
I wake up and yawn I put on my fuzzy socks and go to Daniels room I shake him to wake up to go to school
"DANIEL ITS 7:40 AM WAKE UP " I wack him with the pillow and he wakes up "STOP I WAS SLEEPING " "ITS FRIDAY WE HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL TODAY " Daniel Wacks me "OW"
I run to my room to change
A/n I'm in a rush so I have no outfits for this sorry guys!
I change brush my teeth get my skateboard and wait for Daniel

Daniels POV
I wack yn she leaves and I go brush my teeth mess my hair up and change she's already waiting for me by the door I get my shoes and get go to the door "alright let's go "she opens the door and holds it for she gets my bike and then I get on she gets her skateboard and starts riding it and then we make it at school at 7:56
she leaves until a group of three girls grab her skateboard and her they get her skateboard and break it

I said by to my brother and oh shit I say in my head it's kimberly,Ashley and the worst of them cherry "hey yn" what do you want cherry I say  she says "nothing oops!"she laughs with her friends they break my skateboard "NO" they run off

Hours later
I wait for Daniel outside he hugs me because of my skateboard I hug back

I love my brother

