11 | A Mess

" Kim Jinhwan " Jin said without even taking a seat first.

" Kim Jinhwan? What's with him? " Asked Yoongi tapping his foot waiting for answers.

Jimin finally understand everything after a while, " OH MY GOD! WHAT THE FUCK? "

" Hey can you guys just tell us what happened already! " Namjoon said impatiently with a worried face.

" Jeon Jungkook and Kim Jinhwan are here, in Seoul and you know what's worse? Jungkook is going to take over Taehyung's company and that means I will be seeing him often and Jinhwan is our dinner planner. " Jimin explained to them slowly so they could hear it clearly.

" What k-drama is this?! " Yoongi exclaimed loudly.

" What do they want? Why are they here? " Namjoon think deeply with his mind was searching for answers.

" We don't know but I'll make sure Jungkook won't hurt our hyung again." Jimin said seriously.

" Don't worry, I won't and never fall for him again. Never. " Jin remembered back all the things Jungkook did to him. After he gave his whole heart to him, he just left him like he was a toy.

" Did Taehyung and Hoseok know about this? " Namjoon asked, looking each of them in the eyes.

" No. " Jin and Jimin said in unison, earning a sighed from Yoongi.

" Hyung, you do know that we can't hide it forever from them. Since they are now our friends, they need to know it too. " Yoongi eyes showed full of worries in them.

" I'll tell themโ€” but not know. "

"Alright hyung, do whatever you want but I don't want to see you coming home drunk again. I have to go, see y'all. " Yoongi wore on his cap and left them.

" So what are you planning to do? " Namjoon asked, changing his sit positions.

" What do you think I should do? For now, Jungkook didn't do anything at me yet so I think I'm fine. "

" What the heck? Don't tell me you already fall for him again. " Jimin shocked.

" Yah! " Namjoon hit Jimin's head from the back.

" We should go now, Taehyung and Hoseok must be wondering where are we. " Jin walked up from his seat to the door, with Jimin following behind.

" If anything happened, just give me a call. " Namjoon said before they leaved the room.

Jin and Jimin drove back to their company with Jimin complaining about Jungkook and Jinhwan in the car.

" Yahh, can you please shut up already. We have arrived or do you want me to lock you in this car? "

" Okay fine. " Jimin get out of the car with a grumpy face.

They get back to their office which was exact time for lunch.

" Where did you go? " Taehyung voice appeared as soon as Jin entered the room, making Jin startled.

" I-I have an emergency while back ago soo yeah. "

" Emergency? What is it? "

" N-nothing really important just some misunderstanding. " Jin stuttered.

" With Jimin? "

" Jimin? What's with him? " He pretended not to know anything.

" Didn't he go with you? "

" No, we didn't. " Jin smiled cutely with confidence, making Taehyung almost believe in him.

Taehyung came closer to him, and Jin was trapped between him and the wall behind him.

" I know you're lying, but since you're so cute, I'm going to let it slipped this time but don't do it again. " Jin could feel Taehyung's breath on his face.

" O-okay. " Jin escaped from Taehyung and walked to his desk.

" Follow me. " Taehyung pointed at the clock hanging on the wall.

" Nevermind, I'm not hungry. "

" Who said we're going for lunch?ย  "

" Huh? "

" I wanna bring you to a place. Let's go, I won't accept any answer but yes."

Taehyung drove them to a mystery looking house with a big white door which looked like those secret gangs mansion in the movies.

" Where are we? What are we doing here? "

" Shhh enough of the questions, angel. Just follow my lead. " Taehyung pulled Jin's hand and ran in the house.

" What the fuck? " Jin found the place was so mesmerizing as he walked around.

" You like it? "

" Very much! But what are we doing here? "

" This is our house. " Taehyung stated, a smile taking over his face not wanting to leave it as he looked at Jin looking around with doe eyes.

" Whaโ€” ours? "

" Yes, but unfortunately we are not the only one leaving here, angel. Hoseok, Jimin, Namjoon and Yoongi will be moving here to. Meaning, it's like our gang house. "

" Oh my god. Are you fuckin kidding me Kim Taehyung? " Jin's attention was fully attached only on Taehyung right now.

" I wish I was. "

" Fuck! I love you so much Taehyungieee!!!!! " Jin ran and hugged Taehyung tightly.

Taehyung didn't respond on this and let out an awkward cough since he knew Jin didn't mean it that way.

" Did you tell them yet? "

" Uh y-yes but they don't know how does it looks like yet, you're the firstย  person I showed it to. We're going to move in by tomorrow so pack your things soon, angel. I'll send my men to pick you and Yoongi up tomorrow."

"ย  What do you mean by soon? "


Hey guys! I just wanna know how do you like this book so far? You can tell me your opinion about it and even judge it. IM DYING TO KNOWWW so please leave some comments and it would be appreciated.
