⸝⸝ Chapter 5

Kirishima Eijiro, Pretty much considers himself a very manly person.

He recently just found out a recently opened cafΓ© whenever he passes by from school but it was still pretty far away from his house, Though since it's there he wanted to try what it is gonna offer.

He'll also buy for his family, Yeah he'll take a mental note of that when he does.

When the boy entered he was immediately met with a bunch of loud noises with people but mostly a big group sitting near the door.. Anyway! he walked up front to look at the menu and as he was passing by he too did looked around the new cafΓ©.

When he did, He accidentally made eye contact with a person from the rowdy group... Deep blue oceanic eyes stared back.

Kirishima can't help but awe at the color of their eyes, It was beautiful but....he's still standing mid-way in the middle of the cafΓ© and neither of them had broken eye contact for a moment now so he took it upon himself to break it and focused upfront where he was originally gonna go.

After he did and got his order, paying for it and bowing at the cashier for their assistance because he's a respectable and kind one.

With that he threw a last glance around the cafΓ© and the people though unpurposely landing on the big group of people again with their booming voice going through the others.

Kirishima blinked and chuckled to himself before going out the cafΓ©.

'What a rowdy bunch... Cool!'Β 

Another thought that he dreamily sighed about, 'Ah I do wonder if I'll someday get in a friend group like that..'


Back to the group, A few minutes has passed and the conversation died out then Daki pulled out her phone and decided to play a game.

Then goes Douma who got curious and decided to scoot over to peek, Once he saw he immediately tried to play with her.

Then also goes Gyutaro glancing occasionally since the two were giggling like highschool girls...

He joined in anyway <3

Then Rengoku being the sunshine too was curious and when he knew he immediately tried to download the game and tried to play with them joining in on them.

Kokushibo though, couldn't care less and continued to space out and stare off to who knows where-

Whilst Sanemi is currently trying to fight the urge to go and join or peek to what the others is playing because just look at them- The game probably is fun...

Given by them letting out boisterous laughs or snorts to terrified chants...? Oh well!

Muzan didn't give a single care to what the group was doing since his mind is in somewhere else but also aware to what his idiotic fun companions- Ehem, Let me rephrase that again,Β 'BarbarianΒ companions.'

Akaza was giving a lot of flying quacking cares, HE was supposed to be enjoying the PEACEFULNESS that was supposed to happen, HIS alone damn time but alas it was ofcourse ruined.

Because the others deciding to tag along, With a aggravated and displeased sigh he rubbed circles on his temple whilst his usual frown adorning his face becoming deeper-

Having a peaceful or quiet time is slowly slipping away from his grasp huh? Well to damn with that.

And our cute Giyuu... Ah yes Giyuu, You could simply say the curiosity took the better of him and decided to take a small slight little glance on what the others we're playing.

And when he did, He totally let go or probably forgot that he was just supposed to peek 😞 but got a little to in from watching,  So he just decided to watch from beside the table... Unluckily for him he didn't really brought his phone with him.

So he just stays there staring at them playing, Making a mental note in the back of his head to try and bring his phone around him now or potentially download that game.




''ARGHHHHHhh...!'' Panting, Midoriya stopped pushing the big refrigerator on top of it with All might.. Since he made him push him again for the nth time.

''Eh? Seriously? C'mon young Midoriya!''

''ACK- H-how can I when you weight tons-!!''

''Are you calling me fat...?!''

''Huh...No no no!!'' Making his arms cross to an X along with his head shaking vigorously, Midoriya dropped his arms to his sides and sighed heavily then looked towards where the beach's opening should be-

Though is filled with nothing but trash and other stuff, Will he really even able to do it? To be a proper vessel to attain his new supposed quirk? Nonetheless it was even offered by All might!

It was all sudden but Midoriya got to see this as a chance and prove that even he, A quirkless boy can become a great hero in the future.

But he's been starting off at a scratch even though! He'll still pull through if it means having a quirk, He can do it! He'll absolutely become a amazing hero that saves people with a bright smile!

He'll prove that even with nothing you can still do anything, He'll also surpass kacchan!..... He'll make sure of that and... prove that person even a weak person like him can also survive and strive to become strong.Β 

Meanwhile . . .



''Huh, so this is actually real? How implausible.''Β 

A bunch of old articles, news paper and old books scattered along with a series of outdated photos colored in black and grey.Β 

However there is two particular photo's standing out at the center of the table, in one of the two captures two people to what seems a fierce battle, And the second one is with people posing and smiling happily at the camera.Β 

''This new gathered information has connected all the dots but it appears to have settled in with more mystery that needs to be solved.''Β 

''Very well, You have my utmost gratitude in finding these info, You may go now.''Β 

''....Eh?! Is that really all ya hafta say to me? So mean~ I kinda risked my head or life on the line y'know!''Β 

''..Tsk, Right. What to you want then? Better hurry as for I need to get back to working.''Β 

''Hoho~ Simple, I wanna go to U.A!''Β 

''I see, What made you interested-''Β 

''There is no need for you to know.. Jeez~ Just get back to work alright! Anddd make me go to U.A! Hmph!!''Β 

''Fine, Alright.''Β 


─── Β· Β· ✦ Β· Β· ───

I hate you though

I hate you though

In his room Akaza stopped momentarily from patching up his bruises.

We gon' make this work through

Cold wind blew past through his window setting up his curtains fluttering, His golden eyes shined as the moonlight hits, Akaza looked towards outside of it.

Gone broke again off the dro'

Headaches when I'm coming home

The frown he previously had, gone at this moment.

When the suns out I'm gone

Mistakes on someone

Getting tired of being had

A swirl of emotions made it through him, Even if it wasn't present in his expression.

It was visible in his eyes.

They're getting tired of me being sad

Bottom of the lake in a bag

'Dad..I have everyone and I finally.. have the people to protect once again.' Akaza gave a small smile.

I feel it's time now, any day

Been a while since I felt this way

Under skin and the flesh decay

'And this time I'll make sure not to fail anymore.'

A determined hum as he looked towards the shining moon one last time before going back to patching himself up.

'Bout time someone took my place

And it's time I met myself

Akaza liked it, This type of time he got all the time to himself peacefully.

Even so, He did liked his friend's company too.. Ehem, Not that he would admit it to them at all, He huffed lightly out before finishing up and finally lied on his bed.

It's a broke life in a cell

Stay in don't help yourselfΒ 




Ah, he was surely tired from today's event, Akaza just hopes he wouldn't get in some more troublesome situation than he already have.

He really just hopes so...Β 

﹝Treats !﹞

οΉ•β™‘ κ’±Kirishima couldn't help but take a peek inside the cupcakes he got and took a small, small bite....yeah totally.Β 

οΉ•β™‘ κ’± Giyuu sulked silently when he couldn't join in on the fun.Β 

οΉ•β™‘ κ’± The game that they were playing was Rocblox, they played tons, And included to the games they played there was Mimic and Royal High. 🀩

οΉ•β™‘ κ’±Author was gonna originally draw the scene when the former Demon's and slayer we're playing the game, Though gave up after a couple days, Realized they can't draw for shi- and gave up. πŸ˜‡
