
Asaiah leaned into Justice's warmth and kissed her neck.

Justice squirmed at the feeling.

"Quit it Saiah."

Asaiah rolled his eyes and grabbed Justice's chin, lifting her head up so she could look at him.

"I love you."

"And I love yo-


Asaiah's head shot up.

"I'm too high for this shit." He mumbled.

Asaiah got up from the couch he was sleeping on and walked over to the door.

He opened it and standing in the doorway was Mercedes.

"You don't see my phone calls?" Mercedes asked walking into her sons home.

"I was sleep." Asaiah stretched.

"Sleep my behind, Jaylin got granted weekend visits."

"What!" Asaiah yelled now wide awake.

"Journey's with her right now, and I don't wanna start jumping to conclusions-

"Fuck that she ain't a fit parent!"

"We don't know that Asaiah, maybe she's changed."


Journey cried in the other room while Jaylin sucked down her boyfriend for the third time that night.

Jaylin honestly got weekend visits just to piss her family off, soon she'd get weekly visits.

'Use what you got to get what you want' Was Jaylin's motto.

She flirted with some people here and gave people head there in return she got weekend visits.

"Stop." Mario, Jaylin's on and off boyfriend said pushing Jaylin off of him.


"I can't do this if she crying in the other room."

Jaylin scoffed. "I'll be back."

Jaylin got out of the bed and grabbed her flip flop off the floor.

She walked down the hall to Journeys room, which was really a storage room with an air mattress and a tv.

Jaylin opened the door and was met with a red eye, puffy cheek, snotty nose Journey.

"I want my GG." Journey said referencing to Mercedes.

"And my Maw Maw and Saiah and Lani." Journey cried.

"Fuck them!" Jaylin yelled.

"You here now and your gonna shut up or get beat up."

Jaylin pulled out the flip flop and began to hit Journey with it.

Journey screamed and cried she just wanted to go home.

Jaylin stopped hitting Journey and smack her face leaving a bright red mark on Journey's light skin.

"Shut the fuck up."

Jaylin shut the bedroom door and walked back to her bedroom.

She got naked and locked the door.

"She'll be quiet now give me what's mine." She smirked as she hopped on the bed.


Everyone was kicking it at Kari's again including Justice and Taryn.

No one honestly invited Taryn she just came.

Justice laid her head on Asaiah's shoulder as she stretched out on the couch.

The group decided on a movie night.

Asaiah was too worried about Journey to even think about Justice, he wasn't bothered by it either.

Justice noticed Asaiah's quiet demeanor.

"What's on your mind?" Justice mumbled not thinking Asaiah heard.

Asaiah looked over at her and shook his head as if he was saying nothing.

"We're watching Friday!" Hakeem said taking the DVD out. (A/N: Comment your favorite Friday lines)

"That's all your ass watch." Asia laughed.

"You had no problem with it when you was over last night." Hakeem shrugged.

"Hakeem kiss my ass." Asia said laughing.

"I'd love to." Hakeem said as he put the movie in.

"Hakeem shut up." Everyone said but Justice, Asaiah, and Taryn.

"Y'all are so mean to me." Hakeem fake pouted.


"Girl I see you and Asaiah." Taryn said as Justice got in the car.

Justice shook her head.

"I'll hop on that if you won't I hear he got a big ass di-

"Please save the details Taryn, I'm not interested."

Taryn shrugged as she began to drive her phone buzzed.

Kendrick πŸ–€

I'll be at your place in 10

Taryn look back at Justice and back at her phone.

"Have you spoken to Kendrick since the breakup?"

Justice stared out the car window. "No..." She said hesitantly.

It was the truth she had no reason to speak to him. It was just a random question and caught her off guard.

"Why would I talk to him?"

"Any hard feelings?"

"Taryn why are you asking me-

"About Asaiah if I were you I wouldn't get with him." Taryn said quickly changing the subject.

"Why?" Justice asked now curious.

"He has some crazy ex and she has two kids and even says one of them are his."

Justice shrugged. It wasn't any of her business and she didn't quite understand what Taryn was trying to get at.

Little did she know Taryn was plotting.

Taryn knew Kendrick still had a soft spot for Justice so when he found out that she was fooling around with a new dude so quick he'd get jealous.

Not everything had to be true but Taryn was craving drama and excitement and why not start it with her drug dealer boyfriend.


Happy 4th y'all!!!!

I'm late 😭🀚🏾

What y'all do today?

Y'all gonna see how this all plays out

Thoughts on Jaylin getting weekend visits?

Not Taryn tryna start stuff πŸ™„

Asaiah dreaming bout Justice?

How y'all feel about Asia and Hakeem any of y'all see them together?


I thought it would be nice to update ❀️

