|𝐓 𝐖 𝐄 𝐍 𝐓 𝐘 - 𝐒 𝐈 𝐗 |

ππ—Όπ­πž: 𝐜𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 πœπ—Όπ§π­πšπ’π§π¬ (πœπ—Όπ§π­π«π—Όπ₯π₯𝐞𝐝) 𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐫𝐒𝐧𝐀𝐒𝐧𝐠. 𝐍𝗼, 𝐈 𝐝𝗼𝐧'𝐭 πœπ—Όπ§ππ—Όπ§πž 𝐭𝐑𝐒𝐬 𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐞 π—ΌπŸ π›πžπ‘πšπ―π’π—Όπ«. π“π‘πšπ§π€π¬ :)

"𝐀𝐑𝐄 π˜πŽπ” πƒπŽππ„ π˜π„π“?"

β€œShut up. This dress isn’t the easiest to zip up,”

Y/n struggled to pull the zipper up, glaring at the blue-eyed man who sat on the bed behind her, watching her with an amused expression. His eyes were cast down to her ass, staring at it as she wiggled around.

β€œWant some help?” He offered.

β€œPlease,” She huffed, dropping her arms to her sides. Gojo stood with a chuckle, grabbing the zipper and easily sliding it up. She brushed it off and looked at herself in the mirror.

Thin straps were over her shoulders, connecting to the deep v-cut in the white dress. She brushed the fabric over her leg, revealing the slit that ran up to her upper thigh. She wore a gold bracelet, and necklace with it, pushing her hair back from her face. She had two identical snake tattoos on her arms, twisting around her biceps up her shoulder and down to her wrists. Gojo wrapped his arms around her, trailing his hand up her exposed leg.

β€œDamn. That looks good on you, babe,” He murmured. β€œBut it would look better on my floor.”

β€œMaybe later,” She hummed in amusement, fixing the strap on her silver heels. β€œFor now, we need to get going.”

β€œHold on,” He said. β€œYou’re missing something.”

β€œHuh? What am I missing?” She asked, looking down at her outfit.

Gojo looked at her through the mirror, grabbing her left hand. He slid a ring over her third finger, making her eyes widen. The golden band sparkled in the light, the blue sapphires glinting in contrast. Gojo laced his hand through hers, allowing her a moment to ogle at the ring.

β€œI figured a diamond ring would be too cliche, so I got something different,” He said. β€œDo you like it?”

She released a shaky breath and nodded. β€œYeah,”

He grinned and kissed her cheek. β€œGood, now let’s get going.”

β€œO-Okay,” She said, following him to the car.

β€œI’ll drive,”

β€œNobara texted me. She wants to know what’s taking so long,” Y/n chuckled. β€œShe’s freaking out since Fushiguro asked her to sit with him.”

β€œWe were never like this, right?” He asked, glancing from the road to her. She shrugged in response, replacing the device in her wallet.

β€œYou would just sit under the tree with me...so….no, we were never like this,” She hummed.

β€œThank God,” He whispered, making her laugh. Gojo smiled.

β€œIs that the place?” Y/n asked, pointing to a restaurant.

β€œThink so. Yaga literally rented the whole thing out,” He said, parking the car. He got out and opened the door for her, taking her hand as he did.

β€œThat’s a little extra, don’t you think?” She asked, lacing her arm through his. He shrugged.

β€œI mean--”

β€œSensei!” Itadori popped in the doorway, his eyes wide.

β€œWhat the hell’s wrong with you?” Gojo raised an eyebrow, the shocked and fearful look on Itadori’s face surprise them both.

β€œWell, um, you see...Kugisaki got ahold of some alcohol...and…”


The sound of their student’s voice rose in the air as Itadori flinched, the girl behind him stepping closer to him. Y/n dropped Gojo’s arm and walked inside, immediately spotting the light-brown-haired girl. Y/n felt her eyes widen.


The teen immediately dropped the glass in her hands, making the bartender scramble to grab it before it shattered on the ground. She looked down at her teacher with wide eyes. She was standing on the bar, her dress hiked up on her thighs as the other teachers were below her, trying to peacefully get her down.


β€œGet. Your. Ass. Down. Now,”

β€œY-Yes ma’am!” Kugisaki scrambled to tug her dress back down and sat down before sliding off the counter. Y/n walked towards her, grabbing her wrist before pulling her behind her. She pushed her into one of the seats in the back of the restaurant where Fushiguro sat. Gojo, Itadori, and his date soon arrived behind her, all cautiously peering around the older woman’s shoulder.

β€œNobara,” She said sternly, crossing her arms over her chest. β€œI’ve been here less than a minute and I’ve already pulled you from trouble.”

β€œPlease don’t be mad at her, Sensei! It was my fault!” Itadori lied, trying to protect his friend from trouble.

β€œNo it wasn't,” The woman said.

β€œS-sorry, Y/n-sensei,” She bowed her head in shame, cheeks flushed.

β€œIf you wanted to drink, you should have just asked. I would have got you something better than a few shots of tequila,”

All heads shot to her as she slid in the seat beside the teen girl, looking at her in the corner of her eye with a grin. Kugisaki slowly smiled as the older woman chuckled and ruffled the teen’s hair.

β€œY-You’re not mad?” Itadori asked, slowly sitting down with them.

β€œMad? Do you know how many times Satoru and I stole our parent’s liquor and got drunk as teenagers?” She laughed.

In the semi-circular table, Gojo sat on the edge, beside Y/n, who was wedged between him and Kugisaki. Then it was Fushiguro, Itadori, and Itadori’s date, Ozawa who sat on the opposite edge.

β€œThat doesn’t surprise me,” Fushiguro said.

β€œIt shouldn’t,” Gojo said as the waitress walked over.

β€œTwo Bacardi’s mixed with club soda,” Y/n said, and the woman nodded before disappearing.

β€œY/n, this was supposed to be kid-friendly,” Yaga approached, making the woman open her wallet with a pop as she looked up at him.

β€œThis is kid-friendly. They’re not drinking it, so I don’t see a problem,” She shrugged. β€œBesides, they’re old enough to make their own decisions. If they want to be an alcoholic at an early age, then they can be. Who am I to stop them?”

β€œY/n,” He frowned.

β€œIt’ll be fine, Yaga-san. Trust me, I won’t let anything too bad happen,” She smiled.



Kugisaki almost spat out the drink in her mouth, making Y/n burst into laughter as she took the glass back from her.

β€œTry this one,” Gojo said, glancing over his shoulder to make sure Yaga wasn’t looking.

Itadori wiped his lips with the back of his hand, shuddering as the last bit of alcohol slid down the back of his throat. Fushiguro sighed, grinning at him in the corner of his eye. Competition sparked between them. Ozawa had left an hour prior to this, saying she needed to get home before her mother did.

β€œNo more!” Y/n grabbed the bottle as Gojo started to fill the two boy’s shot glasses back up. β€œWe’re gonna have three drunk teens to take care of!”

β€œThis was your idea, Princess,” Gojo chuckled, watching the woman lean over him, sliding his hand to her ass. She slapped his hand away and shoved him.

β€œYeah, well Nobara is getting sick, so we’re quitting,” She said, motioning for him to move so they could stand. Y/n led the stumbling teen from the booth before moving towards the bathroom. Y/n opened the door with her hip, quickly leading Kugisaki to a stall. She tied the girl’s hair back before moving towards the sink.

The door opened as Y/n dampened a few paper towels. She looked up in the mirror to see a figure moving towards the stall Kugisaki was in. She quickly turned around and shouted: β€œHey!”

The figure paused and turned around to face her. Y/n dropped the towels in the sink and walked towards them. β€œSomeone’s in that stall. Find another,” She said, putting her hand on the door. She heard Kugisaki shift inside.

The figure just stood there, their hood pulled over their face. Who the hell was that? Was it some drunk guy who messed up and thought he could get away with coming into the girl’s room? Then, it struck Y/n.

β€œYaga literally rented the whole thing out,”

The stranger saw the recognition flash over her face, and their hand shot out with quick speeds. Y/n blocked it with her forearm, her eyes widening. She stumbled back as a hard kick was delivered to her stomach. She snapped her head up, moving out of the way of the next hit. She landed her own punch, making the person stumble back. Y/n’s face twisted with confusion as she kicked her heel into the figure’s jaw, making them fall back with a crack. Y/n lowered her leg and stared down at them.

Why the hell was a human attacking her?


(Gif not mine )
