chapter so sorry if there are mistakes lolz.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter make sure to vote and tell friends about my books :)

I love you <3

What's going to happen next?
Read on and find out!!
-(Hint: some drama)-
