Chapter 14: Substituting Salt For Jug Milk

"Burning Bug"!

The progressing form is the famous "Vulcan Moth"!

"It's not a quasi-god, but it looks like a quasi-god."

"It's no exaggeration to say that the quasi-god is the strongest."

There was even a rumor in the original game that Vulcan Moth was originally designed as a mythical beast, that is, a legendary Pokémon, but the case was later abolished.

Having said that, the traces of data shown in the illustrated book also show the force of Vulcan Moth.

I heard Fang Ye say so with certainty.

Xiangling's eyes lit up, but there was still some hesitation.

After all, it is her initial elf, and she must ensure 10,000 strengths, otherwise she will be ridiculed by her buddy Hu Tao every day.

"Master Fang Ye, you didn't lie to me, did you? Just this bug, looks like a quasi-god?"

At the counter, Fang Ye folded his arms very calmly.

"The information in the illustrated book is very clear, please read it carefully."

""Living in the ruins of an ancient volcano""

""Sun Pokémon are said to be born from the sun""

It can only be said that the Elf Illustrated Book is still very objective, and it will not pick good things, and will flatter the trainer for a while.

If this worm was a green caterpillar instead of a burning worm, it would be impossible for the precipice to appear "Sun Pokémon" and "living in the volcanic ruins", which are full of compelling words.

Rather, the sentence "In nature, the fate of green caterpillars is to be constantly eaten by birds as prey."

Xiangling's face gradually became excited after reading the illustrated book repeatedly.

She squeezed her little pink fist, feeling a sense of elation.

""Burning Worm"? "

"I bought it!"

"Boss, how much is it?"

Fang Ye took a look at the quotation given by the system when it was hatching eggs, and said it intact:

"Five million moras, thank you for your patronage."

Xiangling hastily handed over the deposit receipt she had prepared long ago, and paid the money without thinking.

A few minutes later, Fang Ye came out of the breeding room, holding a strange but not ugly bug-type Pokémon in his arms.

Because it is a baby larva just hatched from an egg, the body length of the burning worm is only a dozen centimeters. The whole body of the burning worm does not have the disgusting feeling of insect life, but the torso of the chrysalis is cast like brown steel, reflecting a shimmer of light.

On the burning worm's head, there was a circle of fluffy white fluff.

Five crimson flame tentacles are regularly distributed around the head. At first glance, it looks like a sun totem.

"Is this the burning bug? Wow, it's the first time I've found that bugs can be so cute, love love love."

Xiangling immediately came up to observe.

After she found that the Burning Worm didn't look ugly, she was obviously relieved, and the last bit of worry in her heart was gone.

"Burning Worm, let's say hello, this young lady will be your trainer from now on."

Fang Ye put the larva down.


The Burning Worm stopped where it was and tilted its head, its small blue eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Xiangling was a little bewildered by a bug.

Afterwards, it was the Burning Worm that broke the ice first.

"Stain (happy)!"

The burning worm crawled all the way to Xiangling's feet, and the worm's body coiled around the girl's calf.

The small azure blue eyes narrowed slightly comfortably, revealing a hint of flattery.

Sensing the warm touch from the calf, Xiangling's heart also melted.

"Burning worm, worm treasure."

"You will be my elf from now on, please teach me a lot."

Xiangling didn't feel that the Burning Worm was very hot at all, so she hugged it up and put it on, buried her cheeks in the thick and fluffy down of the bug's head, took a deep breath, and what she smelled was a natural fragrance.

Fang Ye found it interesting.

There is no elf character information posted on the illustration book for sale.

In the system's internal version of the illustrated book, this burning bug has a restrained personality, but it can clearly express its liking and flattery for Xiangling.

It seems that Xiangling's strong "fire attribute" is quite attractive to burning insects.

Guess Burning Worm has taken Xiangling as his mother?

That's pretty good too.

Fang Ye packed the two boxes of elementary energy blocks that were presented as a gift.

"By the way, this burning worm has just hatched, so it's not suitable for feeding cubes yet."

"It is recommended to drink Moomoo fresh milk for two weeks first."

"Put an advertisement..."

"Not every drop of milk is called Moo Moo's fresh milk. A cup of milk in a big milk pot strengthens a race."

Xiang Ling nodded when she heard the words.

Before Fang Ye fed Katie the dog Momoo's milk, but she saw it.

"Master Fang Ye, what's the price of Momoo's fresh milk?"

"Two thousand moras in a bottle, no kidding!"

Xiangling: "Then give me a three-day supply first. I'm afraid it won't taste good after the expiration date, so I can't buy too much at once."

"Okay, morning, noon and evening, three bottles a day, nine bottles in three days."

"I'll charge you 18,000 Mora, and I'll give you an extra bottle, a total of ten bottles... Pack it up!"

Xiangling took the carton of fresh milk, but took out a bottle on the spot, unscrewed the cap, and asked Fang Ye for a feeding bowl.

After filling the milk, she squatted on the ground with her hands on her cheeks, her eyes filled with pink love hearts, staring straight at the burning bug drinking milk.

"Shark~ (I want to drink too)!"

A lot of saliva oozes from the mouth of the baby round land shark, and it tugs on Walnut's trousers.

Hu Tao looked down, facing the humanized begging and pitiful look in the big black eyes of Yuanlu Shark above.

All right.

When a Pokémon asks for candy like a child.

Hu Tao said that the old lady couldn't bear it.


"Isn't it just a bottle of milk worth 2,000 Mora coins!"

"I'll drink until you're full!"

Another feeding bowl filled with milk was quickly placed next to the burning worm, and the round land shark followed suit and participated in the milk-drinking action of the newborn baby.

Although the round land shark has been out of the newly hatched state.

But it's still a baby.

After a while, Hong Yi, the leader of the Qianyan Army, came back and settled the three million Mora payment from Katie Gou.

So the Katie dog who just woke up joined the milking action again.

The scene of three young babies drinking milk side by side in the store made the respective trainers present smile from the bottom of their hearts.


Fang Ye held up the tablet illustration book at the right time, and snapped a high-resolution picture of the scene.

Attach the ad.

Round Land Shark, Burning Worm and Katie Dog shouted excitedly in unison:

We, replace the salt for the big milk jug!
