Chapter 14

You took a quick look at the files, the movie.
*・゜゚・*" He Is Not Cute At All " '・*・゜゚・*
(A/n: also my book 😍 for those who don't know, GO read that!)

You still can't believe you got the part. You silently took a glance on Jungkook, he looked at you, tilted his head with a questioned face.

You smiled back at him, "I get to be the lead of a movie~" you silly danced overjoyed.

Jungkook giggled, you look silly dancing, "I- am- gonna- be- a- mo-vie- sta-ar~"

Then he thought of it, "Will there be kissing scenes?"

You dumbfounded,

You stuttered, "I gg-guess.. so? Maybe?"
(a/n: 😂 A LOT of kissing scenes, if you didn't know, go read it!! 😂)

He stood up from the sofa and walked closer, you couldn't even look straight at his face. You shut your eyes, feeling kinda scared to look at him.

"No, I will not allow that." He said, just as you thought.

You scoffed, "bssh.. those are stand-ins, they never actually do that~" You know that Jungkook doesn't watch tv dramas or movies, you lied.

Doubting, "Really?" He looked strict.

"Ye~ah, you should watch more dramas and movies, you know." You added.

"Will there be any close scenes other than kissing?" He continued interrogating.

"I'm not sure.. hugging too?" You answered.

"I guess hugging is ok.." He uttered.

Then he pulled you into a tight hug, with his head resting on top of yours, you gently place your head on his chest, and wrapped your arms around him.
"When are you moving back home?" He sighed.

"I don't know, I just started making projects in Korea, it'll be better if I stay close to Jeongyeon. We could still meet everyday, it's not like I'm far away." You replied.

Jungkook sighed again, and hugged you. He knows that you really love your work, and made a lot of sacrifices for it. He is proud of you, yet it feels like your not his anymore.

"When is your next schedule?" He asked.
"Oh! I'm so excited. First, a press conference about the drama tomorrow, 10am." You replied.

"Then afterwards a measuring for outfits, script reading.. I'm not sure when will it end. It depends. Then the check of costumes and props then rehearsals..oh my gosh I need to start memorizing the scripts..then I have to start exercising now, or else I might look fat on screen!! Umm.. then..." You giggled, just thinking of it is making you nervously excited, and Jungkook suddenly kissed you on your lips.

You blinked a couple of times.
"I didn't know you'd look so cute and sexy when talking about work." He smiled.

You blushed, gently hitting his chest. You wrapped your arms onto his shoulders.

Jungkook's heart fluttered, you look so cute.

Then a sound of alarm came from the laundry machine, "Oh! I think the clothes are done." You broke the hug prepared to go hung up the clothes and Jungkook pulled up back in and carried you over his shoulders.

He puts you down on bed, "The laundry can wait."
"What?!" You looked dumbfounded.

Jungkook slide his hands inside your shirt while kissing you on your lips, it sent chills down your spine, "Jung..kook.." you said in between kisses.

"I thought you said you have to start exercising, I'll help." He evilly smirked.

"I didn't mean this-..kind! of exercise~.." You could hardly finish your sentence. He was kissing and touching, ticklish. He embraced you passionately, Lacking oxygen in between kisses, you couldn't handle it. Your mind went blank, it felt like you are melting in his touches and kisses.

Jungkook snorted because you are still you after all. As cute as always. You're getting dizzy and was about to get to sleep.

"Hyerin-na~" He said.

"Mm." You sounded as a reply.

"Hurry and move back home."


"Manhi mahni bogoshipta. (I miss you a lot)"


"Let's make a lot of mini Jungkookies and Hyerinies."


Jungkook chuckled and then lied down by your side, hugging you.

== Morning, 6am ==

You woke up feeling hungry, 😂 since Jungkook pulled you to bed before dinner and you fell asleep right after.

Jungkook still fast asleep, you headed to the kitchen, prepare to make breakfast, and lunchbox for him. And of course! The laundry too.

You went back to the room to wake Jungkook up, seeing his sleeping face, he looks like a baby, makes you wanna tease him.

"Jungkook-ah~ ireona~" you softly whispered.

"Ireona~" you whispered again.
Ticklish, Jungkook furrowed his brows and turned to the other side, and continued to sleep.

You giggled seeing his reaction,

He suddenly grabs on your waist and carried you over him on bed.

He smiled, "Good Morning."
"We are gonna be late if we don't get up now." You told him.

He pulled you closer, and continued to sleep. You cupped his cheek seeing his sleeping with that innocent face, your warm hand made him feel at ease and he snuggled his head closer then you pinched his cheek, "Yah!" It gave you chills down to your spine.

Jungkook had a hand grabbing your butt, and another under your shirt. You thought he wants a cuddle but then he starts to kiss you here and there. Just when you're thinking he was sleeping with that innocent face.

You were really pinching his cheeks, "We need to get up." You stood up and pulled him up.

He smiled at you.

You blushed and pouted, "Hurry and go wash up."
You hurriedly left the room with red face and fast beating heart.

Jungkook got up finally, he took a quick shower, changed to his office attire, and headed to the dining table for breakfast.

It's been a really long time since Jungkook had such kind of breakfast, it was usually coffee, sometimes just milk.

He ate everything you cooked. It was delicious.

Before he left for work, wearing his shoes.
He stood up and you handed him his suitcase.

"Call me. I'll go pick you up after your work." Jungkook said with a serious face.

"Really?" Jumps out of excitement, this had been your dream, being picked up by your husband from work.

He smiled and, he reached out, you opened your arms, think he was gonna hug you. Instead his arm went behind you and reached out for the lunchbox you made for him.

He smirked, "then I'll be going." He said and left.

You looked down when he left, you were thinking of a goodbye kiss or hug.

He came back home, "I forgot something."
Your eyes brightened up!! No way! Could this be like in the drama, he forgets something then it was the kiss?! You were imagining it, as your heart beats fast.

Jungkook headed straight to the living room,
"Almost forgot the report I reviewed, then I'll be going." He chuckled and said.

Yah! Like dramas will happen in real life. 🙄
You gave up and forced a smile seeing Jungkook off to work. You turned facing the kitchen and preparing to start cleaning things up.

Jungkook gently placed the suitcase and report on top of the shoe cabinet. He loosened his tie, as he walks closer, he grabs on your waist and spun you around, pins you on the wall.

You startled," Ju-"
He gently placed a kiss you on your lips, your eyes wide open. Jungkook turned his head to the other side and the kiss gets stronger and deeper, roughly and barely breathing. It gets steamy and Jungkook broke the kiss. Your knees feeling weak, and Jungkook supported you holding onto your waist.

"Don't forget to call me." He said in whispers.

You nodded.
He stayed close, lips touches when he speaks, exchanging breaths with each other.

You said in between kisses, "You'll"
He gave you another quick kiss.
And another.
And another.

"Last one." He said and gave you another kiss, until his phone suddenly rings.

"I guess we'll continue tonight." He took the call and his things and left the house, looking happily and satisfied.

Seeing him left, you're knees felt weak, and sat down the floor. Just recalling the kiss made butterflies inside you, you covered your blushed faced with your hands, and your heart just won't stop fluttering.

== end chapter ==

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