trenty bae

trenty bae
so.... i actually don't know what to say
for once
trenty bae
tbf i'm surprised it took you this
long to realise
trenty bae
i knew from like timeeee ago
trenty bae
at least i can stop pretending πŸ˜„

trenty bae
can you reply i'm starting
to get nervous hahahaha

trenty bae
or am i blocked
trenty bae
no the texts are blue
trenty bae

trenty bae
shiloh i'm not playing can you
at least lmk you're good
trenty bae
i couldn't care less if you're mad at me
just. are you alive πŸ™‚

i'm alive

trenty bae
trenty bae
where have you been

i stayed over at my friends
i just forgot to charge my phone

trenty bae
trenty bae
you're not upset are you?

no. i'm more shocked.
and i feel a little dumb bc how did
i not put two and two together
also i KNEW you weren't white what a win
for me πŸ˜„πŸ™ŒπŸΎ

trenty bae
trenty bae
well now i know you're alive and all
trenty bae
i have to go to training but i can
call you later on?

sure :)

"SHILOH, BE FOR REAL NOW," TRENT LAUGHED, resting the back of his head against his palm. "How many people called Trent do you actually know?"

"How was I meant to know Trent was a rare name?"

"I literally said i'm from Liverpool. A pretty big giveaway."

"Stop making me feel dumb, I'll literally end this call right now," she straight-faced him.

"If it makes you feel better, I went through all five stages once I realised who you were."

"Wait, but now I'm confused," she started. "If you knew who I was, why didn't you say anything?"

Trent knew this question would come up sooner or later, but he was prepared for it. "I kinda like... well let's just say, I was overthinking it. I thought you'd look at me differently or something like that."

"Why would I do that?"

"One time when we were texting you said you'd rather count grains of rice than date a footballer."

"I said that?" She twisted her face. "I must've been high. Anyways," Trent laughed at that, Shiloh joining in too. "I'm glad we've cleared all that up though."

"Yeah, me too."

It was silent for a moment as Shiloh looked through TV shows to watch, settling on Abbott Elementary. When she looked down at her phone, she saw Trent pulling gently pulling on his goatee, the signature whore move. Judging by the glow on his face, he must've been watching something.

Instead of saying something, she took as many photos of him as she could, stopping when she saw him looking into the camera. "Giving fan behaviour," he laughed.

"Shut up."

"When are you gonna come to Liverpool then?" He sudden asked.

"When you buy me a ticket," Shiloh scoffed. "Have you seen the train and coach prices lately? Used to be Β£6 both ways now they want you to buy a whole house."

"True," Trent agreed. "But I'm being serious. I want to see you face to face. Kinda sick of having to rely on facetime," and once again, his hand was back on his goatee.

"Stop being a whore," the girl said bluntly. "Besides, I don't trust you that much to go to your yard. For all I know, you could be setting me up."

"And why would I do that?"

"Why wouldn't you do that?"

"You're too pretty to kill, I'd have lost a real one," he fake saluted, even adding a few fake sobs.

Denying the fact that that made her feel some type of way, Shiloh rolled her eyes at his attempt to flirt with her. "You make me sick."

"Yeah, you love it though," he winked.

i just finished abbott. that is the best
written show i've ever seen i think
