022𓂃 ΰ£ͺΛ– ִָ֢𐀔

a/n; I'm gna pretend that dom didn't leave to go to the mountains to meet the monk in this chap☠️ cuz I can(Chris so fine.)


"So you actually sent him a Sena-chan figure and the route to today's race?.." You asked Wooin as you both were walking around with Joker, waiting for the race to start.

"Yeah, I did. I hope hummingbird loses today."

You rolled your and watched as Wooin approached Hwangyeon. "Looking good there, can I feel your arm?" Wooin asked, trying to get a rise out of him.

"Piss off, stop acting like we're friends."

"It seems like the drug really worked, huh?" He whispered. Hwangyeon was about to punch him until he saw you watching everything.

"[Y/N]!- Long time no see.." He said while trying to hide his obvious embarrassment by smirking and fixing his hair. "Have you changed your mind about me?"

"It's been years.. Learn how to take hint, okay?" You said while patting his cheeks a few times until you heard someone calling out your name.

"[Y/N]?.. What are you doing with them?"

You turned to see Dom and the others staring at you in disbelief. You laughed awkwardly as they started approaching you.

"Didn't you quit cycling, or was that some lame bullshit excuse for you to switch teams, huh?"

"Oh, well.. This is awkward. I'm sorry you guys had to find out this way." You said while laughing it off, obviously not taking this situation seriously..

I mean, what were you supposed to do in this situation?

Just as they were about to say something else, there was an announcement asking them to head towards the starting line.


"Damnn, I think you went a little too hard on him.." You said while squatting next to the two guys who were lying on the floor, unconscious.

"Whatever, they deserved it for losing and running their mouths around." He groaned and took off his stupid mask.

"Let's go." He said before walking off, leaving them in the alley.

"Ahhh, anyway.. How am I gonna face them in school?" You asked while walking next to him.

"Do you think they hate me?"

"Will they forgive me?"

You kept asking a ton of questions until Wooin snapped.

"Can you just stop talking? I'm already so pissed and I have no time to deal with your bullshit."

Joker looked at you both, watching you both quietly waiting for you to say something.. "I was just asking you a questio-"

"Oh my god, I don't care. Just keep quiet!" He said before raising his hands at you, but before he could do anything worse, Joker grabbed his wrist and shook his head in a disapproving manner.

"Just go home and deal with it yourself."


But instead of going home, you texted someone and made your way to the Han River instead. When you arrived, you sat on the edge and waited until you heard his voice coming from behind you.

"Hmm, what's wrong now, [Y/N]?"
You turned and smiled as he sat down next to you.

"Hyukkkk, why does it feel like everything is going so wrong now.." He chuckled and ruffled your hair.

"Tell me all about it."

"Well, for starters.. You know how I like Vinny or.. liked Vinny. The other day, he was about to tell me something.. Like a confession, but he got interrupted, and now things are kinda awkward between us.."

"Liked?.. What happened?"

You sighed and laid your head on his shoulders.. "I dunno, I heard he's seeing another girl or something."

Hyuk looked surprised and just played with your hair in a comforting manner as you both sat there in silence. He didn't want to admit it, but.. He was actually glad that you finally stopped liking him.

"Is that so? Then what else happened?"

"Hm, they found out, and they weren't happy I switched teams.. and Wooin, he seemed pissed and snapped at me just now."

He sighed and made you look at him by cupping your face gently. "Did he do anything else?.."

"No." You lied.

"Okay, well.. That's good."

You both sat there in comfortable silence until you spoke up again.. "I don't wanna go to school or home anymoree. My brother is being such pain, and I just found out that he's going to my school."

He laughed as he was braiding your hair and pinched your cheeks playfully.

"You can't avoid them forever, yknow.. C'mon, let's go. I'll send you home."
He said while getting up and holding your hand to walk you home.

When you both reached the building of your apartment, he held your wrist and pulled you into a hug.

"Take care of yourself, okay?"

You nodded as he pulled away from the hug and watched you unlock your door before entering the apartment.
You then saw Owen in the living room watching the television on the couch.

"Why are you home so late?.. And what the hell happened just now? I just asked them why you were in another team."

"Why would you ask them that?.. You should've just kept your mouth zipped." You said before going into your room and slamming your door shut.

Why was Owen's mouth so big. He could've just stayed curious. Why was he even there in the first place?

Now, who the hell would text you at this hour?.. You lazily took out your phone from your pocket and swiped up to unlock it.


Didn't know your brother would be here.
Mind calling him into my office?

sure.. js don't say anything stupid pls.

The next morning, you got ready and headed out for school with your brother.

"I still don't know why your nosy ass is going to this school..."

You went to class first, leaving him with the crowd of girls who were trying to talk to him.. The moment you slid the door open, your friends eyes were all on you.

"We need to talk." Dom said before dragging you out of the classroom by the back of your uniform.. You just sighed and let it happen. You basically gave up in protesting already.

"Why couldn't you just be honest with us?" Jay asked you.

"I dunno.." You shrugged. "I was scared that you guys would be mad or something.."

Dom laughed and put his arm around your shoulder, squeezing you. "Why would we ever be mad at you? I mean, we're only a little bit angry about the fact that you lied."

"Really?.. So you guys seriously aren't mad that I'm with them?"

Shelly then poked your cheeks before laughing and taking out your phone from your pocket to hold it up.

"We already knew you were friends with them from the start. Look at your lockscreen!"

It was a picture of you guys when you forced Hyuk, Joker, and Wooin to one of those 4 cut photobooth almost a year ago.

"Now the race would definitely be more interesting now that you're my opponent!" Dom said.

"Right.. Anyway, did you hear about the 'special event' later on?"

Jay nodded and took out his phone, "Yeah, I got a text about it."

"I wonder what it's about.."

After school, you guys decided to meet up with Vinny and June first before going to the League Of Streets venue together.

"Hahahahha, look, guys, I got number 69!" You laughed at the piece of paper in your hands.

"It's not even that funny." Vinny rolled his eyes at your childishness.

"Shut up, Vinny. You're a boring old man with no humour."

Vinny looked at you and grabbed the collar of your shirt, and stared at you. "Stop calling me that!" He yelled.

"But you are!" You yelled back, trying to get out of his grip.

"Now you both are acting like children." Shelly sighed and slapped Vinny's hand away from you. You then fake cried and went to her for attention.

"I wonder what this ticket is for.." Shelly asked curiously, holding up the paper.

"I hope it's a lucky draw.. Some carbon wheels would be nice." June sighed.

"Yeah, I wish they do a draw for a gift giveaway!"

"Don't get your hopes up, I don't think that's gonna happen." Vinny said to them.

"Pshhh, party pooper." You mumbled, which made Vinny glare at you. "You really want to die, right?"

You just stuck your tongue out at him and stood beside Shelly, knowing she'd definitely protect you.

As you all got nearer to the stage, you saw the mcee talking, and suddenly Owen showed up on the screen.

"Ewww, what's that creature?"

"Haha, that's not very nice, [Y/N].."

..A race with Owen? So this is why Sangho asked you to call Owen over.. To hold a special event with him involved.

Of course, he would do such a thing.. You should've known. Just as you were about to say something, Owen appeared on the stage to draw out the numbers.

He took out two of them and opened it before holding it up in the air for everyone to see.

The numbers "55" & "69" appeared on the two big screens in front of you, which made you point and laugh at it.

"Look, guys, it's the number 69!"

They all looked at you and sighed.. Shelly then grabbed your shoulders and made you turn to her.

"[Y/N], that's your number.."

"What?" You looked at your ticket and back at the screen.

