Chapter 41 - Uncle Dom

A/N Sacha & Essie are still together in this, because I refuse to accept the fact they are over(😭)
Zosia's POV
Ollie and I make our way down to Keller, and head towards the staffroom, where we find Sacha, sat eating biscuits.
"Healthy diet going well I see." I laugh, making him jump.
"Oh, erm, Zosia, I was just-" he stutters, sweeping his crumbs off the table and trying to hide the almost empty packet.
"I won't tell Essie, don't worry." I smile. "How are you both, anyway." I ask as we sit down.
"We're great." He replies, "absolutely great. How about you three? I heard the little one was up on PICU. How is she?"
"It was a bit hit and miss, but she's fine now, she was just discharged this morning, actually." I say.
"Really? What are you doing down here then? I would've thought you were itching to get out of hospital."
"Dom rang, he wanted to see her before we left. So we came down here."
"Do you want me to take her?" I ask Ollie as Penny starts to cry.
"Sure. I think she's hungry." Ollie replies, passing her over.
I hold her close to me, and start to rock her up and down a little.
"Oll, can you heat a bottle up please?" I ask.
Ollie nods, and gets one out of the bag, putting it in the microwave.
The microwave makes a humming noise as it goes around, which seems to soothe Penny. I think she is falling asleep, but then the door bangs open, which results in a loud cry from her.
"Oh shit, sorry!" Dom winces as he hears Penny.
"Dom!" I say, half annoyed, half ecstatic to see my best friend after two never ending weeks.
"Sorry Zosh," he apologises, "here, let me take her." He offers, gently taking her from my arms.
"I've got to get back to work." Sacha excuses himself, leaving just the four of us alone.
"Hey, honey, don't cry." Dom coos, "it's okay, I've got you. I've missed you so much!"
I look at Ollie, and we both smile; Dom is so good with Penny, he loves her so much.
"Zosh, I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you." He says apologetically, "and for you missy, you've given your mummy and daddy a big scare." He smiles, looking at Penny. "Although, I doubt you'll mind really. and anyway, I've bought you a present, which, if you're anything like your mother, makes everything alright." He laughs.
"Dom!" I exclaim, "that is not true!"
"Oh yes it is." He retaliates, "remember that time I went out without you, and you were really peed off? How did I make that better?"
"You, bought me perfume." I admit.
"And what about the time I forgot about our meeting?"
"You bought me flowers."
"And what about when-"
"Okay, I get it." I interrupt, "I can be bought easily. But it doesn't matter this time anyway, I forgive you."
"Of course you do, who could stay angry at this beauty got long?" Dom jokes.
"Anyone with eyes." I laugh. 
Dom gasps, pretending to be upset, but he soon ends up in fits of laughter.
"I've missed you." He admits, "it's been ages since we've laughed like this."
"I know, I've just been so busy." I say, "we need a night in soon, remember what it was like back in the F1 days." I suggest.
"Definitely. I'm sure Diggers will come too." Dom says. His pager starts to beep, and he looks at it, then gives Penny back to me. "I've got to go, I'll talk to you later, okay?" He says. "Love you Marchie." He shouts as he leaves the room.
I look at Ollie, and smile.
"Good old Dom." He laughs.
"He has his plus points." I smile, "Let's go home."
"Finally," Ollie sighs, "God, when you and Dom get started, you never stop."
"Shut up." I laugh, "you're just as bad with Elliot."
"Fine, we're both as bad as each other then. But that's why I love you."
"And I love you too."

Eww this is awful 😬 It will get better, I promise.
Thank you for reading ❤️
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