
Till's wide and glossy blue eyes stared down at the lifeless body on the floor in front of him, his grey bangs falling over his face. Blood from the body's open gunshot wounds poured out, painting the once clean floor red. The light from the scoreboard reflected onto him, displaying the bright numbers of 89 and 70.

He felt like throwing up. Out of shock, maybe? Disgust? Either made sense.

How could Ivan do that? The kiss? The.. choking? Till just couldn't understand. They weren't even close.

Through his pondering, Till didn't notice the stage lights being shut off as silence took over the stadium while the audience of humans and aliens left; nor did he pay mind to the collar being placed on his neck by another alien, perhaps a security guard of some sort. He only came back to his senses as he was dragged backstage again, like in the first round he appeared in.

Before, during round 2 of the tournament, he felt so happy to have won. He was happy people were watching him and could see his success. Now? He just felt sort of.. empty.

It's not that he liked Ivan or anything. He wouldn't even consider the two of them friends. But there was no one else that he knew anymore. They were just dead or gone, so he was kind of by himself.

He hoped at least Mizi was alive.

Well, she had to be. She was a strong girl, one of the reasons Till's eyes were set on her. He hoped she was somewhere safe, and wondered if she saw the round. If she felt the same.. emptiness of seeing the people she once hung out with drop dead like flies. He sighed, looking down at his lap.

He would soon be one of those flies. There was no way he could beat Luka. He won the 49th tournament, his voice is like honey and the crowd loves him, while they just thought of Till as some rabid dog needing to be constantly restrained.

He beat Ivan by not even a stroke of luck. Ivan had to sacrifice himself to make a 19-point difference and allow him to win. 'How pathetic,' he thought to himself as he dragged himself into the bathroom.

Till stood in front of the sinks, turning the knob on one and splashing some cold water into his face. He felt like such a mess.His tired eyes glanced into the mirror; he looked like such a mess too. His hair was disheveled, his neck was red, and his eyes looked as if he hadn't slept for quite the time (he hasn't been getting lots of sleep, too busy thinking about how Mizi is doing).

Till splashed water into his face once more, glancing in the mirror again. This time, his eyes met someone else's.

The lifeless-looking black eyes with a slight tinge of red stared into his own light blue ones. Till shuddered, a sudden rush of coldness going through his body.


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