The battle, and kevin

I ran around.

No not for exercise, because their were 50 of my enemies trying to kill me!

Now it may sound bad, but it's fine because I'm with Kevin!

I quickly ducked as one man tried to shoot me.

I quickly knocked him out and met up with Kevin who was surrounded by at least 20 people all aiming weapons at him.

I stood back to back with him as a circle of men surrounded us.

"Sir, we surrounded!" Kevin shouted frantically.

" Good! We can attack in any direction!" I replied happily while pulling out my favourite sword.

" Lets have some fun!"


As the sun set I polished off my sword before placing it back in its sheath.

" well that went better then planned!"

" Sir we almost died." Kevin complained.

" hush Kevin, don't ruin the moment."
