Chapter 3

(Heyy guys ik I haven't posted a lot lately but it's not my fault we went on vacation for a month and the WiFi at the hotel sucks like to the point you can only watch one video until it starts buffering and that I couldn't publish anymore but I'm back so enjoy :3)
'3 P.O.V'
You wake up from what you think was a nightmare "ah fuck!" You say scratching your head you felt something 'Ears?!!'
You panicked It wasn't a dream.. "wake up deep shit" blitzo says "where am I?"
You ask "what you got fucking amnesia?, your in my house now let's find your own get dressed." He walks out you sigh and shake your head you get dressed and walk downstairs you see a hellhound but couldn't make out what they looked like cuz blitzo was dragging you but you didn't know they were looking at you and slightly blushed 'huh I didn't know he had a hellhound wife-'
You thought, you was thinking for a while but then realized y'all were here.. "Ok just sit here I have to talk to someone"
Blitzo groans as he start to walk in a castle
"Well damn didn't know they had a prince in hell, well I be damned" you say out loud
You started to sleep until... "hey pretty little hound wanna come with me?" A big imp says
(I gagged when I wrote this part) "Great question. Go fuck yourself dirty fuck, before I rip your spleen open got it?"
The Imp look angry and horrified "Look your coming with me whether you like it or not"
The angry big imp says, "oh really cause I have an advantage here jackass now I'll give you until the count of 3 and you better run before I slice off that tiny dick of yours"
You started to bring out your kind-of angle axe and without warning you jumped in the air and threw the axe to his neck making him bleed out and suddenly vanished
"Sike bitch..." you whisper you heard slow clapping "my my blitzo you brung a fallen angle and with that kind of skill she would make a perfect member of you business" you quickly turned around to see blitzo in total shock and an Gorecia (or sum) owl prince "yeah whatever sure if she wants to join do you?"
"Sure I'm down" you sounded a bit excited "ok ok, calm the fuck down let's go"
2 hours later ( brought to you by moxxie
eating a donut )
You read the sign of some sort of hotel
"holy shit bruh we had to walk ALL the way here?!" "Yes get used to it dumbass"
You rolled your eyes "alright your going to stay in this hotel for a while I have to go to work" blitzo says walking away
"Can I come? Please"
"FINE for the love of god,.. ok ok how about this you can come tomorrow if you shut the FUCK up?"
You nod your head in excitement when you head inside you see a happy demon waiting for you
"*Dramaticly Gasps* Welcome to the HAPPY HOTEL!!"
Just then a spider demon walked in
"Calm down toots don't scare the darling"
" oh- oh •ahem• I'm sorry for that I just get a little excited!"
As you were about to speak a black portal appeared out of nowhere and came out of it was Bambi?.. 'is that bambi?'
"No I'm not Bambi if I think that what your guessing" then he snapped his back twords me
"Oh my my my I see the imp has brought us a surprise!"
(Damn stolas you got a twin)
"Hi? I'm y/n, blitzo says I have to stay here for a while?"
"Well of course Charlie dear let me escort this 'being' to her room"
"Uh ok alastor.." I'm guessing Charlie says
You looked horrified as both of you get in the elevator "umm are you sure alastor should do that?, doesn't he prey on angles?!"
"Oh no.."
With you and Strawberry Pimp
"What the fuck?!" You say as the static grew louder you ran "It's been decades since we had an half-breed so.. I might as well make your stay as painful as ever darling.."
"YOUR CRAZY!" You shouted
"ALASTOR!!!!!" Charlie shouts
Alastor then suddenly stops
"Didn't I say DONT try to kill our guests?"
"Yes but-"
"DONT YOU DARE BUT ME please go downstairs and leave her alone.."
"Yes Charlie.."
"So sorry about that let me bring you to your room heh.."
"What the fuck- that was AWESOME"
You shouted Charlie felt a tad bit confused
"What do you mean?"
"You literally was fire! Your like a mom but 10x cooler you saved me back there!"
Just then Charlie blushed and smiled "thanks y/n"
In Your Room...
You flopped down on your bed "damn today was horrible meh whatever I get to see what blitzo's business is all about tomorrow!!"
You whisper to yourself....

|| ok don't yell at me in the comments this was I shitty chapter I know le cri-||
Word count: 860
