••• (⁠✷ 01✷ ) •••



Intro :

Name : Mr. Kim

Age : 50 yrs

Nature : Strict

Work : CEO of "kim's Company of NG " and Underworld MAFIA KING

Children : One Son

Friend : Mr.Lee

Personality : Handsome


Name : Mrs.Kim

Age : 47 yrs

Nature : Sweet and Lil bit childish

Work : Housewife

Children : One Son

Friend : Ms.Lee

Personality : Beautiful


Name : Kim Taehyung

Age : 27 yrs

Nature : Flirty, childish and pervert

Work : No

Relationship status : Single

Friends : Park Jimin & Jeon junkook

Personality : Handsome, hot & Sexy


Name : Park Jimin

Age : 28 yrs

Nature : Flirty

Personality : Handsome, hot & Sexy

Relationship status : Comitted

Friends : Kim Taehyung & Jeon junkook


Name : Jeon junkook

Age : 26 yrs

Nature : Childish

Personality : Handsome, hot & Sexy

Relationship status : Single

Friends : Kim Taehyung & Park Jimin


Location : Kim Mansion

Mr. Kim : Look Your dear son came.....
* Sarcastic *

Mr.Kim blurted out as soon he saw his Son Kim Taehyung entered in the living room while smirking......he came and sat on the couch before putting his both legs on the front glass table.......

Mr. Kim : Look how he is Smirking....
* Angry *

Mrs. Kim : Calm down honey.....

Mr. Kim : Just told him he is going office tomorrow with me.... *Angry *

Mrs. Kim : Son....you heard it right ??

Taehyung : Tell him I'm not going anywhere.... * Annoyingly *

Mrs. Kim : Honey....You heard it.....

Mr. Kim : Tell him this is my order...

Mrs. Kim : Son....You heard it.....

Taehyung : Tell him this is my decision.....

Mrs. Kim : Honey....You heard it.....

Mr. Kim : Tell him I'm his father not he is my....

Mrs. Kim : So-----

Taehyung : Tell him this is my life not his...

Mrs. Kim : Hon----

Mr. Kim : Tell him This is my hou----

Taehyung : Tell him----

* Angrily *

Saying this Mrs. Kim left in her room and closed the door with a thud sound...Mr. Kim glared at Taehyung and left from there....

While Taehyung smirk and started scrolling through his phone....

Next Day

Morning time....

Taehyung was sleeping like a lifeless person...his pillows were on floor and the blanket was covering table lamp instead of taehyung....his one leg was looking like it is broken and one leg was covered with a pillow....

Mr. and Mrs. Kim came in his room and saw their son was sleeping peacefully but it didn't last long as Mr. Kim throwed a bucket of water on his Handsome face.....

Taehyung : Ahhh....My Strawberry milkshake.....wait...... * Widen eyes*

Mr.Kim throwed two pillows and it landed on his face successfully....after that he left from there and there Mrs. Kim was suppressing her laughter looking at that cute fight of Son and dad.....

Mrs. Kim went to Taehyung and....

Mrs.Kim : Get ready quickly....You are going with your dad and yeah no buts...he is already angry.... Please son... * puppy eyes *

Taehyung : Ok mom.... * Sighs *

After getting ready Taehyung came downstairs and stood infront of his parents...he smirked looking at Mr. Kim.....


Taehyung : What ?? * innocently *

Mr. Kim : You are going to office in this outfit.... * angry *

Taehyung : What's wrong in this outfit ?? * innocently *

( He had wore his most colourful night suit )

Mrs. Kim : Son...you are going in office for work not to Sleep.... * Calmly *

Taehyung : What ??? Work ???? But you only said I'm going to office....you didn't said I've to work there....

Mr. Kim : So...are you going there to sell peanuts ??? * Trusfrated *

Taehyung : O c'mon dad....That is also a work and I'm not going to do any work..... * Smirk *

Mr. Kim : That Smirk.....

Saying this Mr. Kim stood up angrily from the couch and attacked on taehyung but he knew it already so he started running.... mr.kim was chasing him .....

Mr. Kim : WAIT....YOU BRAT.... I'LL KILL YOU TODAY.... * Chasing *

Taehyung : YOU CAN'T KILL ME.... * running *

Mr. Kim : WHO TOLD YOU THIS ?? * angrily chasing *



Saying this Mr. Kim stopped running and plopped himself on the couch breathing heavily same goes to Taehyung but he sat a little far from his dad and there Mrs.Kim was laughing uncontrollably.....
Few minutes later they gained their breath and Mrs. Kim also stopped laughing when she saw the sad face of Mr. Kim.....he was sitting there hanging his head low thinking about something....Mrs. Kim noticed it but before she said something.....

Mr. Kim : Let's eat breakfast... I'm hungry..... * Fake smile *

Mrs. Kim : What happ----

Before she said further Mr. Kim stood up and went to the dinning chair while smiling or maybe fake smiling.... Taehyung was already in the kitchen drinking water....

Mrs. Kim came and served the breakfast and all of them started eating....it was pure silence so Mrs. Kim thought to broke it but seems like Mr. Kim read her mind and said.....

Mr. Kim : Don't talk while eating.....

Mrs. Kim didn't speak anything but seems like their son was out of world cuz he was laughing maniacly don't know why......

Mr. Kim : Why are you laughing ??

Taehyung : I'm thinking about ur words...I'LL KILL YOU TODAY....

Taehyung mimicked mr. Kim and started laughing but instead of arguing with Taehyung....Mr. Kim Smiles a little and again started eating thinking something....Mrs.kim was watching each action of her Honey....

Taehyung finished his breakfast and said....

Taehyung : Wait.... I'll bring my phone then we will go to office.... * Smirk *

Saying this he ran in his room....

Meanwhile Mr. and Mrs. Kim also finished their breakfast and sat on the couch.....Mrs. Kim put her hands on Mr. Kim hands and squeeze it little while asking.....

Mrs. Kim : What Happened ?? * Smile a little *

Mr. Kim : Nothing.... * Fake smile *

Mrs. Kim : Stop faking your smile....u are so bad at acting.....

Mr. Kim : * chuckled *

Mrs. Kim : Now tell me what happened ??

Mr. Kim : I'm thinking about Taehyung..... what will I do ?? He is going to turn 28 after few months and still he is acting like a child....he is not caring about his future....he is not caring about us...he is not caring about his life....Look at Mr.lee----

Saying this he stopped suddenly and his eyes open wide.....

Mrs.Kim :Mr.lee what ????

Mr. Kim : Nothing leave it..... Btw call your dear son....we are getting late....
* While looking at his watch *

Before Mrs. Kim call him...she saw he was coming with his phone and power bank....

Mrs. Kim : Think of devil and devil is here....I mean son....

Taehyung came to them and wore his slippers.....

Mr. Kim : Do you have any other dress except this ???

Taehyung : Yes....Gucci shirts...Gucci tshirts....Gucci pants.... Gucci underwears....Gucci shoes and----

Mr. Kim : Then please Go and wear them so that they became fortunate...

Taehyung : But they all are Old.....

Mr. Kim : When did you bought them ??

Taehyung : One week ago....

Mr. Kim : WHATTTT ????

Mrs. Kim : Honey.... please calm down and you brat go and please wear a suitable dress.... please son....

Taehyung : Mom....I don't want to go office Please.... * Crocodile tears *

Mrs. Kim : Let him be....he don't want to go so please---

Mr. Kim : You are literally believing his crocodile tears ??

Mrs. Kim : Honey----

Mr. Kim : Leave it... I'm getting late for the office.....

Saying this he called his Bodyguard and left with him....


Taehyung : YAYYYYYYY.....

Mrs. Kim : Something is going in his ( Mr. Kim ) mind..... * mumbled *

At Kim's Company of NG ••

*In Office *

As Soon Mr. Kim entered in the company everyone stood up and bows at him while wishing GOOD MORNING
Mr. Kim directly went in his cabin along with his bodyguard....


Name : Kim Hyunn

Age : 35 yrs

Work : Most trusted Bodyguard and Secretary of Mr. Kim

Nature : Kind , polite and Serious about each work of Mr. Kim

Personality : Handsome

Lovelife : Married

Mr.Kim and Kim Hyunn are just like brothers....Their bond is stronger than Gorilla Glue...Mr. Kim's trust on Kim Hyunn is just.....
Kim Hyunn knows everything about Mr. Kim even his Mafia Work too....
As I said MOST TRUSTED BODYGUARD OF MR. KIM so ofc....Most important thing is that Security of Kim family is also on Kim Hyunn....

* In the cabin *

Mr. Kim : Hyunn....Fix a meeting with Mr. and Mrs. Lee.....

Hyunn : Yes boss..... * Bows and left *

Time : 11 : 00 am

Mr. Kim came out from his cabin and everyone present there stood up and bows at him a little.....

Everyone was scared cuz this was the first time Mr. Kim was present there between employees....

Mr. Kim : First of all...Good Morning to everyone..... * Smiled *

Now those who were scared were shocked now seeing their boss smile cuz this was the first time Their boss smiled.... Actually he is famous for his strictness....he is very professional in his work either in Company or In MAFIA....

Some of the employees started whispering to each other like....

" What happened to boss ?? "

" Is he sick ?? "

" Is he going to fire us ?? "

" Why is he smiling ?? "

" I never saw him smiling "

" Is he our boss lookalike /Duplicate"

" Seems like he is in good mood "

" I think today is our last in this company "

" Jesus.... I'll be homeless today "

" I think something is going on boss's mind "

" Jesus....Save us...we are your poor souls "

Mr. Kim : Pls keep quiet everyone.... * Strictly *

"Now I'm sure this is our real boss"

" I'm save now "

" Our boss is back "

" I think earlier it was a ghost who wished us "

Mr. Kim : I want to announce a good news Today..... * Smile *

" Ghost is back again "

Mr. Kim : So... first of all I'm very thankful to all of you who were with me in every situation we faced towards the Company....and second thing is that.....

Time : 2 : 00 pm


People presenting there :- Mr. Lee , Ms. Lee , Mr. Kim and Kim Hyunn...


Name : Mr. Lee

Age : 48 yrs

Nature : opposite of Mr. Kim

Personality : Handsome

Work : CEO of " LEE'S COMPANY OF YG " ( Underworld Mafia )

Friend : Mr. Kim

Children : Yes


Name : Ms. Lee

Age : 46 yrs

Nature : Same as Mrs. Kim

Personality : Beautiful

Work : Personal secretary of Mr.lee

Friend : Mrs. Kim

Children : Yes


* Present Time *

All of them were sitting there and waiting for their order....

Order Served and they started eating while chitchatting Random things...
After finishing their lunch they payed for the order and now the real thing Starts...

Mr. Lee : So...now tell me the real reason why you called us ??

Mr. Kim : I don't know from where I'll start.....

Mr. Lee : * chuckled * First of all Calm down and tell us from starting....

Mr. Kim : Actually......

* Night Time *

Mr. Kim entered in the mansion being all happy.....His bodyguard was also happy seeing his Boss happiness....Mr. Kim came and hugged His wife.... Their son was also there Talking with his friends....when he saw his dad smiling...he became happy too and ended the call.

Mrs. Kim was so surprised by Mr. Kim's sudden behaviour...she started blushing cuz ofc his son and that bodyguard were there....she tapped Mr. Kim shoulder and he freed her but acted normal as this is nothing.....

Taehyung was standing there watching his father's each action then Mr. Kim looked at Taehyung and Smirk widely.... Taehyung pinch himself to see if he is watching any dream but no it was not any dream.....

Mr. Kim came to him and hugged him....

Mr. Kim : This is not Dream....MY DEAR SON..... * whispered *

Mr. Kim broke the hug and went to his bodyguard and said.....

Mr. Kim : Hyunn...Give them their Gift... * Smiled and smirked evily *

Hyunn : Sure Boss.... * Smiled *

Hyunn came forward and gave a Envelope to Mrs. Kim and Mr. Kim Taehyung.....

Mrs. Kim gestured all of them to sit...

Mr. and Mrs. Kim sat Together on a Couch and Taehyung sat infront of them....He was confused as hell......
Hyunn was standing beside Taehyung

Mr. Kim : Honey....before Opening this envelope can you give me some water ???

Hyunn : Wait.... I'll give it...mam you stay here.... * Smiled *

Hyunn went in the kitchen and came with Five Glass of Water and put on the Glass table which was between Mr. Kim and Taehyung....
Mr. Kim and Hyunn looked at each other and wink while smirking evily...

Taehyung : Why five glass ?? * Confused *

Mr. Kim : Someone's throat is going to dry.....

Taehyung : Whom ???

Mr. Kim : You will get to know MY DEAR SON....

Taehyung ( in mind ) : Something is wrong for sure.... * Scared a little *

Mrs. Kim : What's in this envelope honey.... * Confused *

Mr. Kim : * Smile * So I'll count till three and then you both will open this envelope...ok ???

Mrs. Kim : Ok.... * Smile *

Taehyung : Y-Yeah.....

Mr. Kim ( in mind ) : Don't shutter son cuz after reading the Letter You are going to lost your all words....*smirk*

Mr. Kim : So....1..............

Taehyung was gulping down his saliva...

Mr. Kim : 2...........

His hands were sweating...

Mr. Kim : And.......3...........







