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   ~Lucina's POV~

   Waking up, I realized that I wasn't at the divine temple of Naga anymore. I see no one, not even father's dead body, anywhere, I cried of remembering his blood dripping down from my bare hands, But then, I did remember he told me that he wrote a letter. A letter to explain everything.

   His last words...

   I wanted answers, and here's my chance to get them. And so, I search for the letter, only to find it within his robes. The dark robes that he always wears to cover me and himself. I hesitantly open the letter, not knowing what truths may lies. And so...

   Here the letter said,


   Dear Lucina,

   If you're reading this, then I'm most like dead right now. I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry, but this death of mine was necessary. I've been keeping many secrets from you, and they were the sin that I bear alone. My journal contains more details on my plans and thoughts if you wished to see more to understand.

   Hear me out; You've always asked and questioning about Grima, and why the world is dead. As to how I taught you, the Fell Dragon was sealed away for many years by the First Exalt, known as your first ancestor. However, as you remember through your lessons, a civilization, a cult you can say, was remained known as the Grimleals. Their goal was to bring back their fallen god, and they succeeded. They bred their members to gave birth for a perfect vessel for their god.

   Which created countless generations. That was known as the line to become the avatar of the Fell Dragon. A person who contains his soul. And I, I am the avatar of Grima. I am the sinful dragon of your nightmares, I am the reason why your family, every one of the civilization is gone...dead. And the true reason why the world was in ruins.

   Back before all of this happen, my father lured me and your father to Plegia, where he used the ritual to awaken the Fell Dragon. As I awoke, talking controlled my body once more, I realized that I killed your father. The man who trusted me, the one person who took me in, and the one who made me for what I am. But in return, I killed him and everyone he cared about. I've brought despair and ruin to the people and lands that your father swore to protect.

   The ritual must have been imperfect or some other reason, but the Fell Dragon have borrowed time. He knew that his power was slowly decreasing. But he was able to wage a terrible war on humanity and was nearly succeeding in wiping them out. Perhaps my feelings may have reached him, or he just wanted to save you last. When you were left before humanity can reach its end, I quickly gain control. I wanted nothing more than to end my own life at that moment. To end this horrible sin that I've created.

   But ever since I found you, I resolved my life and decided to raise you to become the woman, a strong leader and Exalt, that your father wanted for you to be one day. And that day, for you to rebuild and restore the kingdom to its glory.

   But I could feel his power. He was merely slumbering, but his power was growing little by little. I knew that it was only a matter of time until he regained control. And I also knew that he, his first act was sure to kill you. I couldn't allow that to happen; the reasons why we traveled and searched the lands for the gems, and performed its awakening. It was also the reason why I have to die. It was the best choice of situation.

   Naga would have sealed Grima away for good, but if you're reading this, then that likely never happened.

   I know how you felt, Lucina. Chrom and his wife is a ghost to you, a mere legend, and I was the one who raised you. In truth, I am not worthy of your feelings. I am the reason why that you'll never know and understand the love of family and friends. You would have lived a happy life, a life that you were meant to have. But I also have grown fond of you. I also have grown to love you, but I cannot shake the feeling of guilt whenever I think of you and that.

   I may not be the Fell Dragon like now or somewhat, but the 'what-ifs' haunts me and my mind. What if I was strong enough to stop my birth father and the ritual? What if I looked deeper into my dark past? I may be a tactician and should have look deeper for the possibility, but it feels like I have failed everything. If only I have known, could all these events have been averted? These regrets I have... they still hunt me to this day.

   I have thought of many possible outcomes, having hopes that Naga can save you and your future when I'm gone. If she can send you to an outrealm, that would be ideal for you. All I hoped that she can send you a safe place that you can call home. If no outrealm then, I hope it was somewhere safe in this world, perhaps a hidden village or a civilization across the sea far from the Fell Dragon's touch.

   Even if she fails as you remained here, never lose hope. Please, live on and moved on. Live and survive, for someday that you may find salvation. I understand how much my death will affect you, and it will truly pain me. If Naga can't end me, then I know how I must die. And if that happens, even in front of you, please... Do not blame yourself. It pains me inside when I think of leaving you alone, especially if I die by your hand.

   But your father said that I was his other half. And I'm afraid that I may be more than just that to you. Despite our past and families, we share a bond that would last, Lucina. Past all the regret and guilt, I have raised you like my own, and we will always have each other. And I know when I'm gone, it'll hurt your heart. You may feel anguish, but all I ever asked is... Never give in to despair. For we are tied by this invisible string, a strang of fate. May I will always be in your heart.

   I'm not writing this due to responsibility or guilt. I am writing this as a person who wishes to be a father. And I pray that you'll find a place where you won't have to live in this kind of pain any longer. I pray for you to find your happiness with friends that you can carry on with. I will always love you. And...

   Happy Birthday.

   Sincerely, Robin


   Tears of mine had fallen from my eyes. This is the whole truth. The truth hurts, and it does. For he was the vessel of the Fell Dragon, he gave me everything all those years. This aching pain within my heart is hurting me. And I want to hold onto his embrace once again. But this was meant to be...?

   No, I can't accept that yet. I still believe that he's out there. As I wipe my tears, I know now what's my goal.

   "Father..." I breathed out; "I will try to find you again..."

   So I vow to keep this oath.


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~To Be Continued~
