P r i s o n

locking the gateway to my mind,

for fear of what lies outside.

because interacting with the angels is difficult,

when it's their blood that has dried;

tainting the driveway of my thoughts,

memories of old.

gazing through the windows of my eyes,

as away the daytime is sold.

close my mouth and lose the key,

locked in a permanent smile.

because showing emotion that's actually real,

hasn't existed for a while;

and it's easier to hide in my own mind,

despite the bloodstained floors.

for at least i know this is my true world,

locking all the doors.

turn the light off behind my eyes,

for fear of what you may view.

because dealing with my own pain is difficult,

all my actions, i rue;

for i am a prisoner of a tyrant rule,

damned by my own decree

talking through the bars of my lips,

because friend? it's my own fault that i'm not free.
