End of a LONG Day

Pisces's POV

And that's when she blurt out the COMPLETE events of the day.

Gemini took in a long breath, his face was abnormally serious.
I couldn't really tell if he was angry at what we'd just heard or no...

I on the other hand was too exhausted to freak out.
So I did it internally instead.

"How the fuck could you..." His freezing tone sent a chill down my spine.

I need to stop this before he goes for Cancer! I thought, mentally preparing to take the blame.

"-LET THIS HAPPEN PISCES!!!" He continued, pointing straight at me.

"Wait... WHAT!" Cancer and I asked in unison.

Ok... THAT was very unexpected.

"First Orion now you!!" I raised my hands in outrage.

"YEAH! It's called the butterfly affect, BITCH! You caused this whole chain reaction!" He whisper yelled at me.

"Hey! Let's not go blaming anyone. We're not even sure if it was her I hit!" Cancer butted in, trying to defend me.

"Maybe not a hundred percent sure! But the evidence is too strong for us not to worry!" He continued.

"OK, fine. But it's not like any of them know!" I added. To which both their eyes widened.

Why the hell should we all jump to conclusions and then rush things? All with just a little bit of evidence!

"Are you suggesting we keep this to are selves..." Cancer stared in shock.

"No, I'm saying how about we focus on things in the present. LIKE the dozens of bags we have to take upstairs and empty" I pointed out.

"Still! You're supposed to be the good boi Pie!" Gemini gestured toward me, while Cancer nodded violently.

Ok that's a myth! And ANYONE who's ever seen me with Virgo would know that!

"Yeah no, I'm really not. What I am is a sane boi that's thinking about avoiding drama. Now enough yapping and let's go get are stuff" I didn't wait for an answer and headed straight for my luggage.

They followed suit and went to go to their separate corners, to start working on their own bags.

While I was stuck moving in on my own, (thanks a lot ya prick) I thought of Virgo.

But it did mean that I appreciated a lot more my lack of fashion sens, since I only had about three large suitcases to worry about.
A reasonable amount believe it or not.

People who over packed always ended up regretting it, which is what I noticed looking over at Libra.

Damn... That poor girl's gonna be here for ages. I though. Then I noticed she was next in ligne to the elevator and It gave me an idea...

"Hey Libra need a hand!" I said walking over to her near the elevator, luggage in hand.

She looked over and raised an eyebrow, "Thanks for the offer but your the one who looks like he needs the help" She chuckled.

"Thanks, because I needed a reminder about my lack of physical strength." I sarcastically said, putting down my bags.

"I'm just messing with you. And~I might need maybe just a little help getting my stuff into the elevator." She admitted, looking down at the amount of bags and suitcases around her.

"Great! So we both need help. Care to make an agreement?"

"What's your offer Pie?" She raised a brow seemingly interested.

" You could leave some room for my stuff and I'll help you bring in the rest of yours. Deal?" I suggested.

"Sounds fair" She nodded.
After we agreed on the terms, we quickly prepared are bags while waiting for the elevator to arrive.

We had to, of course, shoo away any students who had their eyes on the elevator as well.

But once we we're finally finished with that we simply there waiting and soon a rather awkward silence started setting in.

We eventually choose to take a break and sit beside are bags, groaning every time we heard a ringtone, thinking it had finally arrived.

"This is gonna take a good while isn't it..." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Yup, I saw Capricorn and Aries heading up there last"

"Great, now we've got to make room for a dead body too" I joked, earning a giggle from her.

Ducking adorable... I smiled

"Two, if some poor soul tries using it before their done." She mused and I laughed.

"Three, if Leo happens to walk by"

"Four, Since they've skipped lunch"

"Five, if-"

"Five's to big a crime scene, but maybe just one Pisces and a Libra if you keep that up." Aries threatened next to Capricorn, who flipped us off.

Wait a second. The elevator didn't ring?

"Wait how are you two-"

"The elevator broke down on the third floor, due to EXTRA LUGGAGE" He cut me off, annoyed while looking over at Aries during that last part.

" You've been complaining for the past TWOOO floors! Get over it Cappy! " Aries rolled her eyes.

Ignoring the fact he despised that nickname, I was a LITTLE BIT more focused on the broken elevator part!

"Wait one second... YOU BROKE THE ELEVATOR!" Libra freaked out.

I was pissed too. Hell maybe a lot more than just pissed. To be more specific...

I AM BOILING AT THIS POINT. And I sure as DUCK hope it's apparent!! I thought, feeling my eye twitch.

"Hey, Tuna you good?" Aries raised an eyebrow.

"No, I am NOT good"

" You see all this luggage right here? Well you two geniuses are going to take them up by the stairs for us." Libra demanded, only to have them grin at us.

"Is that a threat bitch?" Capricorn blocked Aries path.

"Not really, the way I see it is you doing something for us to cover for you."

"And why would we need you to cover for us?" Cap asked, not at all happy, but still relatively calm.

"Their are DOZENS, if not more exhausted, angry and bruised students coming to this building as we speak. Would you like them to know who broke the elevator?"

Please let her threat work, Please let her threat work! I can't- no screw that I REFUSE to walk up three flights of stairs!

But I think it did, considering how they were speechless.

"Good, now get going before they come and I choose violence" She smiled, shooing them away.

They left soon after grabbing most of are bags with them. Smoke coming out their ears.

"Don't forget the rest!" She yelled out as they left.

That's one way to create a crime scene.

"My god you really are as evil as Aries calls you..." I said, only for her to grin.

"Only when I'm, hungry, which I am." Libra clarified.

"So...you wanna go grab lunch?" I asked, hopping my face wasn't as red as it felt.

"Sure" she answered before continuing.

"It'll take a good while anyway before they get are stuff up there anyway"

We headed out after that, receiving numerous threats and text by Aries for the rest of the day.

All of which made me question my safety for the rest of the night, but knowing her she wouldn't really follow through. At least I'd hoped not...

But considering how nothing else really happened today I guess you could say it ended there.
GOOD, there's been WAY too much drama jam packed into these measly 24 hours!

Thank fuck it ends now...

Hello thank you for reading! These past few chapters (that all amount to a single day😅)
Just wanted to say that these were mostly just introductory and that the following ones will have MUCH shorter days and be the beginning of there chaotic rest of the year!
