


You know the ending they describe in romance novels? The one where the bride and the groom describe their feelings of how much they love each other after their marriage.

Where they're shown instantly comfortable, talking easily to one another? Where they immediately profess their 'I love you's' without hesitation? Where they both look into each other's eyes and feel relieved that the person in front of them is their life partner? As far as I'm concerned, those novels left out one itsy bitsy tiny little feeling.


That's what they left out.

They left out the part where they both feel awkward.

They left out the part where they both stay silent and neither of them speaks.

Still don't know what I'm talking about?

Let me rewind.

~*~*~* three hours earlier~*~*~*

"Abbi Walla I'll be fine, I'm sure." I repeated for the hundredth time.

"But you have to take your pills and eat regularly, don't miss a meal, do you hear me?" Abbi said again.

This is getting annoying. I love my dad; I swear I love him more than anything. I understand that he has to be a mom and a dad at the same time. But I mean c'mon this has been going on for the last 20 minutes, him asking the same question, me answering the same answers.

"Abbi wallahi I won't, I promise."

"Honey, you need to understand that these are important things. I don't want my girl to get sick just because she is away from me." Abbi said smiling down at me.

"Abbi, I do understand. Don't worry about me you take good care of yourself and don't let Ameen bother you, we all know how much of a child he really is."

"Hey. I'm not a child, you are." I heard Ameen protest behind me so I turned around and stuck my tongue out at him, he did the same. I rolled my eyes. He did so too. I narrowed my eyes at him.

Pfftt, and he calls me a child.

"Well if you're not a child why don't you stop mimicking me?" I said as I stuck my tongue out at him again.

"I am not mimicking you"

"Yes you are."

"Am not"

"Are too."

"Am not.

"Are too."

"Am not"

I heard Abbi chuckle behind me so I turned around to look at him breaking Ameen and my, what I like to call 'conversation'.

"Oh I'm going to miss this" Abbi said smiling whilst shaking his head at us, making me smile in return. I hate to admit but I will too.

"I'm sure Ameen will make it up, after all he is the immature one.

"Oh don't worry Abbi I will make sure to give you all that you need so you wouldn't need Noor, I'm going to give you lots of love that Noor couldn't give. I'm better than her and we all know it," Ameen said to Abbi whilst looking into my eyes as he dragged the word love.

Challenge accepted.

"You're not better, but Abbi be careful you never know what Ameen's love could bring, it might be a very unfortunate love since he still has a mind of a child" I smirked at Ameen.

"I am better and we all know that. If you're jealous just say it. I'm sure we'd all understand."

"No you are not better, we all know that and I most certainly am not jealous."

"Yes I am better, denying won't change the facts."

"No you aren't better," I said sternly this time kind of getting irritated with him. Such a child. Of course, I'm better than him.

"Yes I am."

"No you're not."

"Yes I am."

"No you're not."

"Yes I am."

"No you're not."

"Okay that's enough we got it! Let us say our goodbyes to her too." Farida interrupted suddenly from behind me making us both surprised and Ameen froze, keeping his mouth from starting up again.

I turned around to face her and saw that Salma was standing next to Farida too, waiting for me. I turned around, now facing Abbi and Ameen again.

"Abbi Insha'Allah I'm gonna be fine, don't worry. Ameen will give you lots of love." I said to Abbi now completely serious.

"I know honey. I'm a father after all I'm bound to worry about my only daughter, and miss her," Abbi said.

"Awe Abbi I'm going to miss you too." I said and hugged Abbi. I really will miss the hero of my life.

"Ahem. What about me? Already forgot your brother I see." Ameen said making me stop hugging my father and look at him.

"Don't worry I can never forget my one and only brother." I said and stood on my tiptoes to ruffle his hair. "I'm going to really miss you, you know." I told him seriously. heels

"I'm going to miss you too." He said suddenly hugging me tightly. "And I swear if he dares to do anything to hurt you I'm going to kill him." He whispered in my ear and I smiled at him.

Once we were done with the hugging, I finally went to Farida and Salma to say my goodbyes to them too. I walked outside and noticed how silent it was. Most of the guests were already gone, leaving behind only our close family. I spotted Khala and Khalo talking to Yusuf from afar.

Khala was waving her hands around looking angry while Yusuf's head was low and Khalo smirking next to Khala, it looked really funny. I bit my lip from smiling and walked away with Salma and Farida to the end of the garden.

"Well it sure has been a long day." I say once we stopped walking and sat down on the swing.

"Yeah it was." Salma sighed next to me and I secretly wondered if that sigh had anything to do with Ameen.

"You know Yusuf couldn't keep his eyes off of you the whole night," Farida said after a moment of silence. "I think he really like you."

I almost snorted aloud at her sentence. As if, Yusuf could like me.

Even the thought of that made my heart flutter for a bit and I wondered what if Yusuf really did like me. The feeling was so strange to me that I dismissed the thought immediately.

"I don't think he does Farida." I said to her making her to look at me and giving me a look that said- are you kidding me- I just shrugged at her. "Yusuf glares at me most of the time it was weird enough he didn't today, but I'm sure he will."

I looked at Salma wondering why she hasn't said anything, but didn't see her anywhere. I glanced back at Farida.

"Salma said she needed to go to the bathroom" Farida answered my silent question. "Noor seriously he looks like a good guy, give him a chance. Not everyone is like him you know." Farida said looking serious now.

"I know Farida, and I'm trying my best. I can't trust him easily but I am willing to give him a chance. And I honestly can do nothing more." I said to her and she nodded her head in understanding.

Farida is the only one who knows the complete story of what happened. I told her recently, she was shocked and I couldn't blame her. I didn't want to tell her at first, but after I saw the pain in her eyes one day when she begged me to tell her, to tell someone. I told her. She was hurting because of me and I saw it that night.

Farida was the only person I could trust after what happened beside Abbi and Ameen. Seeing her hurting so much because of me was hard, so I decided to tell her.

She was shocked but after a few minutes, she hugged me tight and kept repeating sorry again and again. We both cried and hugged all night and I was relieved that for the first time, someone besides my therapist knew the whole story.

The next morning after we woke up Farida was determined to go and kick some butt but I held her back, not because I felt sorry for them because I didn't at all.

No, it was because I didn't want her to be in trouble and get hurt. If it wasn't for that reason I would join her in a heartbeat. I love Farida so much and I can never describe how much she means to me.

It didn't take long before Salma came back. We started a conversation, cracked a few jokes, laughed a bit. Unfortunately, it wasn't long before it was time for them to go. I said my goodbyes to them both and soon it was just Khala, Khalo, Yusuf and I.

We were talking to them both -Khala and Khalo I mean- while walking to the door. We said that it wasn't needed for them to walk us to the door but they insisted.

Khala had threatened Yusuf that if he doesn't take good care of me, she's going to take away everything from him and never make food for him again. Yusuf was pretty scared but I was laughing.

I love Khala. A lot.

After a few moments, we reached the door and it was time to go.

I dreaded this moment from the beginning.

"Al Salam W Alaykum Khala, Khalo"

"Oh honey call us Mama and Baba now." Kha-. sorry Mama said. It's going to take a while for me to actually get used to calling them that.

I looked at Mama who was still looking at me. "Yeah right Mama."

She smiled a content smile.

"Al Salam W Alaykum" This time it was Yusuf.

"Walaykum Assalam dear." Kha.. Mama replied to me and Yusuf as well did Baba but then Khala looked at Yusuf again. "Drive safely and slowly." She said looking at him very seriously.

Pfft as if he will drive fast.

I looked at Yusuf and saw him smirking then I looked back at Khala and Khalo and saw that Khala was still holding her finger to make sure he does what she says but Khalo was smirking too. There was like a telepathic conversation going on between Khalo and Yusuf. I just shrugged.

I went inside the car. A few moments later Yusuf joined me in the car.


"Yusuf please slow down" I shrieked once Yusuf made a turn. "Yusuf for Allah's sake slow down," He didn't of course, his smirk just widened along his face.

I closed my eyes. My biggest fear is dying in a car accident. I know it sounds stupid I mean there is burning and drowning, but what I fear most is car accidents.

I fear that I would be gone and away from my family in matter of seconds. I hated thinking about how my family and the ones I love would have to get used to my sudden disappearance. That would kill me the most.

Let's just say after we were out of the sight of my in laws Yusuf started to drive like a maniac.

I hated it. And he knew it. Ugh, I really don't like him.



"Noor, open your eyes."


I opened my eyes and saw Yusuf looking at me weirdly.

Then I looked around and I saw that we were in front of a house.

Yusuf's house. I sighed; well I guess it is our house now. Sigh again.

I looked and saw that Yusuf was already out of the car waiting for me.

I opened the door and walked out.

Together we went into the house.

I looked around, it wasn't my first time here. I already came with Mama the other day to bring my stuff. Yusuf was at work, so it is my first time here with Yusuf.

As soon as that thought came I felt really awkward.

I guess Yusuf was too because he just stood there and scratched the back of his neck looking at me.

"Umm do you... do you want to take a shower and change?" He finally said. I nodded at him a bit eagerly and he chuckled. Let's just say my heart doesn't know how to beat again. I swear he is going to be the death of me if this continued.

After we went into the bedroom, which had an attached bathroom, Yusuf left me to do my business. I went to the closet and chose a pair of my favorite pajamas. They had stars and moons printed on them.

After taking an hour-long hot shower to relax my muscles, I changed inside the bathroom then went out, drying my wet hair with my towel. Once I got inside the room I saw Yusuf was standing looking at his phone with his back at me, he changed into some PJs as well.

I went to the left side of the bed still drying my hair and I guess Yusuf realized my presence because he turned around then stopped, more literally froze.

I just looked at him confused.

Then I realized it was Yusuf's first time seeing me without my Hijab on. I could feel the heat burning up on my cheeks.

Cue the awkwardness.

Once Yusuf and I realized what was happening the atmosphere became so awkward that you could feel it hundred miles away.

After a few moments of just standing there, Yusuf finally cleared his throat.

"Umm do you want to pray? There is a salah room and I figure you'd want to pray." He stated, "I already prayed."

I nodded at him, looking for any excuse to get out of here. I didn't know where it was so I had to look up at him and ask him.

I opened my mouth but Yusuf beat me to it.

"It's down the hall second room to right." I nodded at him again muttering a thank you as I went out of the room.

Once I was out I released a long breath and the only thing that I could think of was how awkward was that?



Alsalam w Alyakum People!!!

Another chapter is done . Whohooooo

Guys watch this video to the right. It made me cry!

I dedicate this chapter to @ameena_95. She has been supporting me!! Thank you so much for all the support!!!!

And I hope you guys liked this chapter.

Thank You all for reading my book and giving it a chance :)

Love Ya All :)

Talk to ya soon Inshallah!!

Enjoy <3

