
I'm going to do it. I'm going to ask Olivia to go out on a date with me later today. I've been meaning to do so since yesterday after our kiss but for some reason I just can't.

me, Liv, Caroline, Azzi and Nika arrived at the practice gym and we have to wait for the other girls to arrive. Plus coach.

I feel more confident in asking her out after I saw her instagram story of us holding hands and she said I really like this one. It has to mean she likes me right. I guess we'll find out soon enough.

I go over to liv, Azzi, Caroline and Nika I hint for the three girls to leave so I can talk to liv and Nika seems to be the only one to take the hint

"Come on guys let's go put our shoes on" Nika says tapping Caroline and Azzis shoulder. I give her a smile and she nods at me as she gives liv a wink before the three leave


"Hey you ok?" I ask Paige when nika, Caroline and Azzi leave us to be alone

"Yeah I just wanted to ask you something" She says nervously scratching her forehead and I nod

"What's up?" I ask her and she sighs

"I was wondering if you had any plans for tonight" She ask me and I try to hide my smile hoping I know what's coming next

"Nothing much probably going to hang around in my dorm" I shrug "why do you ask?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight" she says and I slowly nod my head

"Sure I'd love to go out with you and the team-" I joke but she quickly cuts me off

"I uhm meant with just me" she stutters and I laugh

"I know what you mean Paige and I would love to go out with you" I say which causes me to finally smile and she smiles too

"It's a date?" She ask and I nod trying to calm myself down

"It's a date" I say smiling at her. I step on my tippy toes to plant a kiss on her cheek as the rest of the girls arrive in the gym. They definitely saw that. "See you in a bit"

As I walk away from Paige I stumble on my own foot. I hear Paige giggle and I turn back to give her a death glare which causes her to stop laughing.

I continue walking over to Caroline, Azzi and Nika.

"What was that all about?" Nika ask me and I can't hide my smile anymore

"Oh she finally asked you out didn't she?" Azzi ask pointing at me

"I don't kiss and tell" I shrug and when the girls gasp I quickly cover my mouth

"There was kissing involved besides that kiss on the cheek wasn't it?" Nika ask causing me to quickly shake my head

"Call Paige over" Caroline exclaims and i shake my head even more

"Paige!" Azzi shouts causing Paige to look over from her conversation with dorka and Lou. She says something to the two before starting a walk over to us and I mentally face palm

"What's up?" Paige ask and I just know my face instantly turns red

"Do you have any plans tonight?" Caroline ask Paige and she smiles

"I do" she says nodding her head and I smile at her smile

"Liv do you have any plans tonight?" Azzi ask me and I roll my eyes

"Yes I do" I nod and nika tilts her head looking from me and Paige

"Really? Liv what does your plans consist of?" Nika ask me and I pause for a second

"I actually have no clue" I say and she slowly nods her head

"Paige what are your plans for tonight?" nika ask acting like she's gotten somewhere with the conversation

"Ok how the hell do you guys know?" Paige ask them

"Liv practically snitched" Azzi says and I gasp when Paige looks at me

"No I didn't" i say defensively

"You said you don't kiss and tell" Caroline says repeating my worlds

"You said that?" Paige ask me and I sigh scratching my forehead

"Yes-" I say before Paige gives me a look "but not in that way"

"So how do they know about the date?" Paige ask me and I shrug looking at the girls

"We uhm didn't know about a date we thought you guys were just going as friends. You know you guys kissed then decided to just hang out as friends" Nika says and me and Paige just look at them before Paige walks away and I follow her

"Paige I'm sorry" I say trying to keep up with her fast pace "it's not even my fault"

"So what your saying it's my fault?" She ask stopping herself and causing me to stop too

"Why are you putting words in my mouth I never said that" I say a little too loudly

"I'm not putting words in your mouth" she argues

I sigh running my hand through my hair "You are. I never even said it was your fault I'm just trying to find out how is it my fault your the one who told them we were going on a date"

"So you are saying this is my fault?" She ask me

"No I'm not and plus what's wrong with them knowing. It'll be different if they we're fans and we we're trying to keep our lives private from me but they're out friends who we know well" I explain "listen if you don't want to go on the date fine by me but don't sabotage it to where I don't want to go"

"Woah no we're not cancelling I still want to go out with you I'm sorry" She says shaking her head

"Good because It wouldn't have been fine if you cancelled" I say causing her to laugh as she wraps her arm around me and pull me into a hug

"I still very much like you I don't know what's going on with me today" She says whispers in my ear before placing a kiss on my forehead

"We can work though whatever's in that crazy head together" I joke and she laughs "The whole team is probably looking right about now"

"Like you said it's only our friends" she says quoting me and I laugh when she gives me a tight squeeze before letting go of me

"Come on love birds we're filming a TikTok for my account while we wait on coach" Azzi yells getting our attention. I give her a thumbs up as Paige wraps her arm around me and we walk over to the team

"What's the TikTok and why does the whole team have to be in it" Paige ask Azzi

"It's who on the team would you not let date your son or daughter" Azzi explains "and before you ask yes you have to be in the TikTok liv"

"Fine by me" I shrug " I have a pretty good idea of everyone"

"Everyone?" Lou ask me and I nod smiling

"Ok then you go first" azzi says pulling out her phone and opening up TikTok

"Ok liv who on the team would you not let date your son or daughter?" Azzi ask recording me

"Do you all have to be here when I answer?" I ask the team and they all nod from behind the cameras

"Pretty much" Azzi shrugs

"Fine. So the freshman are out of the question I don't even want to think about them dating a kid of mine" I say and the girls laugh except for Ines and Ayanna "sophomores I think Azzi is good well all the sophomores are good. For juniors Paige is a hell no and then Aaliyah and nika are good and the seniors are also cool"

"Why am I a hell no?" Paige ask when the cameras are cut off and everyone turns to her and gives her a 'are you serious' look "sorry understandable"

"Ok Paige's turn" Azzi says starting to record Paige. She ask the same question she asked me

"Liv wouldn't date my kid even if she's not on the team no one is dating liv, I wouldn't let Azzi or Caroline and everyone else is cool" Paige shrugs as she dribbles a ball

The rest of the team says who they wouldn't let date their kid and most of them say either me because of Paige and then there's a variety of Ines, Amari, Paige and Caroline

"Where's coach is he still coming?" Paige ask the girls and they all shrug before the sound of the gym door opens and Geno comes in blowing his whistle

Summer talks
So uhm pick up basketball and it's 2022 yeah uhm you guys won't like me next chapter

(It is not my fault someone asked for it to be wrote in I'm giving the people what they want)

Sorry guys plz forgive me
