Diagon Alley

A/N: Hey everyone! Sorry, that I haven't posted in little while I lost my inspiration , but now I'm back! And are here in time to update this on the 19th anniversary if the first harry potter movie! I hope you enjoy!


"All students, must be equipped with one standard size two pewter cauldron, and may bring if they desire either a owl, a cat, or a toad." Y/N reads before looking up at Hagrid and asking, "Can we find all of this in London?"

"If you know where to go." He answers, as he continued to walk towards a building, that read 'The Leaky Caldron'. He opens the door, before beginning to lead me into the pub.

"Ah, Hagrid! The usual I presume?" I hear the older man behind the bar question.

"No thanks, Tom. I'm on official Hogwarts business. Just helping young Y/N here, buy her school supply's." Hagrid answers as he pats my shoulder.

"Bless my soul. It's Y/N Potter." The man, now known as Tom says, causing the whole pub to go silent as they all turn to look at me and Hagrid.

"Welcome back Ms. Potter. Welcome back." Says a older man as he comes up to shake my hand, as I nod my head in response.

"Dorris Crockford, Ms. Potter. I can't believe I am meeting you at last." A older looking women said as she shook my hand.

"Y/N P-Potter, can't tell you how p-pleased I am to meet you." Said a man wearing a purple headdress.

"Hello Professor, I didn't see you there." Hagrid greets the man, before turning back to me, "Y/N this is Professor Quirrell. He'll be your defense against the dark arts teacher at Hogwarts."

"Oh, nice to meet you." I say as I stick my hand out to shake his hand, only for him to just stare down at it as he brings his hands up to his chest.

"F-Fearfully fascinating subject, n-not that you n-need it, e-eh Potter." Quirrell says as I bring my hand beck down.

"Yes, well, we must be going now. Lots to buy." Hagrid says chuckling.

"Goodbye." I say before following behind Hagrid, out of the pub.

"See Y/N, you're famous." Hagrid says to me as we exit the building. "But why am I famous Hagrid? All those people back there, how is they know who I am?" I question him.

"I'm not sure I'm exactly the right person to tell you that Y/N." He says before beginning to tap on the brick wall in front of us with the pink umbrella from earlier, causing the wall to begin to shift revealing a secret passage way.

"Welcome, Y/N to Diagon Alley." He says as I look around smiling as we begin to walk down the street. "Here's where you get your quills and your ink." He says looking at a shop. "Over there, all of your bits and bobs for doing your witchcraft." He says pointing to another one, as I continue to look around at the shops that we past.

"But Hagrid, how am i to pay for all this, I haven't any money." I say looking up at him. "Well there's you money, Y/N" He says as he points to a white building in front of us. "Gringotts, The wizard bank. Ain't no safer place, not one. except perhaps Hogwarts." He tells me, before beginning to enter the building as I follow behind him.

We continue to walk through the bank as I see a bunch of tiny creatures sitting at desks. "Uh.. Hagrid what exactly are these things?" I question as I turn back from eyeing them.

"They're Goblins Y/N, clever as they come, goblins. They're not the most friendly of beast," He answers me, "Best stay close." he informs me as I begin to walk closer to him. he leads me to the front desk, where I see a 'Goblin' sitting doing paper work. Hagrid clears his throat, causing the goblin to look up at him. "Ms. Y/N Potter, wishes to make a withdrawal." He tells the goblin, causing the goblin to put down his quill and peer down at me from his desk.

"And does Ms. Y/N Potter have her key?" The goblin questions.

"Oh, wait a minute. Got it here somewhere." States Hagrid as begins to pick through his pockets before pulling a small key out. "Ha! There's the little devil!" he says before placing it down onto the desk. "Oh.. and there's something else as well." He says before pulling out a letter. "Professor Dumbledore, gave me this." He says as he hands the Goblin the letter. "Its about you-know-what in vault you-know-which." He tells the goblin, as I furrow my eyebrows curios looking up at him.

"Very well." The goblin says nodding his head.

Hagrid nodded as well, before we begin to leave that area.

"Vault 687." The Goblin says, as we stop right in front of a vault. "Lamp please." He says as Hagrid hands it over to him, before standing up and stepping out of the cart with me following him. "Key please." The goblin says, as Hagrid takes the lamp ack from him and hands him the small key. The Goblin put the key through the keyhole as he unlocked it, before stepping back as Hagrid opens the vault door, revealing a room filled with gold coins causing my eyes to widen in shock.

"Didn't think your mom and dad would leave you with nothing now did you?" Hagrid questions as I continue to stare in shock. He scoops some of the coins into a bag, before handing it to me, before we continued to the next vault.

"Vault 713." The Goblin states.

"What's in there, Hagrid?" I question him.

"I can't tell you, Y/N. Hogwarts business, very secret." He replies back.

"Stand back." The goblin stated, before beginning to run his fingers down the wall, causing another secret door to open, revealing a tiny brown bag. Hagrid walks to the door before quickly grabbing the small bag and putting it in his pocket.

"Best not to mention this to anyone, Y/N" He says patting his pocket, as I nod up at him. We quickly left the bank and went and bought all of my school supplies.

"I sill need a wand." I tell Hagrid as I looked down at my list I was holding.

"A wand? Oh well, you want Ollivanders. There ain't no place better." He says as he points to a shop ahead. "Well, why don't you run along there and wait. I just got one more thing to do. Won't be long." He tells me as we walk up to the shop.

I enter the shop, sitting my books down on a small desk near the windows. "Hello?" I say quietly as i walk up to the the front desk. "Hello?" I say a bit louder, before slightly jumping as I look up at the sound of moving. I see a older looking man standing on a ladder, smiling down at me.

"I wondered when I'd be seeing you Ms. Potter." He says, before climbing down the ladder he was on, and went in front of a large shelf with small boxes on it. "It seems only yesterday that your mother and father, were in here buying their first wands." The man says as he takes a box from the shelf. He walked over to where I was standing, before opening the box and pulling out a wand. "Here we are." He says as he hands me the wand, as I stand their still confused on what to do. "Well, give it a wave." He tells me. I do as he said, waving the wand a bit towards another shelf of boxes, causing all of the boxes to fall down from the shelf. I flinched back, as they all go falling to the ground, before putting the wand back down on the desk. "Apparently not." The man says as he goes back over to the shelf and pulls out another box. "Perhaps this." He says handing me another wand. I wave the new wand at wall nearby, causing a glass vase near the wall to shatter. "No, no, defiantly not." He says turning back to the shelfs as I place the wand next to the first one. "No matter." He said before pulling another box of the shelf. "I wonder." I heard him mutter as he looked down at the box. He walked back over to me before holding the wand out to me. I took the wand from his hands, and I bean to feel wind surround me. "Curious. Very Curious." The man says.

"Sorry. But, what's curious?" I question him.

He took the wand back from my hands, "I remember every wand I ever sold Ms. Potter. It so happens, that the phoenix whose tail feather resides in your wand, gave another feather. Just one other. It is curious that you should be destined for this wand when it's brother gave you that scar." He says pointing to my forehead.

"And who owned the wand?" I question.

"We do not speak his name," The man begins, "The wand chooses the wizard Mr. Potter. It's not always clear why. But, I think it is clear that we can expect great things from you. After all, he-who-must-not-be-named did great things. Terrible things, but great." He says handing me back the wand before walking off, as I watch him walk away.

"Y/N! Y/N!" I turn back around when I hear someone calling my, name and look to see Hagrid in the glass holding up a cage with a beautiful white owl inside of it. "Happy Birthday!" He says smiling as I smile back at him.
