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Mike and Sam found Will in the middle of the field. His eyes were rolled back and he was stunned in place.

"Oh god..." Sam gasped, hearing a slight ringing in her ears while coming closer to Will.

Mike put his hand on Will's shoulder, trying to shake him awake.

The harsh sound and feeling got extreme for Sam, she slightly winced.

Please be okay, Will.

These monsters were not things you wanted to play with. Will was in trouble.

Finally, Lucas, Dustin, Max, and Will's mom came running out onto the field.

"We found him like this!" Mike shouts, "I think he's having another episode!"

Will's mom, Joyce, came running up to her son, softly caressing his face, "Will? Will? Will!"

She gently shook him, "Sweetie, wake up! It's mom! Will!"

The ringing noise got louder in Sam's ear, but she was too distracted with her concern over Will.

"Will, wake up! Can you hear me?"

Everything began to get a lot more intense, all the kids looked shocked as they eyed Will and Joyce.

Sam shut her eyes, focusing on the small boy in front of her.

She sensed a storm brewing in his mind.

"Wake up Will." She whispered in his mind.

"Wake up."

Will's eyes flashed open.


Will was pretty much unresponsive after the situation. Sam wondered if he knew it was her who had waken him up from his wicked trance.

Joyce had walked her stricken son to their car after that, all the kids followed after them, watching from afar as they drove off.

An unsettling feeling sat in the bottom of Samantha's stomach.

This is wrong..

She's not religious, but she really prays that Will gets better.

All the boys seemed pretty casual about it whilst Sam was in her own mind, pondering, and Max was the only verbal one showing her concerns.

"Okay, that totally freaked me out." Max says, "Did that not freak you guys out?"

No one replied to Max, not even Sam. The younger Harrington was stuck in her thoughts, thinking about all of the dangers that surrounded Hawkins.

How could she be so stupid? Of course things weren't getting better. Nothing gets better in Hawkins, it's hell.

"Two episodes. Two days. I think it's getting worse." Lucas remarks.

Mike glanced over to him, "You think it's True Sight?"

This caught Sam's attention, she titled her head in confusion, "What...?"

"What's True Sight?" Max boldly asked.

"It's nothing."


The day before was one weird day for Sam. It was a wake up call, showing the young girl that Hawkins still had terrible plans for it's people.

She just wasn't ready to experience Will having an 'episode', while she herself felt the creepy voice that was always in the back of her head. She didn't except to feel her sleeve telekinetically move, as if it wanted to expose herself to Mike Wheeler.

And last but not least, she did not expect to fall for Mike Wheeler.

The whole 'crush' process was never there for her, he was her first one. She found it fun. The idea of him sounded fun. Anytime he was next to her, or playfully said a rude comment, or even a nice comment, it made her feel all warm inside. And not literally, just figuratively.

She finds herself eyeing him during class instead of the lesson she should be focused on. Or even better, she looks at him and he's already looking at her.

Sam wasn't exactly sure what this feeling was, she just knew she wanted to be in his presence at least once a day. That's sure the highlight for her every single day.

Even now, as her and Mike snuck into the janitors closet to search for rakes handles, her mind was still circling around the boy.

A comfortable silence filled the room until he spoke up.



"Sorcerer." He starts, locking eyes with her, "You said you wanted to be in our party, so... witch is like a sorcerer. Maybe even better."

Sam's lips curved into a soft smile, "Alright, I can do that... but what about Max?"

Mike sighed with a chuckle, "Don't push it."


"And I'm sorry I was such a dick to you..." He says with sincerity, trailing off as he continues, "It's justโ€” It's hard because I lost a friend and now it's hard to make ones 'cause it feels like they're replacing her, but... maybe they're not."

His eyes travel back to Sam's, inching closer to her.

"Maybe they're new friends. And maybe they're for the better."

"I'm really sorry you lost her. But, I promise you, I'm not here to replace anyone... I just want people to like me." Sam admits as she nervously gulps.

Mike's calloused fingers find hers, he soothingly rubs her hand as he assures, "I like you, Sam."

Sam quietly snickered, tears watering in her eyes, "You actually called me by my name."

Mike rolled his eyes, "Does this mean you will too now?"

"Nah... I think Venkman suits you better." Sam smirked, the two laughing together.

"Okay, we should probably get back before we either get caught or Max and Lucas think we're doing something weird in here."


Dustin, Lucas, Max, Mike, and Sam were all now looking through the garbage bins for Dart.

Sam secretly knew, Dart was no where near here. She just didn't want to blow Dustin's cover.

As long as he kept that thing away from her, he's good.

Mike assured that Will would come to school later but he never showed up.

It started to worry Sam. What if he was having one of those episode again? What if she's the only one who could pull him out of one? If so, then maybe he desperately needed her right now.

Maybe all of them needed her to figure out this mystery. Yet, Sam feels like she's done nothing but show up to school and go to bed late at night.

What if she had valuable information that could stop him from having episodes?

"He needs you..."

The cold voice spoke, Sam ignored it. She continued to eye the seat in front of her, the very much empty seat that Will Byers should be sitting in.

Maybe I can save him?

Maybe, Sam. Maybe.

The boys were also detecting on this weird case.

Mike had ringed Will but nobody answered, "We need to talk. Right now." He commanded as he walked back over to the group.

The boys all entered the school, and just as Max and Sam were about to enter, Mike viciously spat, "Party member only!"

"Really?" Was Sam's immediate reaction.

She thought they reached a new level today, and all of a sudden he was back to being an ass hat.

"Come on, Mike." Dustin sweetly pleaded as he realized the hurt expressions on the ginger and brunette's face.

"No! This is non-negotiable."

Lucas and Dustin said a few sorry to the girls before the door shut.

"Friends are confusing." Sam commented.

Max agreed, "Do they like us or not?"

Sam could get over the fact that she felt left out and hurt from Mike's words... instead she's more concerned about the fact that Will needed her help.

And she was stuck out here, unable to do anything about it.

Sam's face lit up with an idea. She excused herself from Max, going to the restrooms as she flipped a sink on.

The rushing water helped Sam focus, her mind on the three boys, specifically Mike.

Maybe these boys understood the reality of Hawkins better then she thought.

As she walks through the void, eaves dropping on their conversation. She realizes they are well aware of the mysteries surrounding Hawkins.

All the more that they need her input, before it's too late for Will.


"Samoney, you up for the arcade tonight?" Max asked as the two walked out of school.

"Uh, yeah sure. I might be a little late... I need to do a few things."

"What things?"

"I'm gonna go help Mike."

Max started to tease, "Ooo, what is it with you and Wheeler?"

"Oh hush, Max. This is serious, it's about Will." Sam tells her in a mature tone.

Max's grin fades and she nods, "Okay... Just, when you come to the arcade later, don't let Billy see you."


"He doesn't like your brother, which means he automatically doesn't like you."

Great. My best friend's brother hates my own.

"Alright, see you later Madmax."

Sam was supposed to ride home today anyways, surely, Steve wouldn't notice if she was gone for a couple of hours. And on top of that, her father would definitely never bat an eye.

Sam found Mike by the bike rack, hopping on his bike and about to ride off.

She brushed off the thought of him earlier giving her the cold shoulder.

She slowly approached him... how would she tell him?


He alarmingly looked up at her, "What are you doing here?"

Sam puts her hands on her bike, "I'm coming with you."

"What? No you're not."

"Yes I am, I know what's going on. I could help him."

"Trust me, you have no idea what we're dealing with."

"What if I do?"


"I said, what if I do?"

"You sound insane right now."

Sam groans in an irritated way, she breaths in and out, her fingers trailing over her scrunchie in preparation to show him.

Turns out, Wheeler could understand better than anyone.

Once his eyes met her tattoo that engraved the numbers, 010.

He knew that she did know.

Mike's jaw dropped, "Holy shit..."

