Chouzetsu/Turbo Pervert Shu Kurenai x Flirtatious Reader

Requested by hiigirlies1234
Tysm for your request. I chose Season 3 because I think that long haired Shu fits this story better. ๐Ÿ˜
I hope you'll enjoy reading!

"Can you give me your car keys so I can drive you crazy?"

"My love, not in public."

"If being sexy was a crime, you'd be guilty as charged."

The crimson-eyed albino let out a heavy sigh as he grabbed the girl by the wrist and pulled her closer to himself before placing a kiss on her forehead. Looking at her, he spoke,

"Don't test me, sweetheart. You know what'll happen if I lose control."

"Ooh? So, THE Shu Kurenai can lose control by plain pick-up lines, hmm? I didn't think you would be this weak~"

The (h/c) haired female teased as the blader sighed softly before poking her head,

"I never actually thought that I could be in a relationship with a girl as flirtatious as you are."

"I never believed in love at first sight until I met you, either."

Shu raised an eyebrow before letting go of her and crossed his arms as he said,

"You'll never run out of the pick-up lines, will you (n/n)?"


"Trust me when I say this, if I get down to my side then you wouldn't be able to- mmph!"

Before he could complete what he was saying, a kiss on his lips cut him off and his girlfriend pulled away and ran off before he could even react to it. Smiling smugly while looking over her shoulder, (Y/N) stuck out her tongue as she said,

"You're really so slow!~"

"That's. It."

Shu said before he began chasing the girl who now started running all around the Raging Bulls.

Author's P.O.V.

Time for a lil' introduction, isn't it? *sipping tea*

Shu and you have been a couple ever since he took over the Bulls (He got the guts to confess after becoming the owner-). The whole world knows about your relationship and is happy (except his fangirls and some random guys who've been eyeing you) but sometimes you two can...

...actually make the people run away in embarrassment.

Not by doing anything inappropriate or wrong! It's just that...

The way you're able to flirt openly with the Spryzen blader and the way he actually responds to all your flirting, makes the third person either regret being single or make them run off with a red face, leaving you and him to laugh wholeheartedly.

Apparently, it's morning time in New York and you decided to accompany Shu in his regular stroll around the Bulls. But the problem is...your endless flirting.

The crimson-eyed albino is finding it hard to keep himself in control. And let me tell you, when he loses control, he becomes a TOTAL pervert around you.

And for some reason, you just love it when he loses control because of your flirting. (I guess both of you are weird in this story. ๐Ÿ˜‘)

Let's go back to the story and see what happens -->

Raging Bulls:

"(Y/N)! I said come back here!"

Shu yelled as he chased the (h/c) haired girl who was giggling while running. Little did he know, his girlfriend had yet another trick up her sleeve.

The (e/c) eyed girl turned left and ran straight into one of the rooms, closing the door behind her. The albino followed close behind as he'd seen the room she went in and proceeded to open the door and enter inside.

As he walked in, he saw (Y/N) standing strangely silent with her back faced to him.

"Finally. I've got you now, (n/n)."

He said as he walked closer to the girl who still stood in her frozen stiff position. Just as he was about to touch her shoulder, she abruptly turned around and looked at him with a frown on her face.

Shu tilted his head in confusion, wondering what caused the sudden mood change in her as he opened his mouth to speak but was cut off when she snapped at him,

"Who gave you the right?! How could you...?!"


"How dare you! You- H-how could you do this?!"

"(n/n), what happened? What're you talking about?"

The albino blinked in confusion, surprised by the girl's sudden outburst but she wasn't in the mood of listening at all.

(Y/N) kept yelling and accusing her boyfriend as he was desperately trying to calm her down and know what she was talking about.

After a few minutes, when he'd finally had enough, the albino exclaimed,

"The right to what exactly?!"

At that, (Y/N) became silent for a few seconds before her lips curved up in a small smile and she spoke,

"The right to being this cute."


Was all that came out of his mouth as the albino just stared at the girl with his jaw-dropped and a dumbfounded expression.

(Y/N) giggled softly as she wrapped her arms around the albino's neck and kissed his cheek.

"I don't know how I've managed to keep my sanity while living with a flirtatious girl like you..."

Shu said as he let out a playful groan before he wrapped his arms around her waist and continued,

"...but I do know that it's one of the things I love about you."

"Hmm, I know."

(Y/N) said with a smile on her face as she pulled away and looked at him, thinking that he'd forgotten about the kiss she'd given him.

Boy, she was wrong to think that.

Before she knew it, (Y/N)'s back had been slammed against the wall as she let out a yelp of surprise when two muscular arms trapped her.


Instead of replying, the albino placed his head on the girl's neck before snaking one arm around her waist and putting the other on the wall above her head.

"Don't think...I'll forgive easily..(Y/N)..."

His voice came out deep and husky which made a blush creep up on the girl's face as she nervously stammered,

"A-are you r-really gonna be m-mad at m-me for a kiss?"

"I'm not mad at that...I'm mad at how you just pecked my lips and took off..."

Was the last sentence he said before kissing her neck, making her wince and yelp again as the (e/c) eyed girl whimpered,

"S-Shu...n-not here.."

Thankfully for the two of them, the door had been properly locked by the crimson-eyed blader, making sure no one would disturb them.

Shu looked up at the (h/c) haired girl with his crimson eyes flaring in an aggressive form of passion.

That alone was enough to let the girl know about how big of a trouble she'd gotten herself into.

'Lesson to self: Either kiss Shu in the proper way he likes or...don't do it at all!'


Fubuki stood in the training arena, wondering when his mentor was going to come. He thought,

'Strange...Just a little while ago, I'm sure I noticed (Y/N) and Shu running around on the next floor. Why haven't any of them come yet? Shu is never late to training...'

Being the curious blonde he was, he decided to go to the next floor and check it out himself.

While walking along the many rooms in the hallway, he stumbled across the locked one and tried to open it but it wouldn't budge.

"Why is this training room locked during the day?"

He scratched his hair in confusion before leaning his ear on the door to see if he got something.

"O-oh!~ S-Shu!~"

"This is your punishment for being naughty, baby!~ I'm gonna make sure that you wouldn't be able to forget it!~"

Fubuki immediately recognized the first voice as (Y/N)'s and the second one as Shu's. Blood rushed up to the boy's cheeks as he sprinted back downstairs, regretting his decision of searching for them.

He should've known that this was a strong possibility to be the reason for both of them being late. They were a loving couple after all...

You traumatized the poor banana head boi. ๐Ÿ˜ณ

Thank goodness, I wasn't there in his place or I would've been traumatized for life. *relieved sigh* ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ

I'm sorry if you didn't like it or if this one shot was cringe. I'm sorry if I made you wait too long. I'm also sorry for my terrible grammar. ๐Ÿ˜ž

Anyways vote, comment, share, and maybe....follow me too? All the characters belong to Hiro Morita, only the story plot is mine.

Stay safe and have a nice day/noon/evening/night.

Sayonara, bug out.
