Why Is This Happening

Cronus POV:

You were waiting at the bus stop by yourself when you noticed Meenah and Aranea walking by. You thought of what Kankri had said earlier and you sighed. Just then the girls bounced over. ") (eya Cronus! We were just talkin bout c) (a! Your coming to the party rig) (t???" Meenah asked with a grin. You sighed again. "I'll make a deal vwith ya babes, if you tell me your issue vwith Kankri, I'll come to your party." You stated. They were both really shocked and a little uncomfortable. You rolled your eyes. "It's not that we have a pro8lem with him now... it was 8ack in elementary school when we hated him... everyone did except for Maryam and Leijon...." Aranea began. But before she could finish Meenah snorted. "W) (ats your deal wit) ( ) (im anyways??? ) (e ) (ates your guts but yet you still insist on bein ) (is frond.... w) (y???" Meenah snapped. You shrugged. "He reminds me of myself in some vways... I don't think it's healthy for people to be so antisocial..." You stated. Meenah smirked. "O) ( okay I sea.......you pity t) (e poor sucka!!! Makes perfect sense now!!!" She snickered. You growled. But then you sighed. You didn't have anything to say. Why? Because it's true. You pitied him so much. But only because he reminded you of yourself. You felt so sorry that he had to go through the same thing you did. It was very awkwardly silent until Meenah coughed. "Welp, I need to go talk to t) (at guy over t) (ere. I'll see ya later Ampora!" She said as she dashed off. Well that was weird. You were about to walk away when Aranea grabbed the sleave of your jacket. "Um... Cronus.... I was wondering... if your not coming to the party.... would you.... maybe want to.... go to prom with me??? It's just around the corner and I don't exactly have a date yet and since your new.... I figured you wouldn't really have anyone to go with either...." she asked shyly. You looked at her a bit confused but then you gave her one of your flirty grins. "Shore dollface I'll go to prom vwith ya!" You said seductively. She blushed hard before she nodded and turned to walk away. Huh. You guess you were pretty popular with the ladies here. Not that you minded. It was just that relationships were always so dramatic that you never really bothered with them. You were still a huge flirt though. Just then the bus pulled up to your stop and you got on.

~later that evening~

You got in the door and were about to go up to your room when your 10 year old brother Eridan bumped into you. "Hey slovw down chief before you hurt yourself!" You said with a smirk. He rolled his eyes. "I going to my neww friend's house to play. Tell dad I'll be home before dinner." He tried to duck behind you but you caught him. "And just vwho vwould this nevw friend be exactly??? You knovw you can't go over to friends houses vwithout us knovwing your friend Eridan!" You said sternly. He sighed. "His name is Karkat. Karkat Vantas. He's in my class and he invvited me ovver to trade pokemon cards today." He huffed out. You blushed. Vantas. That was Kankri's last name. "Does he havwe an older brother named Kankri???" You asked. He thought for a moment before nodding. "Yeah he said he had a brother your age but he nevver sees him since he locks himself in his bedroom closet all the time." He said. You sighed. Poor kid actually had to hide in his own home to feel alone. You let go of Eridan and he rushed out the door. You walked up the stairs to find your dad on the couch watching tv and drinking a scotch. "Hey dad Eridan went to his friend Karkat's house. I know his brother so he's good to go." You stated. Your dad nodded. "Good. Now I just gotta kick your sorry ass out too!" He said with a chuckle. You rolled your eyes and went upstairs to your room to start on homework.

~a few minutes later~

You had just finished your homework and you sat back and sighed. You got up and put an Elvis Presley CD into your CD player. Then you threw yourself onto your bed. You were about to pass out when our phone went off. Looks like someone was trying to text you.

PM: What did yo+u do+ to+ Kankri

CA: vwhat do you mean???

PM: I mean what the hell did yo+u do+ to+ him. He hasn't co+me o+ut o+f his clo+set since we go+t ho+me. That means he's thinking abo+ut so+mething that happened to+day. And I kno+w yo+u went after him after Meenah freaked o+n him. So+ what the fuck did yo+u say to+ him?!?!

CA: Nothing!!! He vwas crying in the bathroom vwhen I found him and then he stormed out and slapped me! I told him vwhy I vwanted to help him and then he told me to fuck off.

PM: Why do+ yo+u want to+ help him???

CA: because... vwell.... because he reminds me of myself back at my old school.... I was in his shoes once belive it or not... and he just seems like such a nice kid.... I don't want him to have to go through the same thing I did....

PM: Cro+nus the last thing he needs is so+meo+ne to+ pity him. He's never go+ing to+ talk to+ yo+u no+w!!!

CA: I thought honesty vwould help but I just made things vworse...

PM: I'll try talking to+ him but  I do+n't think I can do+ much. Yo+u might have to+ co+me o+ver and explain yourself.


PM: ho+w badly do+ yo+u want to+ help Kankri???

CA: I don't evwen knovw vwhere he lives.

PM: I can text yo+u the address. It's no+t far.

CA: ho+w do+ yo+u kno+w that???

PM: Eridan made it here in 15 minutes.



CA: FINE! God, just givwe me 10 minutes to get ready!

PM: 413 Messiah Drive

You got up and threw your phone on your bed. Then you headed to your dresser. You didn't want to look like shit your first time at Kankri's house!!! You grabbed your comb and slicked back your hair. Then you grabbed your jacket and threw your smokes and a lighter in your pocket. Huh. Only 3 minutes. You guess you'll just curl up in the corner of the room and worry about how badly this is going to go
