Brooklyn 99 x MHA

"Ladies and gentlemen," Denki smirked, "we are gathered here today to answer an age old question." 

Bakugou rolled his eyes, expecting the worst.

"Yeah, what's Momo's deal? She single?" Mineta asked. Denki turned to him in disgust. 

"No," he facepalmed, "she's taken...cmon." Mineta sighed in defeat, sulking into the black leather couch of the break room. "The question is, who here does the best impression of captain Shoto Todoroki?" the childish detective continued. "You will be judged on voice, body language, and overall lack of flair. Everyone will perform the same the same scenario, Captain Todoroki eating a marshmallow for the very first time," Kaminari directed. "Let the Shoto-off begin!" he exclaimed.

Iida stepped up, beginning his performance. "What is this glutinous monstrosity before me?" he demanded in a disappointed tone.

"The sugar in this is quite sweet," Bakugou impersonated. 

Izuku made a pleasured face. "Ooh!" he exclaimed in a high pitched voice, "HMHMHMAHAHAHA! MMMMM!" 

Denki sent him a questioning glance. "That's your Captain Todoroki impression?" he snorted.

"I can hear him doing that," Deku nodded.

Mina went next. "Looks like a sticky pillow," she glared at the marshmallow while squishing it between her fingers.

"I don't care for it. (Classical music)," Kaminari shook his head.

A few detectives giggled, before being interrupted by the man himself. "What's going on here?" asked the captain, "what are you doing?"

"Captain, hey," Denki sweat dropped, "nothing, just eating some marshmallows. Care for one?" He offered the treat to Todoroki.

Shoto stared at it, "Marshed... mallow?" He popped the squishy white sweet in his mouth, following it with hysterical laughter. "Hm! Mm hmhmhmhm! Heheheheheehhmhm!"

"I knew it!" Izuku jumped from his seat.


Deku: I wasn't hurt that badly. The doctor said the bleeding was internal, that's where all the blood is supposed to be!
