I woke up happy and finally felt like things were gonna be okay I hung out with Cherry and Marcia all day Marcia was sweet but Cherry was a piece of work.

"We're so sorry about what happened" Marcia comforted me "Yeah I mean look at what side of town he came from I'm not surprised-no offence Laura" Cherry scowled. "I wished you'd stop doing that" I mumbled. "I'm sorry I'm just defending you" "Yeah but Cherry she's from that side of town too," Marcia says. "I know but you're different" Cherry shrugged. I just shook my head and sighed. These were the moments where I missed New York.

After School Dally surprised me by picking me up on his motorcycle. "oh my god this is insane" I chuckle out of words. "What if I get hurt?" Dally smiles and takes off his leather jacket. "My jacket will protect you now hop on I don't get all day" I hesitantly sit on the bike and wrap my arms around Dallas's torso. I put on a helmet and off we went.

"Wait Dally where are you taking me?" "you'll see" I couldn't see his face but I just knew he was smirking all proud of himself.

He took us down this forest track until we reached a lake. He stopped the bike and took off his helmet and I took off mine. He put his hand out for me to grab. I jumped off the bike and took in my surroundings. I smiled "It is so beautiful oh my god" Dal took off his shirt exposing his muscular body which I couldn't stop looking at.

"Well, are you gonna come in?" I laugh before taking off my jeans and top. I was in a black bra and panties. I felt a little self-conscious around Dally. I walk over to the shore and start walking in on the rocks. Before he grabbed my arm and pulled me in. I squealed and laughed before pulling him in with me.

My heart was beating so fast and it just got faster when I saw his body and his wet hair. The water droplets on his abs. I couldn't help but stare.

I walked out a little deeper Dallas followed behind until the water touched my neck.
"So tell me how did you find out about this place?" "I was going for a ride and family and this place a few years ago" "How Many people know about this?" "uh just soda" he shrugs. "this is so beautiful" I smile. "You've already said that"
"I know" I laugh "Your laugh is so cute doll" My cheeks went bright red. "Stop flattering me" I splash at him. He comes closer "But you my girl I can't compliment you?"

Me and Dallas were sitting on a picnic blanket admiring the sunset. "I love watching sunsets" "You look nice " Dallas licks his lips.
"I'm in my underwear?" "Exactly" he smirks.
"don't act like you don't like it" he whispers in my ear as he kisses my neck. I interlocked my hand with him. A soft groan comes out of my mouth and I gulp trying to sink down the embarrassment.

I kiss him colliding our tongues. He became more dominant and climbed on top of me. The sun was going down and it was pretty dark. He slowly opened my legs up a bit thinking I wouldn't notice. He pulls away and tugs on my bra strap. I look with wide eyes sit up and slowly unclip my bra until I'm exposed. "Your beautiful," He says. oublush.

He then kisses my breasts and goes down until he reaches my panties. He adjusts himself so his boxers meet my core. He looks up "Are you sure?" he asks "Yes. I want you"

200 rounds later

And there I was legs shaking and a hot panting mess as I looked up at the stars. I slide my clothes back on. "That was so good baby," Dally  says kissing my back.
