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March 16th, 1878.

REBEKAH GROANS AS SHE MAKES HER WAY THROUGH THE SEA OF PEOPLE. Her eyes looking around for her brother who was seemingly nowhere to be found. Rebekah could finally see him near the front of the room. "Elijah!" She calls out as she males her way over to him. Elijah turns his head at the sound of his name being said.ย 

He saw his very unhappy sister stop in front of him as she crosses her arms against her chest. "Come on, Nik wants to move tonight." Rebekah tells him with a sigh. Klaus thought their father was close so he wanted to move, obviously that meant the others had to pack up quickly as well.

"I will be right there." Elijah says, not really in any sort of rush. Rebekah couldn't help but roll her eyes a little bit.

"Well, hurry. I do not want to be on the other end of his wrath." Rebekah admits before walking away. Elijah sighs, finishing his drink before placing his glass down. Klaus would surely force him out anyways so it was best to just go along with it.

Beginning to walk after his sister, Elijah didn't get more than a few steps before he bumped into someone. A drink dropped to their feet, the liquid spilling out. Elijah seemed a bit annoyed, his jaw clenching. That was until his eyes moved up from the drink and he saw the woman standing in front of him.

Her brunette hair flowing down her body as the red dress she had on accentuated every bit of her features. Her eyes were widened slightly, her lips pursed as she clearly was shocked by what had just happened. But Elijah was just admiring her beauty. Admiring the way she seemed to be made by a greek goddess.

"Oh, pardon me. I should have looked where I was going." Athena says with a small frown, feeling awful that his suit was now ruined quite a bit by the liquor she had spilt on him. But Elijah shakes his head, a smile forming on his lips to ease up the tension.

"The fault is all mine." He assures her. Athena meets his gaze and she too was taken aback a little bit. She bites her lip as she glances around the room. It was clear that he had been making his way to the door when they had collided.

"Leaving so soon?" Athena asks as she takes some napkins, trying to wipe off her hands. Elijah nods his head a bit.

"My brother wants to go someplace less..."

"Depressing?" She answers him, raising an eyebrow at him.

"I was going to say bland." Elijah corrects her with a small laugh. Athena nods her head in agreement, looking around the room.

"That suits as well." She admits, brushing her hair out of her face. "I shouldn't hold you up." Athena says, not wanting to bother him or cause him from being late to wherever he was going.

"A beautiful woman stopping me is never a bad thing." Elijah denies, gazing at her. Athena raises an eyebrow, smirking as she felt her heart flutter slightly.

"He flirts." She states, tilting her head a bit.

"Not with many." Elijah denies. Athena felt herself fill with joy, and a bit more confidence as those words left his lips.

"Oh, so I'm special?" Athena asks him curiously.

"Are you?" Athena smiles as she looks away from him for a second. She didnt really flirt with people often, she didn't know why she was now. But she didn't want to stop. Though when she glanced away from him, her eyes settled on the blonde who he was with before they had bumped into each other.

"I think your friends are getting a bit irritated." Athena points out, gesturing to where Rebekah was standing. Elijah turns his head for a moment, a sigh leaving his lips.

But as he turns back to Athena, something catches his eye. Something that he hadn't noticed was along her bottom lip. It was subtle, barely visible, but it was there. Blood. Elijah noticed how she was about to move so he stops her. "Wait." He says. Athena just stares at him, a bit confused.

Especially when Elijah lifts his thumb toward her lips. Athena could only stare as he wiped it across her bottom lip. He took a small step toward her, but that step left barely any room between them. "You left a bit of your dinner visible." His voice was hushed as he brought his thumb up to his lips.

Athena was surprised to say the least, her eyes widening slightly. But as he sucks the blood off of his finger, a sly smirk on his lips, she knew he wasn't a hunter, much rather a vampire himself.
"You're a vampire." Athena says, a bit breathless as she stares up at him.

"And you must be recently turned." Elijah retorts. Either that or just reckless like his brother kol was. Athena blushes slightly, nodding her head.


"When were you turned?" Elijah asks her curiously. But it was her time to smirk up at him.

"Buy me a drink first." She flirts, resting her hand on his arm. Elijah looks at where her hand was before his eyes move back to hers.

"How rude of me." Elijah gestures to one of the servers to come over to them. God, even that movement was hot in Athenas mind. She tried to push those thoughts away but it was hard when the man was standing so close to her.

"1864." She answers once she gets a drink in her hand. Elijah seemed slightly surprised but he nods his head, bringing his glass to his lips.

"You're fairly young then." Elijah tells her and she couldn't help but scrunch her nose a little bit. That's how she could tell he was older than her. Any time she met an older vampire, they always seemed both surprised and condescending about how young she was. Of course they thought they were superior, having been born earlier.

"Well, I was only nineteen when I turned." Athena admits, a small shrug of her shoulders. It was both a blessing and a curse to have turned young. But being a young woman in todays society wasnt exactly the best, even being a vampire. "How about you?" She asks curiously, wondering just how old the man was.

"I'm a bit older." Elijah says, not really giving much away. Mainly because people either already knew who he was or was scared and ran away once they found out.

"How much is a bit?" Athena asks, raising an eyebrow at him. He was being very vague. She didn't know whether to be intrigued, or wary. Elijah chuckles as he just glances around the room.

"My siblings are waiting for me." He tells her and she just shakes her head.

"Cryptic, I like that in a stranger." Athena says with a smile, tilting her head as she runs her eyes over Elijah. Elijah chuckles slightly, gazing down at her.

"I'm sure we will meet again someday." Elijah tells her and she couldn't help but raise her eyebrows at him, a bit surprised by his confidence. Athena bites the inside of her cheek as she narrows her eyes.

"Oh, are you?"ย  She asks him and he nods his head.

"I am." He went to turn around but her voice stopped him.

"Can I at least get your name?" Athena questions, placing a hand on her hip. Elijah faces her once more, a soft smile on his lips.

"Elijah." He says, staring at the woman. Athena nods her head.

"Well, it was nice to meet you, Elijah." She replies, meeting his smile. "I'm Athena." She tells him. Elijah couldn't help but admire her for a second, her name certainly suiting her. But without another word, he turned back around to walk away.

As he does, he notices the way Rebekah was smirking at him as he walked over to her. "Who was that you were talking to?" Rebekah asks him curiously, raising an eyebrow at her brother. Elijah just looks to glance back over his shoulder but Athena had disappeared from where they were just previously standing. Elijah turns back to his sister, shrugging his shoulders.

"No one."


April 8, 1878.

ATHENA FOUND HERSELF IN NEW YORK CITY. She was trying to track Damon down but there has been no luck so far. She heard that he had been there but he was no where to be found. So, Athena was sat in a restaurant,ย  or more at the bar as she drank from the glass in her hand. A sigh leaves her lips as she felt like she would never find Damon. He had left three years ago from Mystic Falls and ever since, she hadn't seen him.

She was worried, she thought something may have happened to him. And of course, Stefan was no help so she was alone in trying to find him. As her eyes search the crowded room, they land on a very familiar individual by the door. Her eyebrows furrow as she places her glass down and gets up from her seat.

Walking over, she was sure it was who she thought of. "Elijah?" She asks curiously, stopping behind him. The man turns to face her, confused for a second before his eyes land on her. A smile forms on his face instantly.

"Athena." Elijah responds, gazing down at the woman. She instantly smiles back at him.

"I guess you were right about seeing me again." Athena points out as she leans against the bar. Elijah nods his head. He was glad they ran into each other again, he was hoping it would happen.

"Am I ever wrong?" Elijah asks her and she just raises an eyebrow at him.

"I don't really know you, so you could be." She states with a small laugh. Elijah chuckles, clasping his hands behind his back.

"That is a possibility." He admits, glancing around the room for a second before looking back at her. Elijah saw that she was in a stunning gown and it was clearly getting the attention of the many men in the room. "You look beautiful." Elijah compliments as he looks at her. Athena blushes slightly.

"Oh, thank you."

"Special occasion?" Elijah asks curiously, a bit worried that she would be on a date with another man. But when she shakes her head, he's flooded with relief.

"Not really. I just thought I'd dress up today." She admits, shrugging her shoulders a little bit.

"Well, you look marvelous in that dress." Athena loved how those words left his lips. Usually she didn't like comments from men, mainly because they were crude in nature. But from Elijah it was different.

"You're making me blush, Elijah." Athena teases him with a small wink.

"I don't suppose you'll allow me to buy you dinner as well?" Elijah asks, gesturing to the empty table beside them.

"You don't waste any time." Athena points out, although she liked a man who knew what he wanted. "Why should I?" She asks curiously, tilting her head.

"Because, from the moment we laid eyes on one another, you haven't been able to tear your eyes away." Elijah points out. Athena felt embarrassed that she had been caught but she didn't want to fall into his trap. So she just laughs, smirking up at him.

"Is that so?" She asks him and he nods his head. "Will this dinner consist of you telling me things about yourself?" Athena asks, wanting to know more about him.

"It might."

"I guess I don't have plans." Athena admits as she tries to hide her ecstatic smile that was trying to creep onto her face.

"Fantastic." Elijah says as he pulls the chair out for her to sit down. Athena does, narrowing her eyes.

"You know, I'm never really this quick to say yes to a man." She tells him. Usually she shuts them down right away or it takes at least a month.

"So, you're seduced by my charm then?" He jokes, raising an eyebrow as he sits down in front of her. Athena just rolls her eyes playfully.

"Unlikely." She denies with a small laugh. "I guess I'll give you a shot though." Athena says, resting her arms on the table.

"You won't regret it, my dear." Elijah responds. Athena felt her stomach fill with butterflies at the nickname.

"I'm not yours." Athena tells him, trying to remain calm and not pounce on him right then and there. She could see a smirk form on Elijah's lips.

"Yet." Elijah responds.


June 12, 1878.

ATHENA WAS SAT IN THE LIVING ROOM WITH KOL, both of them just trying to win the argument of who could get the most free drinks at a bar without compulsion. Obviously, they both thought it was themselves and were set on winning. Athena was prepared to go that very second and prove it to him. But before either of them could move, Rebekah came barging in. "I am going to kill that bloody prick." Rebekah admits, anger in her tone.

Raising an eyebrow, Athena just stares over at the blonde, wondering who she was talking about. "What happened?" She asks curiously. Rebekah just crosses her arms against her chest.

"Nik is being a nuisance, as always." Rebekah admits with a scrunch of her nose.

"Are you sure you're not looking in the mirror, Bekah?" Kol asks his sister, looking toward her. Rebekah glares at him, grabbing a pillow and throwing it at him.

"Good riddance, kol." She snaps back, annoyed by her brothers behaviour.

"Nik can be quite annoying at times." Athena agrees as she nods her head. She could not count the amount of times she wanted to punch that man. Kol gasps, covering his mouth.

"What have we done? We've turned our sweet Athena against Nik." Kol teases placing his hand on athenas shoulder. The woman just raises an eyebrow at him.

"I think he did that all by himself." Rebekah admits with a snort.

"From the moment he thought I was a maid." Athena says with a grimace, remembering when she first met Klaus. "Why would a maid be topless in his brothers room?" She asks, scoffing as she rolls her eyes a bit.

"Well, I would certainly hire you." Kol states with a smirk on his lips, winking over at Athena. Athena just stares at him blankly.

"Elijah will cut out your tongue, dear brother. I suggest you don't say anything like that around him." Rebekah warns him, knowing Elijah wouldn't take kindly to Kol making those comments toward Athena.

Athena sits up a bit. "Where is Elijah?" She asks curiously, glancing around the room. She would try and listen for him but they had a witch spell all the rooms.

"I think he's upstairs." Rebekah tells her and she nods her head. Athena stands up, heading toward the stairs.

"Going to do some more cleaning?" Kol asks her with a smirk on his face. Athena narrows her eyes as she turns to face the man.

"Kol, you may be an original, but I will find a dagger and get someone to jam it in your heart." She admits, crossing her arms against her chest. Kol just chuckles though.

"Your threats are hilarious, darling." He admits as he tilts his head. Athena clenches her jaw before her eyes move to Rebekah.

"Rebekah, hit him for me." She tells her before exiting the room. Rebekah instantly smirks as she looks toward her brother.

"With pleasure." She says, starting to make her way over to him.

"Wha-- that's not fair!" Kol points out with a groan, immediately starting to back up. "Bekah, don't you dare." He warns her, holding out his hand. Rebekah speeds toward him, hitting him repeatedly. "Bekah!" Athena hears as sheย  walks up the stairs.

Athena laughs as she heads down the hallway, making her way to her and Elijahs room. She peeks her head inside. "Elijah?" She asks curiously before seeing him by the mirror, putting a shirt on. He turns at the sound of her voice and she could see that his shirt was fully unbuttoned, revealing his bare chest.

"Did you need something, my dear?" Elijah questions curiously, meeting her gaze. Athena smirks as her eyes run along him for a moment as she walks over to him.

"I do now." She admits, her gaze seductive as she shamelessly checked him out.

"I have some business to attend to with Niklaus so unfortunately, we can't begin something." Elijah denies with a smile, knowing her intentions. But that didn't stop Arhena in the slightest.

"How long do you have?" She asks as she bites her bottom lip, bringing her hands to his belt. Athena leans up toward him but something--or more someone, interrupts them.

"Oh, I'm sure if you get down on your knees quick enough, love, you'll be able to finish him off before we have to leave." She heard the irritating voice of Klaus from behind her. Athena groans as she turns to face him, seeing the man smirking as he leant against the door frame.

"Have I mentioned how much you annoy me?" Athena asks him, raising an eyebrow toward the vampire. Klaus pretends to ponder before he shakes his head.

"I don't recall it." Klaus denies. Athena rolls her eyes before turning back to face Elijah. She sighs as she pouts a little bit, placing her hands on his now clothed chest.

"When will you be back?" She questions, gazing up at him. Elijah tries to finish buttoning up his shirt as she leans against him.

"Later on this evening." Elijah answers her. Athena scrunched up her nose a bit.

"I guess you can go." Athena admits, shrugging her shoulders. Elijah looks a bit amused, chuckling underneath his breath.

"I need your permission?" He asks her curiously and she smirks at him, instantly nodding her head.

"Well, of course."

"Can we leave now? This is such a boring fairytale." Klaus interrupts them with a groan leaving his lips. Athena turns her head toward the man slowly, a displeased look on her face. She suddenly smirks as she turns to Elijah, pulling the man toward her.

She kisses him with passion, moving her hands down his chest. Elijah was caught off guard but kissed her back when he found his footing. His hand went into her hair causing a slight moan to leave her lips. The kiss lasted for a few seconds before Athena reluctantly pulled away, moving her gaze back over to Klaus.

"Everytime you annoy me, you'll see that. So do it again, I dare you." Athena warns him, narrowing her eyes. Klaus just looked irritated, turning and heading out of the room. Elijah just chuckles, shaking his head. He presses on final kiss to Athenas lips before following after his brother.


October 24, 1878.

RESTING AGAINST ELIJAH'S BARE CHEST, a smile takes over Athenas features as she glances up toward the man. "Can we just stay like this forever?" She asks him as he was running his hand through her hair. Elijah smiles gently as he gazes down at her, meeting her eyes. He would love nothing more than to spend forever together, not having the worry about anything else.

"Whatever you would like, my dear." Elijah assures her, pressing a kiss to her head. Athenas eyes brighten as she sits up a bit so she was leaning over him. He just looks at her curiously.

"Oh, so I can ask for anything and you'll say yes?" Athena questions, raising an eyebrow at him. Elijah groans, immediately wanting to take it back since she'd just take advantage of it.

"I regret my choice of words." He admits with a small laugh.

"What if..." Athena trails off, straddling his waist as he ran his hands down her naked body. "All I would like, is you?" She asks him, gazing down at him in a seductive manner.

"Then I would say..." elijah starts, leaning towards her and hovering their lips over one another. He was suddenly on top of her, causing her to gasp slightly as he holds her leg up against his waist. "Your wish is my command." He tells her before kissing her deeply and thrusting into the woman.

"Elijah." She moans softly, her hands grabbing a hold of his shoulders as he starts to fuck her at a deep and slow pace.

"You're so magnificent, my dear." Elijah tells her, taking the time to admire her. But Athena was needy and she felt her legs tighten around him.

"Elijah, please."

"Please what? You have to use your words." Elijah tells her, his finger running along her bottom lip. But Athena wasn't looking for any sort of slow build up, she needed him and she needed him now.

"I have no patience for that tonight." She denies, flipping them over and sinking down on him. Athena moans longingly before starting to move. Elijah groans, biting the inside of his cheek. "Oh, god, Elijah!" Athena tilts her head back a little bit.

"Sweetheart..." Elijah moans out, gazing up at her and just watching her ride him. "Just like that." He says, his voice low. That caused Athena to slow down a bit, her eyes opening and meeting his gaze.

"Uh, uh, uh. I want to hear you, baby." Athena tells him, not wanting him holding anything back. Elijah glances toward the door. The thing was, they weren't at their own house. They were visiting another place for a gathering. Although they had snuck off together to have some fun at such a boring event.

"Everyone is downstairs, there is still the gathering going on." Elijah points out but Athena just shrugs her shoulders.

"I don't care."

"You want to challenge me?" Elijah asks her, raising an eyebrow at the woman. He goes to sit up a bit but she forced him down, a smirk playing on her lips.

"I'm not sure you'll win this round." Athena denies before she sinks back down onto him. Elijah groans, his fingers digging into her hips at the feeling.


"Elijah, you feel so good." Athena admits, biting her bottom lip. Her fingers run down his chest as she adjusted herself before only moving in the slightest bit. Elijah meets her gaze, seeing the taunting look on her face.

"Stop teasing me." Elijah demands, not caring about the people in the gathering anymore. If they wanted to listen, they could.

"What if I just stop right now?" Athena asks, stopping her slow movements and just resting on top of him. Elijah narrows his eyes a bit.

"What happened to having no patience?"

e asks curiously. Athena shrugs her shoulders, giggling slightly.

"This is more fun." She admits, tilting her head. Elijah digs his nails into her skin, ready to flip them over.

"Move, sweetheart." Elijah states and he saw the devious hint in her eyes.

"Okay."ย  She says, moving once with a smirk on her lips. Elijah seemed irritated, mainly because he was very pent up and she was dragging it out.

"You know that's not what I meant." He tells her. Athena just places her hands on his chest to get a better angle.

"Oh, you meant like this?" Athena asks innocently, starting to slowly move up and down. Elijah groans, tilting his head back for a second.

"Sweetheart, if you don't stop teasing me, this isn't gonna end well for you." Elijah warns her. And with the giggle that left her lips, Elijah didn't waste any time in flipping her over and thrusting into her at a fast and rough pace.

A strangled moan leaves Athenas lips as she holds onto his shoulders. Elijah brings his lips back to hers, covering their sounds a bit but anyone in a somewhat close vicinity would be able to tell what was going on, they didn't need vampire hearing.

"God...Elijah!" She all but screams out as he hits that perfect spot inside of her. He always knew where it was. And he always made sure her pleasure came first. Unless of course she went too far with the teasing.

Elijah sucks at a spot just below her ear, Athena tilting her head as she tightens her legs around his waist. She felt herself getting closer as her moans got louder. "Fuck, Elijah!" Athena runs her hand into his hair, gripping it tightly as she squeezes her eyes shut. Elijah could tell she was close, his fingers circling her hip.

"Come on, sweetheart." He whispers into her ear, a soft moan following. That was all she needed to push her over the edge.

"Oh my-- Oh! Oh!" Athena felt her toes curl, her back arching as a flood of pleasure courses through her. Elijah continues to thrust into her, slowing down a bit to get her through her orgasm. And it didn't take long for him to cum inside of her, his head dropping onto her shoulder.

He presses a kiss against her skin before he rolls off of her, onto the bed. Athena took a few seconds, catching her breath as the cool air now hit her body. "That was fucking incredible." Athena admits with a smirk on her lips, pulling the sheets up to cover her body. As she turns onto her side, Elijah meets her gaze.

"Sweetheart, don't ever tease me like that again." Elijah warns in a playful tone, staring at her. Athenas smirk only broadens as she moves closer to him.

"It led to an amazing orgasm though, didnt it?" She points out, tilting her head. Her eyes flicker toward the door. "Do you think anyone heard us?" Athena asks curiously, given how this house didn't have any rooms spelled.

"I think everybody heard us." Elijah replies. Athena giggles as she leans against him.

"You're amazing." Athena says, pressing a long kiss on his lips. Elijah moans into the kiss, holding her close before they pull away from each other.

"I love you."ย  He says, bringing his hand to stroke her cheek. Athena smiles brightly at him, her gaze on his.

"I love you more."


December 23, 1878.

PRACTICALLY SKIPPING INTO THE HOUSE, Athena had a great big smile on her lips as she shut the door behind her. She had finally found the perfect place for them to all live and it was just what they wanted. Sure, the place they had now was nice, but the one she and Rebekah and their eye on was beautiful. It had finally become empty so this was their chance.

"Elijah, i have great news!" She shouts into the house, glancing around. Athena stops when she doesnt get a response. He was supposed to be home. "Elijah?" Athena asks as she moves around the living room. His stuff was by the door, so why wasn't he there?

"Bekah, are you here?" Athena calls out, placing her hands on her hips. "Kol?" She asks, wondering if they had just all gone out and that's why they weren't answering her. Athena lets out a groan as she gets no response again, deciding to make her way toward the dining area.

"God, even nik? Anybody?" She knew she was desperate when she was calling out for Klaus of all people. "Where is everyone?" She mutters when she was met with another empty room. It took a moment of roaming around before she finally found them all standing in the parlor room.

As she walks into the room, she was trying to figure out why no one had answered her if they were all home.
"Didn't you hear me calling you?" Athena asks them curiously, crossing her arms against her chest. She goes to move to Elijah who's eyes were sad. "Elijah, is everything okay?" She asks him, placing her hand on his arm.

Elijah shares a glance with his siblings before he shook his head. "No, it isn't." He denies and she instantly become worried, knowing something was going on.

"What's wrong?" Athena asks as she gazed up at him. Elijah tried to keep his face stoic, trying not to give into the overwhelming emotions that were flooding his body.

"I'm sorry." Elijah apologizes as Athena could only stare at him.

"For what?" Had he done something? Did one of them say something about her? Why was he apologizing to her?

"Our father found us." Kol states, seeing how elijah was hesitating to say anything. Athenas eyes immediately widen.ย  She knew that their father was hunting them, and to know he was close was absolutely terrifying.

"Then we need to get out of here." Athena says, grabbing his hand but the man doesnt budge. She glances around, seeing the others were still in the same spot as well. "Why aren't you moving?" She asks, confused on why they weren't immediately escaping from the town.

"You're right. We do." Rebekah tells her, gesturing to her siblings. Furrowing her eyebrows, Athena could only stare at her before her eyes move to Elijah who had a hurt expression on his face.

"I don't understand."

"This isn't the life that I want for you." Elijah denies, staring down at her. Athena seemingly understood now. Their father was coming so they were leaving. Without her. They were abandoning her just like her brothers did.

"I don't care what you want, Elijah. We'll run together." Athena knew this was a possibility and she was okay with it.

"Find your brothers. Patch things up with them." Elijah suggests, it would be better than constantly looking over your shoulder.

"My brothers don't care about me. One left and the other is on a bender every two seconds." She points out with a scoff. She's had more happy moments with them in this past year than she has with her brothers since they had turned.

"They're your family." Elijah states, knowing family was very important. But Athena didn't care. She had found people who truly looked out for her, who truly wanted to be around her. She wasn't about to give that up.

"No, you are." Athena tells him, her eyes glancing around the room at the others as well. "You all are." She says, wanting to stay with them. "I don't care if I have to run, I want to come with you." She admits. Athena knew Mikael was a vampire hunter and their father, but as long as she was with Elijah, she would run forever if she had to.

"Athena, we'd want nothing more than you with us." Rebekah admits with a pained smile on her lips. It was the first time that Rebekah felt like she had a true sister. She didn't want to give that up either, but she had to.

"Then what's the issue?" Athena asks. She genuinely didn't understand why she couldn't just go with them.

"This is our burden to bare, not yours." Klaus adds. Even he felt a bit of pain having to leave the woman behind. Not just because Elijah seemed so in love with her, but he had also formed a bit of a connection with her. For the first time in a long time, he met someone he didn't truly despise.

Athena furrows her eyebrows. "Kol?" She asks, wanting him to tell her to stay, but his eyes just drift to the ground.

"You deserve to live a full life, Athena." Kol admits. No one, especially a vampire who could be killed easily, would be a match against Mikael. They couldn't risk it.

"No, I'm not going to leave." Athena denies. They couldn't force her to leave them.

"Sweetheart--" Elijah tries to say but she cuts him off, shaking her head firmly.


"It's in your best interest." He tells her, wanting her to understand that it was purely to keep her safe. He shouldve never even gotten involved with her, not when Mikael was still hunting them. That was on him.

"Do you love me?" Athena asks him, gazing up at the man who's eyes soften, his heart breaking into a thousand tiny little pieces. Elijah truly loved her and there was no question about it. That was why he was doing this.

"More than anything." Elijah assures her as Athena grabs his hand, taking a step closer to him. Although she could see the hesitancy in his eyes.

"Then don't leave me." Athena pleads, bringing her free hand up to his cheek and stroking it. "If you truly love me, the way you say you do. Then you won't leave." She states, hoping that he will change his mind. It wasn't like she couldn't run with them, what else did she have? A brother who abandoned her and another who rarely cared for her.

"I love you with all my being, my dear." Elijah says with a gentle smile on his face, placing his hands on either side of her face. Athena felt the tiniest shred of joy until it was ripped from her. "But that is the reason I must do this." He admits before stepping back.

She had no time to even blink before Klaus was in front of her, grabbing a hold of her so she couldn't move and staring deep into her eyes. Athena was confused as to what he was doing, until he started to speak.

"You will not remember meeting Elijah or any of our family. You spent this past year searching for your brothers who you have not found yet. You will forget of your love for my brother. You will forget of the friendships you formed with my siblings. You will forget about all the time you have spent with us. We will simply have never existed to you."

As those words left Klaus's lips, the originals disappeared before Athenas eyes could process that they were even there. Elijah grabs onto the wall beside him once they stopped, his breathing heavy as he brings one hand to his chest.ย  Rebekah frowns as she walks over to her brother. "Elijah." She says gently, placing her hand onto his shoulder.

"It had to be done." Kol assures him. Although it seemed all of them were taking a heavy toll from it. Athena had become close to all of them, not just him. Kol even considered her one of his closest friends, someone he would legitimately trust with his life.

"Maybe if we ever deal with father, you can reunite with her." Rebekah suggests, trying to give him a bit of hope. But even if that did happen, there was no telling what life she will have made for herself.

"I feel as though my hearts been ripped from my chest." Elijah admits as he felt the tears leave his eyes. Klaus sighs as he walks over to his brother, stepping in front of him and placing both hands on Elijah's shoulders.

"I wish I could take that pain from you, brother. But it's what you have to bare in order to keep her safe." Elijah didn't know if he had made the right decision. He hoped he had. Because if she was safe, that was really all that mattered. He didn't want to put her in any danger.

And being with him was dangerous.


There will be more flashback chapters of the originals. This is just setting up a basic understanding of certain events that have happened and are connected to the modern day.
