The Unexpected

     Alex was recently hired as a camp counselor at Camp Campbell, getting along with the other counselors and campers nicely. The two other counselors were Gwen, and David. Alex and David were pretty good friends. Alex was the only one who was unbothered by David's happy-go-lucky, optimistic self, and David enjoyed spending time with Alex.

     One morning, Alex had already gotten up and ready for a new day of camp. He went to the Mess Hall to eat breakfast, as well as making sure the campers weren't causing trouble (as they always did). Max, Neil, and Nikki were talking to Alex about their latest adventure, as Alex was the only counselor who listened and genuinely seemed interested.. well, other than David, but Max seemed to hate him. Just then, Alex saw David walk through the entrance of the Mess Hall. David sat down next to Alex, and casually just.. kissed him. Like the way a couple who have been married for years would do. "Good morning, Alex," David said with a smile. Alex just stared at David, blushing, still processing what had just happened.
     "Did you just..." Alex didn't finish his sentence. He thought he was dreaming.
     "Yes, yes I did."
     Max just stared at the two, jaw DROPPED!!
     "What.. the fuck." Max was in shock. Flabergasted, even.
     Alex was also still surprised by David's act. This was the first time he thought about it, but he found that he kind of actually liked David.
     "Er... where did that even come from..?"Alex asked David, still confused. David shrugged, thinking
     "I.. actually don't know. Uhm.. sorry- I didn't, uh- I just thought- well-"
     "Don't worry about it," Alex interrupted.
     "Uh.. guys?? I'm still here!" Max was still there.
     Alex blinked, before finally snapping back into reality, and standing up from his seat. "Well, I should go... uhm... start planning todays activities. We've got a big day ahead of us! Ahah.." Alex walked out of the Mess Hall, deciding to sit by the lake and think about... well, his feelings.

     David, back in the Mess Hall, saw nothing out of the ordinary. Before he came to his comically delayed realization. "Wait a minute... The activities were already planned before everyone went to sleep last night!" With that, David stood up and walked out of the Mess Hall as well to find Alex.

393 words! Pretty good for a prologue. Stay weird!!!  And yes, I left you on a cliffhanger
