For a detailed version (wrong lies chapter 37)

Daisy and the 3 hoes 💅🏼🫦

Where are u guys?
I'm in the great hall alone

I see u

I'm coming

Dais? Are u here yet?

I haven't seen her


I'm here now


"THEO!" I scream over the great hall, and the three boys turn around to face me. They all have shocked faces, probably since my hair is more blonde again and they are used to seeing me with dark hair.

"Dais!" Theo runs over to me and pulls me into a hug.

"Bloody hell, you look amazing." He says, staring at me, and I smile. It's our last year here. Draco and Mattheo stay by the table, looking uncomfortable and shocked at me.

"You changed your hair?" I shrug at Draco's comment.

"You don't like it? Thought you said you wanted the old us back." He shakes his head with a smile on his lips and pulls me into a hug.

"I love it. You look gorgeous." The last guy looks down to the floor, and I stare at him quietly.

"Thought you'd be happier to see me," I say coldly, and he looks up at me. No smile or anything.

"I am." I nod slowly.

"Oh, so uhm. Tell us about your summer." We all sit down by the Slytherin table, and someone hugs me from behind.

"Hello, Blondie," Adrian laughs, and I hug him back.

"You scared me," he smiles.

"Can I sit with you guys?" He looks uncomfortable at the boys, and I look at them.

"Sure," Theo says, forcing a smile. Ah, I've missed him.

"I'm surprised you remember me," he jokes, and I see Mattheo roll his eyes.

"Aren't we all," what's going on with him?

"Of course, I remember you guys," I whisper loud enough for them to hear.

"So, did you break Leon's heart when you left?" Theo jokes, and I smile, shaking my head.

"No, he knew I was going to leave." They all smile beside Mattheo.

"Actually, I think you guys would love him. He's nice, and he reminded me of you, Theo." Theo smiles, looking genuinely happy for me.

"I'm not really hungry; I'll see you guys later." Mattheo stands up, leaving, and I follow him with my gaze.

"What's wrong with him? Did I do something wrong?" They all look down.

"No love, he's just a bit worried, that's all." I nod, looking down. It's only been three weeks, and he's acting like this? Imagine when we leave Hogwarts, and we don't live with each other anymore.

"I'll go and check on him." I stand up, sighing.

Mattheo - Daisy

Where are u?

my dorm

Do I have to have a reason to see my boyfriend now?

my door is open

Sighing I put my phone away and open the door. "What's wrong?" I ask him, closing the door behind me. He doesn't answer only playing with the cigarette in his hand. When did he begin to smoke again?

"Put that away." He meets my gaze and I only stare at him. "You didn't even say hi," he looks away.

"Well, I'm not going to act like a child. I missed you," he meets my gaze, and for a moment, I see a glint of happiness in his eyes.

"Mattheo... tell me what's wrong." He sighs.

"Did you know pansy was in France? Same place as you actually." She was? I never saw her.

"Okay? And that's why you're mad at me?" He shakes his head.

"She told me how happy and close you were with Leon, sitting in his lap by the fire. Laughing at his jokes. I understand that summer fling is a thing, but you could have told me instead of lying. And you texted Draco when u said your phone died." He says coldly; this is what it is about? He's jealous because of Leon?

"Mattheo..." he shakes his head.

"No, I'm not used to this kind of relationship, daisy. And I'm not good at it, but I actually tried with you. And you just went to another guy behind my back. Is that what you want? A break?" I look at him in shock, shaking my head.

"Of course not? I thought I told you. You're the one I want. Mattheo, I told you, I love you." He rolls his eyes.

"Then why did you kiss his cheek? Why did you fall asleep in his arms? You used to do that with me, dais. I just stayed at home hearing all these things." A part of me breaks hearing him say this, especially since none of it is true.

"Mattheo Leon and me. It's not like that. I promise you." He nods slowly.

"Yeah, and my father is still alive." I close my eyes, beginning to get angry.

"Mattheo Leon is gay." It's quiet for a second before he meets my gaze.


"He's gay. He has a boyfriend. He's dating my cousin." Mattheo is out of words, and he's quiet.


"Did you really think I'd do that to you?" He is quiet again, and I shake my head.

"You hurt me, Mattheo, many times. But I forgave you, I knew how many girls you've been with, yet I trusted you. You don't think I was scared too? I trusted you with everything. And you just blamed me for all of this. You accused me of cheating?"

He stands up, "daisy. I'm so fucking sorry." He whispers, looking sad and worried at me.

"Yeah, so am I." He tries to take my hand, but I pull it away.

"Maybe we need a break to understand what this is. You obviously don't trust me, and I- I'm not sure I want a boyfriend who controls me and accuses me of cheating because I have fun with another guy. Especially not after I told you I loved you." My voice breaks by the last words, and he looks empty.

"Please, daisy, don't say that. I need you. I can't be without you." He whispers, and I close my eyes.

"I'm still here, I'm not leaving Draco and Theo because of this. We're still friends, but I need a break Mattheo. Maybe one day this will work, but not now." He grabs my hand, and I meet his gaze.

"Daisy- I- I lo-" he stops, and I shake my head.

"Don't say it now. One day we'll make this work, and maybe then you still want to tell me. But not now, please not now." He looks down.

"And if it doesn't work out?" I close my eyes.

"That's not up to me," I whisper, opening the door.

"Daisy, please." I sigh, wiping a tear from my eye.

Blondie - Daisy

Where are you?


I heard what happened
I'm sorry, daisy
I'm really sorry, can I help

can u just be here? With me

Of course
I'm on my way

Daisy did the right thing. Nvm, she's probably going to take him back in an hour or so. Who knows.
Don't forget to read the next chapter; it's already up🤍
