Chapter 8 - Nebraska

From 2.07 - Pretty Much Dead Already: In the camp, Tyler was looking at the group.

Damion: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (The Walking Dead)"

Tyler nodded to the barn. "The barn is full of walkers."

From 2.07 - Pretty Much Dead Already: Outside the barn, Rick looked at Shane. "We can't just leave."

"My daughter is out there," Carol told him.

From 2.06 - Secrets: In the Greene Farm, Dale and Hershel were talking.

"My wife and stepson are in that barn," Hershel told him. "Jenny's husband is there as well."

From 2.06 - Secrets: In the barn, The Walkers were walking around, growling.

Hershel: (voice over from 2.06 - Secrets) "They're people."

From 2.07 - Pretty Much Dead Already: In the woods, Shane and Dale were facing each other.

"Just give me the guns," Shane told him.

"This world," Dale told him. "What it is now, this is where you belong."

Shane: (voice over from 2.07 - Pretty Much Dead Already) "Rick, it ain't like it was before!"

From 2.07 - Pretty Much Dead Already: Outside the barn, Shane was trying to break the lockes of the doors.

"This is not the way!" Rick told him. "Please!"

From 2.07 - Pretty Much Dead Already: Outside the barn, after the group killed the walkers, Walker Sophia walked toward them.

Everyone looked at her in shock and horror.

Carol sobbed, running toward Walker Sophia. "Sophia! Oh no." Daryl grabbed her, pulling her with him to the ground. "Sophia."

Sam stood in front of Walker Sophia, shooting her in the head.

Walker Sophia fell to the ground, dead. (slow motion)


Same Day - Day One

Barn - Outside

Sam was still holding her gun, staring down.

Sophia's body was on the ground.

Carol was crying.

Rick walked to stand next to Sam, placing a hand on his daughter's shoulder.

Daryl pulled Carol to stand. "Don't look. Don't look."

Carol pushed herself away from Daryl's grip, running away, crying.

Allison was crying on Beth. Beth was sobbing, holding her sister close. Jimmy wrapped his arms around them, pulling them to him.

Allison pulled away from them, running toward a dead Walker. "Mom."

Rick tried to stop her. "Wait, wait, wait, wait."

Allison moved away from him, running over to the Walkers. She kneeled next to a female Walker, crying. "Mom."

The female Walker opened her eyes, growling, grabbing Allison.

"Rick!" Ariana told him.

Allison screamed.

Everyone run toward Allison, trying to pull her away from the female Walker's grip.

"Pull her away," Shane told them. "Pull her away!"

Shane, Tyler, Rick, Hershel, Beth and Maggie pulled Allison away from the female Walker.

T-Dog hit the female Walker in the head.

Harley barked.

Glenn grabbed the female Walker's hands.

Andrea grabbed the ax, hitting it into the female Walker's head, killing her.

Maggie took Allison into her arms, lifting her up. "It's okay. It's okay." Allison cried into Maggie's shoulder. "It's okay. You're okay."


Greene House - Outside

Hershel, Maggie, Allison, Jenny, Beth and Patricia walked away from the barn.

Shane, Rick, Damion and Tyler followed them.

"We've been out," Shane told them. "We've been combing these woods looking for her and she was in there all along? You knew."

Jenny glared at him. "Leave us alone."

Rick grabbed Shane's arm. "Hey, Shane, just stop, man."

Shane pulled away. "Get your hands off me." He looked at Hershel. "You knew and you kept it from us."

Hershel's voice was soft. "I didn't know."

"That's bullshit," Shane told him. "I think y'all knew."

"We didn't know!" Maggie told him.

"Why was she there?" Shane asked.

Hershel turned to face them. "Otis put those people in the barn. Maybe he found her and put her in there before he was killed."

"You expect me to believe that?" Shane asked. "Do I look like an idiot?"

"Shane, stop," Damion told him.

"Man, come on, don't do that," Tyler told him.

Hershel looked at Shane. "I don't care what you believe."

"Everybody just calm down," Rick told them.

Hershel glared at Shane, speaking to Rick, Tyler and Damion. "Get him off my land!"

Shane stood in front of Hershel. "Let me tell you something, man--"

Jenny pushed Shane back. "Hey." She slapped Shane. "Don't touch him." Damion and Tyler pulled Shane back. "Haven't you done enough?"

Hershel placed his hand on Jenny's shoulder, leading her to Maggie, Allison, Beth and Patricia.

Maggie was still holding Allison, walking inside. "Come on, baby."

Hershel looked at the men. "I mean it. Off my land."

Beth, Jenny, Patricia and Hershel followed Maggie and Allison inside the house.

Tyler placed a hand on Rick's shoulder, walking inside the house.

Damion followed him.

Rick looked at Shane. "What are you doing?" Shane didn't answer. "Hey, what are you doing?"

"Daryl almost died looking for her, Rick," Shane told him. "Any one of us could have. I'm gonna tell you right now, that son of a bitch, he knew."

"He didn't know," Rick told him. "He's not like that. He opened his home to us."

"He put us all in danger," Shane told him. "Man, he kept a barn full of walkers."

"So you just start an insurrection, hand out guns and massacre his family?" Rick asked.

"His family's dead, Rick," Shane told him.

"Well, he doesn't believe that," Rick told him. "He thinks you just murdered them in cold blood."

Shane shook his head. "No, man, I don't care what he thinks."

"I was handling it, brother," Rick told him. "I was handling it and you just--"

"You had us out in those woods looking for a little girl that every single one of us knew was dead," Shane told him. "That's what you did. Rick, you're just as delusional as that guy." He scoffed, starting to walk away. "You handling it, huh?"

Rick watched him go, looking at the house.

°~•~° °~•~° °~•~°

AMC Presents

A doorknob was moving.

Inside a dark house, the only lights that in was from the outside through the closed door.

Rick's photo was shown in a newspaper. Andrew Lincoln.

A grocery store showed to be abandoned, blood on the floor.

A picture of Shane Walsh in police uniform shown to be broken. Jon Bernthal.

A torn in half picture of Ariana Grimes was shown, smiling. Marie Avgeropoulos.

A picture of Lori Grimes was shown, smiling, broken, a few rocks were around it. Sarah Wayne Callies.

A RV was shown slowly.

On the road, a teddy bear was on the ground. Nina Dobrev.

A house was shown from the outside. Laurie Holden.

There was a quick look of the buildings of Atlanta. Matthew Daddario. Jeffrey DeMunn.

A quick look of the hospital of Atlanta. Kyle Ellison. Steven Yeun. Chandler Riggs.

Inside an abandoned building, the lights were flickering. Norman Reedus.

Outside of the King County Sheriff's Department. Executive producers, Robert Kirkman and David Alpert.

There was a quick look of the railroad tracks under bridge. Executive producer, Glen Mazzara.

There was a quick look at the road of Atlanta, the cars were abandoned. Executive producer, Gale Anne Hurd.

In an empty road, two crows were attacking a dead cat lying on the ground.

In the field. Executive producer, Frank Darabont.

There was a quick look at the outside of Atlanta. The entrance for the city is empty. The exit of the city is full. Developed by Frank Darabont. Based on the series of graphic novels by Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore and Charlie Adlard.

Worlds Colliding (The Walking Dead)

°~•~° °~•~° °~•~°

Barn - Outside

Andrea kneeled next to Sophia's body, gently placing a blanket on her.


Camp - Grimes Tent

Sam sat on her camping bed, staring down at her hands.

Harley was lying beside her, moving to place his head on Sam's lap, whining.

Sam petted Harley.

Lori walked inside, sitting next to Sam. She kissed Sam's head, wrapping her arms around her.


RV - Inside

Carol was sitting at the table, staring at the window.

Daryl walked inside, clearing his throat. He hesitated, leaning against the counter.

Carol looked at him, smiling a small sad smile, looking out the window.


Greene House - Upstairs Hallway

Tyler was leaning against the wall.

Maggie walked out of Allison's room, closing the door quietly.

"How is she?" Tyler asked.

"I managed to calm her down," Maggie told him. "She just fell asleep."

Tyler nodded, looking relief. He tilted his head. "Are you okay?"

"Does it look like I am?" Maggie asked. Tyler placed his hands on her face. Maggie leaned against his hands, placing her hands on his. "They're all dead. I knew that, but..."

"I know," Tyler told her, pulling her closer to him, wrapping his arms around her.

Maggie wrapped her arms around him, closing her eyes. "I'm sorry about that girl."

Tyler sighed softly, pulling away. "Maggie... I--I have to ask you something. Did you know she was in the barn?" Maggie stared at him. Tyler looked down. "You know, maybe in some weird way this is for the best. At least we know and now we can move on."

"Move on?" Maggie asked.

"Yeah," Tyler answered. He looked away. "It meant so much to everyone... Finding her, you know? And then..."

"So now you'll just move on?" Maggie asked.

"If we can," Tyler answered. "I mean, we've lost others. This is... This is Sophia. The whole group... This one was different."

"So what happens now?" Maggie asked.

"We bury her," Tyler answered. "With Jenny's husband. With your stepmom and your stepbrother."

"And then?" Maggie asked.

Tyler hesitated, shrugging. "I don't know."

Maggie stared at him for a moment, wrapping her arms around him, kissing him lightly.



Ariana, Carl, Andrea, Glenn, T-Dog, Dale and Jimmy were still near the barn.

Shane walked toward them.

Rick and Damion followed.

Ariana and Carl were sitting on the ground together.

Carl looked at his Aunt. "I thought I'd find her."

Ariana nodded. "We all did."

"I mean, me," Carl told her. "That I'd be the one. Like, maybe she was hiding somewhere in a cave or a tree. She'd be safe back. And I'd find her and bring her back." He nodded. "She did the right thing. Sam. Shooting her like that. I would've done it, too."

Ariana stared at him for a moment. She looked at Dale. "Hey, Dale?"

"Yeah?" Dale asked.

"Could you take Carl back to camp?" Ariana asked. "Please."

"Sure," Dale told her.

Ariana looked at Carl. "Stay in camp, okay?"

Carl nodded. "Okay."

Carl stood up.

Carl and Dale started to walk away.

Rick walked past them, putting the sheriff hat on Carl's head. "Hey, you dropped that."

Carl and Dale walked away.

Ariana stood up, standing between Rick and Glenn.

Damion looked at Rick. "You want us to start burying?"

"We need a service," Andrea told them. "Carol would want that."

"Yeah, we all want that," T-Dog told them.

"Let's... let's dig a grave for Sophia, and Michael, and Annette and Shawn, uh, over by those trees," Ariana told them. "And we'll need a truck to move the bodies."

Jimmy nodded. "I'll get the keys."

Shane held his hand in front of Jimmy. "No, no. I got the truck."

Shane walked away.

Jimmy looked at the dead Walkers. "And the others? That's a lot of digging."

"We bury the ones we love and burn the rest," Andrea told him.

"Let's get to work," Damion told them, starting to walk away.

Andrea, Glenn, T-Dog and Jimmy followed.

Ariana looked at her brother. "What did Hershel say?"

"He wants us off the farm," Rick told her. "Or Shane at least."

Ariana scoffed. "That's not a surprise. We're lucky someone wasn't killed. And all that gunfire... More walkers could've heard it."

"How is Sam?" Rick asked.

"Lori is with her in the tent," Ariana told him. "So, I don't really know. You should go there." She saw Lori and Sam walking together toward them. Harley following them. "Or, just turn around and ask her."

Rick turned to see them.

Lori had her arm wrapped around Sam's shoulder, both of them stood in front of them.

"Baby, you okay?" Rick asked, placing his hand on Sam's shoulder.

"She was there all the time," Sam told them.

"Baby, don't blame yourself," Lori told her.

"How can I not?" Sam asked.

"Sammy, you tried," Ariana told her. "None of this is your fault."

"What does Carol think of this?" Sam asked. Lori, Ariana and Rick didn't answer. Sam looked away, nodding. "She still hates me."

"No, she doesn't hate you," Lori told her, rubbing her back. "She doesn't."

Rick placed his hands on Sam's shoulders. "Why don't you go inside the house? Go get some rest, okay? Do it for me."

Sam hesitated, nodding. She turned around, walking away.

Harley followed her.

Lori, Rick and Ariana stood together.

Lori looked at Rick. "You okay?"

Rick sighed, shaking her head. "People counting on me and I had 'em chasing a ghost in a forest."

Rick walked away.

"Rick..." Ariana trailed off.

Lori placed a hand on Ariana's shoulder. "Give him some time, sweetheart. Come on."

Lori lead Ariana away.



Shane walked toward the blue truck, stopping at the driver door, looking over.

Dale was leaning against a car, staring at Shane.

Shane stared at him, scoffing. He got into the driver seat, closing the door. He leaned in the seat, looking over at the side view mirror.

Dale was still staring at him.

Shane opened the driver door, leaning forward to look at Dale. "Do you got something to say, Dale?" Dale didn't say anything. "Well, go ahead, man. Mr. Moral Authority, huh?" Shane chuckled slightly. "The... The voice of reason." Dale didn't say anything. Shane got angry, hitting the steering wheel, getting out. "Let me ask you something, man. What do you do?" He walked toward Dale. "What do you do to keep this camp safe, huh? What do you do? What, you fix up an R.V.? You babysit some guns? Man, you pointed one at my chest, right? But you just... you couldn't pull that trigger, could you? If I was such a danger, if I was such a threat, what did you do to stop me, huh? I smashed up on there, I saved Sam. That's me. That ain't you. That ain't Rick. That's me." He walked back to the driver side of the truck. "Tell you what, Dale... Next time I need a radiator hose... I'll give you a call, man."

Shane got inside, closing the door, driving away.

Dale watched him go.



Jimmy, Damion, Shane, Andrea, T-Dog and Glenn were digging four graves for Sophia, Michael, Annette and Shawn, stopping.

"That's it," T-Dog told them.

Damion looked toward Lori. "Hey, Lori, we're done."

"Okay," Lori told him, walking away.


RV - Inside

Daryl and Carol were still inside. Daryl was still sitting on the counter. Carol was still staring out the window, sitting at the table.

Lori walked inside, standing next to Daryl. "They're ready." Carol looked down, shaking her head. "Come on."

"Why?" Carol asked.

"'Cause that's your little girl," Daryl told her.

Carol looked at Daryl. "That's not my little girl. That's some other... thing." She looked away, looking out the window. "My Sophia was alone in the woods. All this time I thought... She didn't cry herself to sleep. She didn't go hungry. She didn't try to find her way back. Sophia died a long time ago."

Lori backed away, walking out of the RV.

Daryl stared at Carol for a moment, angry by her words. He grabbed his crossbow, getting off the counter, walking out.


Greene House - Hershel's Room

Hershel picked up a picture Annette from his desk. He looked at it for a moment, placing it down. He walked to the drawers, opening one, pulling a box. He put Annette's jewelry inside.

Hershel was packing Annette's stuff in boxes, moving to the drawers, opening one with ties, moving them slightly a side to reveal a flask, placing it on top.


Allison's Room

Allison was sleeping on her bed.

Maggie walked inside quietly. She walked closer, shaking Allison on the shoulder gently to wake her up for the funeral.



Everyone were near the barn, standing in front of the four graves for a long moment. Slowly, everyone started to walk away.



Carol was sitting on the grass, looking at the flower from 2.07 "Pretty Much Dead Already" that Daryl showed her. Carol touched the flower, staring at it for a moment, angrily destroying it, sobbing.


Barn - Outside

Andrea and T-Dog grabbed a Walker's body, carrying it to the blue truck.

Dale was standing close by.

Rick walked closer. "A few more trips."

"We got lucky," Andrea told them. "If that barn had any more, we could've been overrun."

Andrea and T-Dog put the Walker's body on the truck.

"Good thing Shane did what he did," T-Dog told them. "When he did."

"You can't tell me this was right," Dale told them.

"It wasn't," Rick told them. "It'll cost us with Hershel."

"He's grieving," Andrea told them. "He'll come around, see we had no choice. Look, I shot too. This wasn't all Shane."

"Look, I got no qualms about it," T-Dog told them. "Walkers in my backyard?"

T-Dog shook his head.

Lori walked closer.

"I'm not saying that we shouldn't have taken care of the problem," Dale told them. "But creating a panic?"

Lori shook her head. "There's no point arguing about it. It's done. There's nothing we can do about it."

T-Dog opened the driver door. "Better get moving."

T-Dog got inside, closing the door.

Dale sighed.

Lori walked closer, placing a hand on Dale's shoulder, walking away.

Andrea hit the back of the truck, sitting down on it near the Walkers bodies.

Rick and Dale walked away together.

T-Dog started the engines, starting to drive them away.

An arm of a Walker fall down the ground.

Andrea saw it, looking over to T-Dog. "Hey! Hey!" T-Dog stopped the truck. Andrea jumped off the back, running to grab the arm, tossing it to the back. She sat down. "All right!"

T-Dog drove them away.


Greene House - Dining Room

Tyler and Damion were sitting at the table, talking about the Walkers from the barn.

"That was messed up," Damion told him.

Tyler sighed. "I hate to say that, but I feel like Shane was wrong doing that."

"Is that you saying it or your girlfriend?" Damion asked, nodding toward Maggie who was in the kitchen with Beth.

Tyler rolled his eyes. "Both."

Damion nodded sarcastically.

Maggie walked in.

Damion looked from her to Tyler. "I'll go grab myself a glass of water."

Damion winked, standing up, walking into the kitchen.

Maggie looked at Tyler. "So if your group leaves, you wouldn't stay?"

Tyler looked at her in confusion. "I... I hadn't really thought about it. I mean, I... I didn't know that..." He sighed. "Uh, I don't think I could. This isn't my land."

Maggie shrugged slightly. "It could be."

Tyler stood up, placing his hands on Maggie's arms.

Behind Maggie, Beth stopped cleaning, falling toward the floor.

Damion caught her. "Whoa! Beth."

Maggie and Tyler turned to see them, running in.


Beth's Room

Beth was lying on her bed, her eyes were opened but she didn't respond.

Jenny, Maggie, Tyler and Damion were there.

Allison brought Lori inside the room, holding her hand.

Maggie brushed Beth's hair. "Sweetie, can you hear me?" She looked at Lori. "What's wrong with her?"

"She might be in shock," Lori answered. "Where's Hershel?"

"We can't find him anywhere," Tyler answered.

Lori looked at them in confusion, walking out of the room.


Hershel's Room

Maggie, Tyler, Lori, Glenn, Shane and Rick were in the room.

"Your stepmother's things?" Tyler asked.

"He was so sure she'd recover," Maggie told them. "They'd just pick up where they left off."

Shane held up Hershel's flask. "Looks like he found an old friend."

Shane tossed it to Rick.

"That belonged to my grandfather, gave it to Dad when he died," Maggie told them.

"I didn't take Hershel for a drinker," Rick told her.

"No, he gave it up on the day I was born," Maggie answered. "He didn't even allow liquor in the house."

"What's the bar in town?" Rick asked.

"Hatlin's," Maggie answered. "He practically lived there in his drinking days."

"Betting that's where I'll find him," Rick told them.

"Yeah, I've seen the place," Glenn told them, looking at Rick. "I'll take you."

"All right, I'll get the truck," Rick told him.

"I'll come, too," Tyler told them.

Maggie grabbed Tyler's arm. "No."

"It's an easy run," Tyler told her.

Maggie gave him a look. "Like the pharmacy?"

"Rick and I can go," Glenn told them, placing a hand on Tyler's shoulder. "Two is enough, right, Rick?"

"Yeah," Rick answered. "Hey, Maggie? We'll bring him back."

"Be careful you two, okay?" Tyler asked.

Rick and Glenn nodded, walking out.

Lori and Shane followed them.

Tyler sighed, looking at Maggie.

Maggie shook her head. "Don't give me that look."

Tyler placed his hands on his hips, looking down with a sigh.



Rick, Lori and Shane were talking.

"Rick?" Lori asked. "You want to have a conversation about this before you leave?"

"So you're seriously gonna go after this guy with everything that's going on, huh?" Shane asked. "What you gonna do?"

"He's right," Lori agreed. "This is not the time to head off, not today. You don't always have--"

"I'm not arguing," Rick told her. "It's the least I can do for Hershel after we--"

"What?" Shane asked. "After we what?"

Shane walked away.

Lori looked at Rick. "Ari told me that Carl said he would've shot Sophia himself. That's your son. He's getting cold. He's growing up in a world with... Our kids growing up in a world where they need a father like you... Around, alive, not running off, solving everybody else's problems."

"It's not just his problem I'm trying to solve," Rick told her. "We need Hershel for the baby. I'm going after him."

Sam walked up to them. "I want to come too."

Lori looked at her in shock. "Absolutely not. You not going."

"Mom, Hershel saved my life," Sam told her. "I want to help him."

Rick shook his head. "No. I'm taking Glenn with me. You'll stay here."

"I'm not a little girl anymore," Sam told them. "I want to go."

Lori shook her head. "No. You're not going and that's that."

Sam scoffed, shaking her head. "Fine, got it. I'll just get in the way."

Sam walked away.

"Sam," Lori told her.

Rick looked down, considering.



Sam walked outside, angry.

Rick followed her. "Sammy."

Sam stopped, turning to face her father. "What?"

Rick nodded. "You can come with me and Glenn."

Sam looked shocked. "I can?"

"Yes," Rick answered, placing a hand on her shoulder. "You're right. You not a little girl anymore. You're growing to be a strong woman. Get ready, we're leaving soon."

Sam smiled a small smile, nodding. She walked away.

Rick watched his daughter go, looking over at Glenn and Ariana. He walked toward them.

Glenn was telling Ariana he was going with Rick to get Hershel.

Ariana looked at Rick, giving him a look. "Are you serious?"

"Well, it depends what you were talking about," Rick told her.

"You and Glenn going to get Hershel," Ariana told him in a due voice.

"No," Rick told her. "Me, Glenn and Sam going to get Hershel."

Glenn and Ariana looked at him in shock. "What?"

"She's not a little girl anymore, and she wanted to come," Rick told them. "So, I agreed."

"And Lori?" Ariana asked.

"Of course not," Rick answered.

Ariana sighed, shaking her head. "I don't know about this."

"It will be okay," Glenn told her, rubbing her back. "We'll be back quick."

Rick placed a hand on Ariana's shoulder, walking away.

Ariana watched her brother go, looking at Glenn, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Just... be careful, okay?"

Glenn placed his hands on her hips. "I will. And don't worry, I'll watch over Sam."

Ariana smiled a small smile. "Thank you."

Ariana and Glenn kissed.

Rick leaned on the driver door of a car, looking over to see his sister and Glenn kissing. "Oh, boy." Sam walked closer. Rick called up to them. "Hey, lovebirds, time to go."

Ariana smiled in the kiss, holding a finger toward Rick to held up a minute.

Sam chuckled, looking at her father. "Dad, you okay with that?"

Rick shrugged. "Unlike with other men your Aunt dated, Glenn is the best choice she made."

Sam chuckled.

Glenn and Ariana pulled away from the kiss, smiling at each other.

Ariana whispered something to Glenn in the ear.

Glenn was shocked, nodding slightly, backing away to Rick and Sam.



Shane was washing his head at a water pump.

There were noises behind him between the trees.

Shane stopped, looking behind him. He pulled out his gun, thinking it was a Walker, taking a few steps toward the trees.

Carol walked out of the woods, muddy and scratched.

Shane put his gun back, tilting his head. "Hey. Carol?" Carol didn't say anything. "Carol." He gently placed his hands on her arms. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey, are you all right? Come here." Shane sat Carol down, kneeling in front of her, washing her arms and hands with water. "I want you to know that I'm real sorry for your girl."

"Thank you," Carol told him.

"When I opened that barn I had no idea," Shane told her. "If I did... Everybody thinks that I'm a... I was just trying to keep everybody safe. I had no idea she was in there."


Greene House - Beth's Room

Beth was still on the bed.

Allison was sitting next to her.

Harley was lying on the end of the bed.

Lori walked in. "Allison, honey, why don't you go and rest a little bit?"

Allison shook her head. "I'm okay."

Lori brushed Allison's hair.

Damion walked in. "Hey, why don't you go and do that? I'll watch over your sister."

Allison hesitated, looking up at Lori.

Lori nodded.

Allison looked at Damion. "Thanks."

Damion nodded.

Lori leaded Allison away. "Come on, sweetheart."



Lori and Dale walked out together.

"This place is going to hell," Dale told her.

"Yeah, I'm trying hard to prevent that," Lori told him.

"You won't be able to," Dale told her. "No, there are people in this group who think that what Shane did was justified."

"I know you two can't stand each other, but he did something that needed to be done," Lori told him.

"He's dangerous," Dale told her.

"Yeah, he's a hothead," Lori told him.

"No, Lori, he's dangerous," Dale told her. "I think he killed Otis."

Lori looked at him in shock and confusion. "Otis was killed by Walkers."

"He knew how to handle Walkers," Dale told her. "Otis was the one who was putting them in the barn."

"You need to be really clear with me right now," Lori told him. "What are you saying?"

"I believe that... that Shane sacrificed Otis," Dale told her. "I can't prove it, but I--I--I... I think that he--I think that he shot him and left him for bait, so that he could get away."

"Shane may be a hothead, but he's not a murderer," Lori told him. "And--and why would he kill somebody who's trying to help?"

"I don't know," Dale answered. "Maybe he was pinned down. He said--he said it. He all but threw it in my face. I'm telling you, I knew guys like him, and sooner or later... He's gonna kill somebody else."

Dale walked away, leaving Lori shocked.



Rick's car was driving.


Rick's Car

Rick was driving. Glenn was in the passenger seat. Sam was in the backseat.

Glenn hesitated. "Ari said she loves me."

Sam was shocked. "She did?"

"She doesn't mean it," Glenn told them. "I mean she can't. I mean... well..."

Rick smiled. "My sister wouldn't say that to you if she didn't mean that. She's smart enough to know what she's feeling."

Glenn scoffed. "No. No." Rick laughed. "No, you know what? She wants to be in love, so she's... she needs something to--to, like... to hold onto."

"Glenn, it's Ari we're talking about," Sam told him, smiling. "It's pretty obvious to everyone she loves you, and not just because you're one of the last men standing."

"So what's the problem?" Rick asked.

"I didn't say it back," Glenn told them.

"Dude, what the hell?" Sam asked.

"Wh--I've never had a woman say that to me before except my Mom, of course, and my sisters," Glenn told them. "But with Ari, it's different." He sighed quietly. "I just stood there like a jerk."

Rick smiled a small smile. "Hey, this is a good thing, something we don't get enough of these days. Enjoy it. And when we get back, return the favor."

"That's kinda weird," Glenn told them, looking at Rick. "Talking about your sister with you." Rick chuckled. "We're good, right?"

"Yeah," Rick answered. "We're good."



Rick's car was pulled in the middle of the town's road.


Rick's Car

Rick stopped the car.

"Rick?" Glenn asked. "I know about Lori, her being pregnant."

"I figured," Rick told him. "Tyler knew too, didn't he?"

Glenn nodded.

Rick nodded, getting out.



Rick pulled out his gun

Glenn and Sam got out of the car.

Sam pulled out her gun.

Glenn was holding a rifle, looking at Rick. "Hey, I'm sorry I kept it from you."

"Don't be," Rick told him. "You did what you thought was right. It just so happens it wasn't."


Greene House - Beth's Room

Beth was still on her bed.

Maggie, Jenny, Patricia, Damion, Jimmy and Andrea were in the room.

Lori was by the door.

Damion noticed her, walking closer, whispering. "Her heart's racing. She's burning up. We need Hershel. He'll know what to do."

Lori looked over at the window, looking at Damion. "Honey, would you look in on Carl for me?"

Damion nodded. "Of course."

"Thank you," Lori told him, walking away.


Outside - Hill

Daryl was sitting on a rock, sharping a stick with his knife.

Lori walked toward him. "Moving to the suburbs?" Daryl didn't look at her. "Listen, Beth's in some kind of catatonic shock. We need Hershel."

"Yeah," Daryl told her. "So what?"

"So I need you to run into town real quick, and bring him, Glenn, Sam and Rick back," Lori told him. Daryl didn't look at her. "Daryl?"

Daryl looked at her. "Your girl and your bitch went window-shopping. You want them? Fetch them yourself. I got better things to do."

"What's the matter with you?" Lori asked. "Why would you be so selfish?"

"Selfish?" Daryl asked, standing up. "Listen to me, Olive Oyl. I was out there looking for that little girl every single day. I took a bullet and an arrow in the process. Don't you tell me about me getting my hands dirty! You want those three idiots and your kid? Have a nice ride. I'm done looking for people."

Daryl sat on the rock, sharping the stick.

Lori didn't say anything, turning around, walking away.

Daryl stopped for a moment to consider, going back to sharping the stick.


Town - Hatlin's Bar

Rick, Sam and Glenn walked inside.

Hershel was at the bar, holding a glass in his hands.

"Hershel?" Rick asked.

Hershel didn't turned to face them. "Who's with you?"

"Sam and Glenn," Rick answered. "They volunteered." He walked toward Hershel, looking at the glass. "How many have you had?"

Glenn and Sam walked closer.

"Not enough," Hershel answered.

"Let's finish this up back at home," Rick told him. "Beth collapsed. Is in some sort of state. Must be in shock. I think you are, too."

"Maggie and Allison are with her?" Hershel asked.

"Yeah," Rick answered. "But Beth needs you."

"What could I do?" Hershel asked. "She needs her mother. Or rather to mourn like she should've done weeks ago. I robbed her of that. I see that now."

Hershel took a drink.

"You thought there was a cure," Rick told him. "Can't blame yourself for holding out for hope."

"Hope?" Hershel repeated. "When I first saw you running across my field with your girl in your arms, I had little hope she would survive."

"But she did," Rick told him, looking over at Sam.

Hershel nodded. "She did." Rick looked at him. "Even though we lost Otis. Jenny lost her father. Your man Shane made it back and we saved your girl. That was the miracle that proved to me miracles do exist. Only it was a sham, a bait and switch. I was a fool, Rick, and you people saw that. My daughters deserve better than that."

Hershel poured himself another drink.


Greene House - Hallway

Tyler walked downstairs.

Lori walked toward him, taking his arm. "Can I talk to you?"

"Sure," Tyler told her. Lori leaded him to the side. "You okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine," Lori answered. "Um... we need Hershel. I know I've asked you a lot already--"

"You want me to go and get them," Tyler told her.

"Yes," Lori answered. "Daryl won't do that, so, I wanted to ask if you can."

"Lori, you're panicking now," Tyler told her.

"Is it obvious?" Lori asked.

Tyler smirked a small smirk. "Kinda." He sighed. "Give it a little more time, okay? If they're not back in four or five hours, give me the word and I'll go, okay?"

Lori considered it, nodding slightly. "Okay."

Tyler placed a hand on Lori's arm, walking away.

Lori watched him go, looking around.



Lori walked out of the house, holding a map. She pulled out her gun, checking bullet. She got into Maggie's car, closing the driver door.



Lori was driving the car.


Maggie's Car

The map and Lori's gun were lying on the passenger seat.

Lori grabbed the map, looking at it.

A Walker was walking in the road.

Lori looked up from the map, seeing the Walker. She gasped, turning the wheel to avoid it, but she hit him.



The Walker hit the car, falling to the ground.


Maggie's Car

Lori was trying to control the car, letting out a scream.



The car hit the trees, flipping over on the side of the road.


Town - Hatlin's Bar

Sam, Glenn and Rick were standing at the door.

"So what do we do?" Sam asked.

Glenn shrugged. "Wait for him to pass out?"

"Just go," Hershel told them. "Just go."

"I promised Maggie I'd bring you home safe," Rick told him.

Hershel scoffed. "Like you promised that little girl?"

Rick walked toward him. "So what's your plan? Finish that bottle? Drink yourself to death and leave your girls alone?"

Hershel stood, turning to look at Rick. "Stop telling me how to care for my family, my farm. You people are like a plague! I do the Christian thing, give you shelter, and you destroy it all!"

"The world was already in bad shape when we met," Rick told him.

"And you take no responsibility!" Hershel told him. "You're supposed to be their leader!"

"Well, I'm here now, aren't I?" Rick asked.

Sam and Glenn walked closer.

Hershel calmed down. "Yes. Yes. Yes, you are."

Hershel turned around, walking to the counter, sitting down on the chair, taking a drink.

Rick walked toward him. "Now come on. Your girls need you now more than ever."

Rick took Hershel's arm.

Hershel pulled his arm away. "I didn't want to believe you. You told me there was no cure, that these people were dead, not sick. I chose not to believe that. But when Shane shot Lou in the chest and she just kept coming, that's when I knew what an ass I'd been, that Annette had been dead long ago and I was feeding a rotten corpse. That's when I knew there was no hope. And when that little girl came out of the barn, the look on your face... I knew you knew it too. Right? There is no hope. And you know it now, like I do. Don't you? There is no hope for any of us."


Greene Farm - Barn - Outside

Shane and T-Dog were placing Walkers on tree logs.

Shane sighed. "You ready?"

"Yeah," T-Dog answered. "Man, how many times we gonna have to do this?"


Town - Hatlin's Bar

Rick, Sam, Glenn and Hershel were still here.

Rick looked at Hershel. "Look, I'm done. I'm not doing this anymore, cleaning up after you. You know what the truth is? Nothing has changed. Death is death. It's always been there, whether it's from a heart attack, cancer, or a Walker. What's the difference? You didn't think it was hopeless before, did you? Now there are people back at home trying to hang on. They need us, even if it's just to give them a reason to go on, even if we don't believe it ourselves. You know what? This... this isn't about what we believe anymore. It's about them."

Hershel was staring at him, taking one last drink, putting the glass down.

Rick placed a hand on Hershel's shoulder.

The doors of the bar opened.

Glenn, Sam, Rick and Hershel turned to look at it.

Two men walked inside. Dave and Tony.

"Son of a bitch," Dave told him. "They're alive."


Rick poured drinks.

Sam and Glenn stood behind the counter.

Dave sat on a chair. "I'm Dave. That scrawny-looking douche bag there is Tony."

Tony scoffed. "Eat me, Dave."

"Hey, maybe someday I will," Dave told him, looking at Rick, Glenn, Sam and Hershel. "We met on I-95 coming out of Philly. Damn shit-show that was."

"I'm Glenn," Glenn told them. "It's nice to meet some new people."

Rick handed him a glass, looking at Dave and Tony. "Rick Grimes."

Rick handed a glass to Tony.

Dave took a glass, looking at Hershel. "How about you, pal? Have one?"

"I just quit," Hershel answered.

Dave smiled. "You've got a unique sense of timing, my friend."

"His name's Hershel," Rick told them. "He lost people today, a lot of them."

"I'm truly sorry to hear that," Dave told him, lifting his glass. "To better days and new friends. And to our dead... may they be in a better place."

Rick, Glenn, Tony and Dave drank.

Tony looked at Sam, licking his lips. "What about you, Baby? Have a name?"

Sam gave him a look. "Samantha."

"Pretty name of a pretty girl," Tony told her.

Dave pulled out his gun. "Not bad, huh? I got it off a cop."

"I'm a cop," Rick told him.

"This one was already dead," Dave told him.

Tony looked at Sam, smirking.

Sam didn't look at him, feeling his eyes on her, standing closer to Glenn's side.

"You fellas are a long way from Philadelphia," Rick told them.

"It feels like we're a long way from anywhere," Dave told them.

"Well, what drove you South?" Rick asked.

"Well, I can tell you it wasn't the weather," Dave told them. "I must've dropped 30 pounds in sweat alone down here."

"I wish," Tony told them.

"No, first it was D.C. I heard there might be some kind of refugee camp, but the roads were so jammed, we never even got close," Dave told them. "We decided to get off the highways, into the sticks, keep hauling ass. Every group we came across had a new rumor about a way out of this thing."

"One guy told us there was the coast guard sitting in the Gulf, sending ferries to the islands," Tony told them.

"The latest was a rail yard in Montgomery running trains to the middle of the country," Dave told them. "Kansas, Nebraska."

"Nebraska?" Glenn repeated.

"Low population, lots of guns," Tony told them.

Glenn looked at Sam. "Kinda makes sense."

"Ever been to Nebraska, kid?" Dave asked. "A reason they call 'em flyover states." Tony and Dave chuckled. Rick smiled a small smile, taking a drink. Tony and Dave exchanged a secret look. Dave looked at Rick, Hershel, Glenn and Sam. "How about you guys?"

"Fort Benning, eventually," Rick answered.

"I hate to piss in your cornflakes, officer, but..." Dave trailed off. "We ran across a grunt who was stationed at Benning. He said the place was overrun by lamebrains."

"Wait, fort Benning is gone?" Sam asked. "Are you for real?"

"Sadly, I am," Dave answered. He shook his head. "Oddly, the truth is there is no way out of this mess. Just keep going from one pipe dream to the next, praying one of these mindless freaks doesn't grab a hold of you when you sleep."

"If you sleep," Tony told them.

"Yeah," Dave agreed. "It doesn't look like you guys are hanging your hats here. You holed up somewhere else?"

"Not really," Rick answered.

"Those your cars out front?" Dave asked.

"Yeah," Glenn answered. "Why?"

"We're living in ours," Dave told them. "Those look kinda empty, clean. Where's all your gear?"

"We're with a larger group out scouting, thought we could use a drink," Hershel told them.

"A drink?" Dave repeated. "Hershel, I thought you quit. Well, we're thinking of setting up around here. Is it safe?"

"It can be," Glenn answered. "Although I have killed a couple of walkers around here."

"Walkers?" Dave repeated. "That what you call them?" Sam nodded. "That's good. I like that. I like that better than lamebrains."

"More succinct," Tony told them.

"Okay, Tony went to college," Dave told them.

"Two years," Tony told them.

There was a moment of silence.

"So what--so what, you guys set up on the outskirts or something?" Dave asked. "That new development?"

Tony stood up. "Trailer park or something?" He walked to the side. "A farm?"

"'Old McDonald had a farm...'" Dave sang quietly. Tony chuckled. Dave looked at them. "You got a farm?" They didn't answered. Tony started to urinating on the wall. Sam looked disgusted, not looking at him. Dave noticed her look. "Come on, Tony, not in front of the lady." He looked at Rick. "Is it safe? It's gotta be. You got food? Water?"

"You got cooze like the Princess over there?" Tony asked, nodding toward Sam. "Ain't had a piece of ass in weeks." Tony chuckled. "Maybe I could have her. She looks like she can be fun."

Glenn, Sam, Rick and Hershel glared at him.

"That's my daughter," Rick told him.

"Listen, pardon my friend," Dave told them. "City kids... they got no tact. No disrespect. So listen, Glenn--"

"We've said enough," Rick told them.

"Well, hang on a second," Dave told them. "This farm... it sounds pretty sweet. Don't it sound sweet, Tony?"

"Yeah, real sweet," Tony agreed, turning to face them.

"How about a little Southern hospitality?" Dave asked. "We got some buddies back at camp, been having a real hard time. I don't see why you can't make room for a few more. We can pool our resources, our manpower."

"Look, I'm sorry," Rick told him. "That's not an option."

Tony looked at Dave.

Dave shrugged one shoulder. "Doesn't sound like it'd be a problem."

"I'm sorry," Hershel told them. "We can't."

"We can't take in any more," Rick told them.

Dave chuckled. "You guys are something else. I thought--I thought we were friends. We got people we gotta look out for, too."

"We don't know anything about you," Rick told them.

"No, that's true," Dave agreed. "You don't know anything about us. You don't know what we've had to go through out there, the things we've had to do. I bet you've had to do some of those same things yourself. Am I right? 'Cause ain't nobody's hands clean in what's left of this world. We're all the same. So come on, let's... let's take a nice friendly hayride to this farm and we'll get to know each other."

Rick shook his head. "That's not gonna happen."

"Rick..." Dave trailed off.

"This is bullshit," Tony told them.

"Calm down," Rick told him.

"Don't tell me to calm down," Tony told him. "Don't ever tell me to calm down."

"Whoa," Dave told him calmly.

Tony ignored him. "I'll shoot you three assholes in the head, get your girl, and take your damn farm."

Rick stood up, glaring at him.

Dave stood up. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Relax. Take it easy. Nobody's killing anybody. Nobody's shooting anybody. Right, Rick?" Dave jumped over the counter. "Look." He pulled his gun out, putting it on the counter. "We're just friends having a drink. That's all. Now where's the good stuff, huh? Good stuff, good stuff, good stuff. Let's see." He looked under the counter. Rick placed his hand on his gun. Dave noticed, pulling out a bottle. "Hey, look at that. That'll work." Rick pulled his hand away from his gun. "You gotta understand... we can't stay out there." Dave poured the drink in a glass. "You know what it's like."

"Yeah, I do," Rick told him. "But the farm is too crowded as is. I'm sorry. You'll have to keep looking."

"Keep looking," Dave repeated. "Where do you suggest we do that?"

Rick shrugged. "I don't know. I hear Nebraska's nice."

Dave laughed bitterly. "Nebraska... This guy."

Dave grabbed his gun. Rick pulled his gun quickly, shooting Dave in the head, killing him, turning to face Tony, shooting him in the chest. Tony fall to the floor, leaning against the wall. Rick walked closer, shooting Tony in the head, killing him.

(Song) The Regulator - Clutch

Glenn, Sam and Hershel stared in shock.


Greene Farm - Barn - Outside

Shane, T-Dog, Tyler and Andrea were burning the dead Walkers.


Town - Hatlin's Bar

Tony's body slid to the floor.

Rick looked down at Tony's body, looking up to Glenn, Sam and Hershel.


Greene Farm - Barn - Outside

Shane, T-Dog, Tyler and Andrea were watching the flames burn the dead Walkers.

(End Of Song)
