caitlin foord - let me help you

You were a physio for arsenal and your girlfirend happend to play there .  You were dating to caitlin foord and you were both so grateful to work with each other every day .

Caitlin had just recovered form a hamstring injury meaning you guys had been stuck with each other for a couple of months which had been difficult due to caitlin sometimes getting frustrated and lashing out on you .

All the girls had a match coming up in a few days but today in training they were playing in a scrimmage so you were needed on the sidelines incase something happend .
So once you had done all of the pre treatment for training you headed outside to one of the benches to sit and watch training and hopefully not be needed .
The team were just having fun playing a less serious game .
Caitlin had the ball as was dribbling towards the goal to shoot and all of a sudden lotte came in with a high challenge sending caitlin to the floor clutching her hamstring. The one she had previously hurt .
I jumped and ran over to her as the players surrounded including a very nervous looking lotte .
I knelt down next to caitlin to try and see what is the matter but she just kept trying to stand up .
" Come on let me have a look at it let me help you " i ask her in which she ingores me and continues to try and stand up .
" Ok let me atleast strap it then i will check i out later " i tried to reason with her which she reluctantly agreed as we walked over to the side of the pitch .
I strapped it for her and then got all my stuff and walked back inside as the game had now finshed as i was no longer needed .
" Meet me in my office when you are ready ok " i told caitlin
" ok love you " caitlin finally replied whilst i smiled .
i walked into my office and waited until training was over so that caitlin would come in .
About 20 minutes later i heard a loud knock on the door .
" Come in " i shouted loud enough that i could be heard on the other side of the door .
Caitlin then walked into the room and hopped straight onto the bed infront of me .
" Someone not so moody anymore " i asked
" i am really sorry about that i just lashed out i couldn't stand the thought of being injured again " she said with a sad look on her face .
" don't worry about it come on let's get you all started " i say whilst patting the bed for her to move up abit .
We sat in a comfortable silence as i did a through stretches on her hamstring but there didn't seem to be anything abnormal so we left it as that and decided to go home .
I drove home to try and give caitlin abit of a rest as she looked exhausted.
After the short drive home we both plonked ourselves onto the sofa with our big fluffy blanket to rest after a long hard day at work. .
" You know you need to let me help you sometimes " i told her seriously
She didn't reply and just gave me a small nod before placing her on head on my chest and slowly drifting off to sleep . 
