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Trevon Gardner
๐Ÿ“Henry Ford Hospital , Detroit MI
9:28 PM

"She really loved Damon they were like Bonnie and Clyde." Destiny spoke to Trevon as the two spoke out in the hallway due to Jasmine dozing off on the couch and Raquel still asleep.

"What so this was some teenager love shit?" He questioned as he took a drink of his water. Destiny sighed before saying "Yeah they looked so perfect it was almost like you couldn't see the bad in it."

"Why didn't she try to leave?" Trevon questioned looking at Destiny. "Shit I won't get deep into it cause it's not my story to tell but she tried leaving, blocking everything but he always came back harder and more damn evil." She said taking a sigh.

Destiny knew how bad it's been for Raquel she just didn't fully get into detail knowing it wasn't her story to tell. "Shit this is my sister I'll be back." She spoke before walking off leaving Trevon deep in his thoughts.

Why would he do that shit? Trevon questioned while throwing his head back. Raquel is good person who stays out the way and doesn't want to hurt anyone.

"Hey my sister has to head into work and I have to get my son but i don't want him to see his god mom like this can you stay with her?" Destiny said sounding stressed out.

"I was already planning on doing that, your a mother first go handle what you need just ask can you drop my lil sis off at our aunts I'll send you gas money." He said standing up and stretching.

"You don't gotta give gas money just send me the addy now if you was one of my no good ass cousins then you'll be coughing up cash." She said causing him to laugh.

The two walked back in to the room hearing nothing but silence. "Jazzy wake up." Trevon said softly waking his sister up avoiding to wake up Raquel.

"Shit I'm up." She said while stretching and yawning. "Look ima stay here with Raquel Destiny gonna drop you off at aunt Tina place alright." He said to the girl who only nodded hug her brother and then left the room ready to go to sleep again.

Once Destiny said her goodbyes it once left Trevon alone looking at Raquel sleeping peacefully.

It boiled his blood seeing the marks on her face honestly knowing she was in the hospital because of someone stupid pissed him off. Trevon sighed before grabbing a hospital blanket from the window seal before laying on the couch across from her.

"I promise I'm not gonna leave your side ever." Trevon said groggily to Raquel before dozing off and keeping his promise to not leave her side.

Raquel Thomas
๐Ÿ“Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit MI
5:34 AM

"M-my head fucking hurts." Raquel mumbled as she started to wake up. As her vision got more clearer she soon realized where she was and why she was there.

Examining her surroundings looking at her hospital room it brought her to tears. How stupid could she be to even believe he was gone for good?

She glanced over to see Trevon sleeping on the crunch up couch sleeping somewhat peacefully though.

How long was he there with her?ย 

How did he even know what hospital she was in?

Was questions that flew through her mind as she looked at him. "Fucking hell." She said falling back down onto her pillow.

"Your awake finally?" Trevon said while sitting up trying to regroup and get his thoughts together. "Yeah I am how long was I out for?" Raquel said softly before glancing at him.

"A while i don't really know i just know when I got here you were out cold." He said now fully awake. "Was destiny here with me, is she okay?" Raquel quickly questioned causing her blood pressure to rise.

"She fine okay I promise she is relax please your pressure is sky rocketing." Trevon said as he got up to lay on the other side of her bed and ran his fingers through her hair also allowing her to lay her head on his chest.

Hearing that put Raquel mind at ease and cause her body to relax. "How are you feeling mama?" He asked due to him noticing her wincing out in pain.

"Like shit my ankle hurts." She said trying to move her ankle around some. "I hate that nigga Damon for even doing this to you." He said almost spitting venom out.

Hearing that name made her eyes water it was like a trigger to her. Soon she remembered what he told her in the dressing room that quickly raised her blood pressure quickly.

"Fucking these rappers like I wouldn't know I'll kill you before you start fuckin them."

"I don't know He just doesn't understand what he does he's on medication sometimes he doesn't mean it he scares me when he's off the meds." She said softly fiddling her hands.

"He doesn't understand! If he would've went harder he would've killed you!" Trevon said in a stern tone. Raquel kept quiet but now with tears flowing down her face.

"I'm sorry for yelling i just really care for you Raq I don't want you hurt." He said before rubbing her arm tryna to soothe her and placed a kissed on her forehead. "I know you do just he always comes back." She said her voice now shaking.

"Aye I promise he ain't never coming back to hurt you as long as I'm here alright". He spoke kissing her and soon dozing of with her once again.
