

4 MONTHS HAD passed and the team had been on a winning streak not having lost any games. Nailea's popularity on and off the court has increased since her first game and the media having only positives to say about her performance saying calling her and Paige Uconns ticket to the NCAA Championship

As for Paige and Nailea they have gotten closer, if that's even possible. If you didn't know them personally you would not be able to tell that these two girls hadn't talked for three years.

Each telling embarrassing stories of one another. Paige would hang out with Nailea any chance she got visa versa with Nai

They always ignored the tension they would unconsciously cause between themselves like when they would get too close to each other or when they would lay in the same bed or hold eye contact for too long

But they're just friends


Today was a chill day as the team were heading out for dinner

"Nai I swear if you don't get your ass up right now, we'll be late!" Nika yelled at the brunette who in response groaned and crawled deeper into her bed

Nika sighed and rolled her eyes at the girls antics. She's been asleep for 5 hours

"Nai. I'll get Azzi." Nika said sternly. Nai shot up at the statement and crawled out of bed eyeing Nika

Nika stared at her smugly

"Why do you always have to pull that card?" The smaller girl whined as she headed to the shower

"Don't take so long to get out of bed and maybe I won't have to" Nika said laughing at the sight

Nailea rushed to get ready only having thirty minutes to leave she got dressed in a simple outfit as it was just a casual dinner, did her hair and makeup and rushed into the bedroom to see Paige and KK sitting with Nika

"Y'all homeless or you just miss me that much?" Nai asked cutely as she went to grab her small purse for her phone

"Girl bye we waiting on your slow ass" KM replied yawing

Paige's mouth fell to the floor when she saw the girl

She looked so beautiful Paige couldn't keep her eyes of her.

she wore a pair of oversized jeans and tight cropped shirt showing her abs. Then she put a matched with an oversize jacket. Her way was down curls surrounding her face

Nailea saw that Paige hadn't said a word and turned to look at the girl only to see she was staring

"Take a picture P it'll last longer" she said resulting in the girls laughing ad Paige's face turning bright red

Paige stood up as did the other two girl she herself was wearing green cargos, a white tank top, with a black short sleeve jacket and a crossbody bag ontop

Nailea had to force herself not to stare at the girl which became very hard to do as Paige leaned down to whisper in the girls ear

"Don't act like you didn't like it" and with that she left yelling at the other girls that she's driving

Nai however stood their in absolute disbelief in what Paige had said

The group finally made it to the restaurant where everyone was and walked inside to the others

"Someone wanted to stay in bed so I pulled the Azzi card" Nika said making the others aware of their presence

Paige and KK laughed as they went to sit down knowing the two were about to go at it

"Nika! Youre such a snitch" Nailea started and they both began to bicker like siblings

"Nai, Nika" Caroline said sternly and the two quickly shut up looking at the older brunette

"Sorry mother" Nai said sassily her and Nika finally taking their seats

Nai sat on the end with KK in the middle of her and Paige whilst Nika sat infront of her. They started kicking each other under the table laughing and having fun

When the two were together they acted like little children causing chaos everywhere they went

"Guys I'm about to go live" KK announced to which everyone said they were fine with it

It's 20 minutes into the dinner and everyone were talking to each other and once in a while popping in the live to say hi. Only Paige and Nai haven't

If Nailea was being honest social media wasn't really her thing and she liked to keep her personal life private however it was a dinner and she was a little bored

A lot of the comments were wheres Paige, where did they go and where is Nailea

KK said she was going to the restroom so Nai moved off the seat to let her pass and slid up closer to Paige.

Paige had sat closer to the girl now both of them on the live


User748: Nai was my gay awakening


User509: I shippp

User966: it's the whole team there?

User632: Paige and Nai are so fineeee

User849: Nai who's your dream guy?

The two girls were reading the comments and laughing with each other sometimes pushing the screen to the girls on the opposite side of the table as they answered questions rotating the screen back and forth

"Nai what's that rash on your arm?" Nai whispered to herself as she read the comments

"I think I ate something and got an allergic reaction it's probably nothing" she said before pulling out her phone and unconsciously laying her head on Paige's shoulder

The comments went wild everyone Gettin excited

Paige saw the comments and tried to ignore them as she moved the screen to face. Ice, Q, Azzi and Caroline

"Guys they're asking us all out dream guy"

All the girls answered while some saying they don't know.

Eventually the screen reached Nailea again who still had her head on Paige's shoulder

"Dream guy?" Nai looked at Paige and he rest of the team and giggled

User826: Nai PLEASE TELL US R U FOR THE GIRLS ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ

Nailea read the comment and laughed showing the other girls they all looked at her with an eyebrow raised. Never having asked the question they were all now curious

"I would say but that would mean I'm cheating on my wife Q." she said playfully winking and Quadence and avoiding the question

Quadence laughed dramatically fanning herself as she held Nai's hand

The team laughed at their antics but the comments still persisted Nailea however ignored them.After about 10 minutes KK came back and Nai moved to allow her back into her seat

The comments then started yelling now that KK was back. KK laughed and stayed on the live for a little longer before finally saying goodbye to the everyone on the live

"We should definitely do this again" Paige said holding her stomach

"Of course you want to do it again, big back" Nai coughed playfully

Paige sent her a death glare

"Paige if it were me I wouldn't have that" Nika instigated

Paige the looked at Nai with a mischievous expression

"Nika sleep with one eye open" Nai yelled as she ran from Paige. The rest of the group laughing and recording the moment

Even if it had only been 4 months these people had become Nai's family, every last one of them


