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. . .

"you swore your loyalty to him?" Francis whispered yelled. "and he did the same? just for you to watch his money?"

"don't forget that we live here now," Etienne said "at least we get upgraded computers,"

"aesira," francis said sadly "my wife, she's pregnant,"

"I know, Francis," I stated. "There's more than enough guest suites available and I'm sure Baji wouldn't mind,"

he sighed thankful and smiled to himself

"are we going to sit here and pretend he's not wrapped around your finger?" Etienne said randomly and Francis chuckled loudly, seeming as if he agreed with him.

"never seen him look so calm. ever," he said "he looks like he would find humour watching their souls leave their body, except miss cortez,"

my face went a little hot (you wouldn't see if cuz she has MELANIN )

they think he likes me

"you guys are ridiculous," I scoffed crossing my arms, "he looks like he wants to hit me with a bat,"

"see?" Francis stated "just a bat, not kill you,"

I eyed him and he put his arms up. A knock sounded at the office door, grabbing all our attention

the door opened and Aarvi, Bajis sister stepped in. she bowed her head at me.

"your office is ready," I looked at Francis for a bit before beginning towards her, she walked towards the exit and I followed.

"are you blood related to Baji?" I questioned walking besides her.

"no, miss," "we were raised together,"

"mhm," I hummed "um, you're Asian, Bengali correct?"

she looked over at her shoulder and smiled.

we stayed quiet for the rest of the walk. I didn't like how far it was from Francis and Etienne.

"all your belongings are being shipped here," she said after a while, "Baji's office is in the south wing if you would like to talk to him,"

she turned away slowly before walking away.

I went over to the desk and pulled an office chair, I sat in it and began personalising the computer for myself. downloading everything I needed .

shit, those vpns are going to take forever to download.

about 20 mins into breaking through a random man's bank account from France, someone knocked at my door.

I lifted my head up and saw a short older woman standing at the doorway

she smiled bowing her head.

"miss, dinner is now ready." she said lifting her head up

"I'm not hungry I stated calmly "thank you though,"

she looked taken a back when I said thank you.

"Mr Baji insists we all eat together," she added nervously

I sighed

"I'll eat later," I told her "I'm not finished my work,"

she tucked her lips in, thinking to herself before slowly turning away and shutting the door behind her.

I started searching through the random mans information, anything that would give me the code to his bank account.

birthdays, addresses, name. etc. Anything that would fit into the code

I ha to use this method until my vpns were fully installed, as i could be tracked if I started searching random numbers.

about 10 minutes went by and I heard a knock at my door.

I looked up from my computer screen and My heart skipped a beat when Baji peeped his head in holding a tray of food.

he held a blank expression and walked in my office without saying a word. we held eye contact as he placed the tray of food on the side of my desk

"I prefer we all eat with one another." he added after a long moment. I noticed the slit on his wrist, now closed up. "but if you wouldn't like to do so, I would appreciate if you told me beforehand,"

i felt a little scared.

was he upset with me?

"I- I was um," I began "I started some work and if I leave it for too long everything restarts."

he stayed silent

"But- um .." I looked at the tray beside me. "thank you for bringing this to me, though,"

he licked his lips before placing his hands in this pocket

"your guest suite is ready," he added after a while "If you would like, you can get a maid to escort you to your bedroom.

I nodded my head at him

"may I ask exactly what you're doing?" he questioned. I sat up a bit.

"of course I stated," he hesitated before walking around to my desk. sitting next to me. I was in my chair

he placed his hands on the desk. his watch hitting it, still in his pocket. he hunched over and looked at the screen

"I need new vpns," I stated calmly "in order to get new equipment for my um lab to make more products for customers,"

" so why are you looking at the insurance of a French man?" he questioned. I couldn't tell if he was trying to be funny due to the monotonous of his voice.

"its to find the account code," I replied "I look for common numbers to see which would most likely fit his account,"

he hummed and stood up straight, crossing his arms

"did you get it?" he asked me and i felt pressured for some reason

"um yeah I think I did," I said glancing at him, his eyes glued to the screen

"I want to see," and I felt really nervous

of course I wanted to impress him

I sat up and sorted out the notes and bought up his bank website, sorting until all I needed was access to the account

the common four numbers that appeared in many different accounts were 4-7-5-6. coincidently when his parents passed.

I typed the numbers and hit enter. I felt relieved the code was right. I lifted my phone that was connected to the computer. Instead of the security code going to his phone, it went to mine.

the code was 8-4-3-1-0 I typed it in and got into the account.

"hmm," he hummed "it worked. what now?"

"well, i need to hook the card to a paypal account and transfer the money but I won't take a lot so it doesn't raise suspicions,"

he nodded his head slowly

" you requested that Etienne's wife moved here?" he asked

"yes- um if it's not a problem," i stated

"as long as you trust her," he placed a hand on my shoulder for a brief minute before pulling it away, "I'll make a meeting tomorrow so you can get anything you need."

I smiled softly and watched him walk out

authors note: long chapter for the 100 reads. vote and interact. ghost readers are lame
