Characters info

Character ships from the manhwa and mha will be in the next chapter. Also I'll put down what manhwa their in. Extra: Most characters quirks will be reviled in the story, one because I cant think of a decent quirk for most of them except y/n.  Also, expect that some ages will be different from their original age


Name: Y/n M/n Agriche/Solon

Manhwa: None

(If you dont like it you can chose your own but this is to kinda help me get the idea for what you look like, so if you don't like it like I mentioned the you can change it)(might just be me but this is adorable, also I made this on picrew, link in the bottom of the chapter(Ps: Theres no link, I forgot about it)

Age: 15 

Birthday: __(You can pick the birthday)

Gender: Non binary(It's my first try writing with a y/n that's non binary but since I want any gender to enjoy here you guys go)

Pro nouns: They, Them

Family members: Medea Agriche, Dion Agriche, Lucas Agriche, Keira Agriche, Leilin Agriche, the grandma Celestia Solon, and Dekis Solon.

Appearance: Black hair and ruby eyes.

Personality: Looks like a cute little innocent bunny, rarely gets mad, calm most of the time.

Likes: Reading, sleeping, writing, seeing her friends and family happy, anime, drawing, mashed potatoes, (your likes)

Dislikes: Seeing her family in pain, past life, (your dislikes)

Quirk: Star dust and Ghost-like

Quirk description: Star dust allows the user to make stars out of their hands and then make the stars to dust. When that happens, the user can use the dust to turn the dust into the things they want. Ghost-like allows the user to become a ghost and go through anything, walls, doors, windows, you name it. It also allows the user to see other ghosts who have passed away.

Drawbacks: The drawback for star dust is that the user is limited to how many stars it can make. If it make more then the limit then the user will feel dizzy and sleepy. It also causes lucid dreams and nightmare's whenever the user is asleep. The drawback for Ghost-like is that the user can only use that for four hours, if it is used more than that the user will become a ghost for the next hour or gets lots of bloody noses the next few hours. If the user trains ghost-like more and more, there will be less bloody noses but some.  An additional drawback for both quirks is that the user can get hallucinations and possibly Insomnia.

(I tried my best, couldn't think of anything good)


Medea Solon/Agriche

Manhwa: Your throne

Age: 34

Birthday: January 1

Family members: Thesion Solon, Duchess Solon(I'm just gonna name her Carla), and Dekis Solon.

Partner: Dion Agriche

Children: Benjamin Agriche, Lucas Agriche, Reilin Agriche, Keira Agriche, and Y/n Agriche

Appearance: Medea has straight, purple/black hair that extends past her waist, and large purple eyes framed with thick black lashes set in a small, pale face with a small mole under her left eye. Her frame is slim and lithe, with long, strong limbs from frequent training. As an esteemed lady, Medea often wears lavish gowns of various shades of purple and black with fine jewels. As the duchess, Medea often wears a ring passed down to the heads of the Solon family. (copied this from the wiki fandom)


Dion Agriche

Manhwa: The way to protect the female lead's older brother

Age: 36

(I have no idea when is his birthday, so I'll skip the birthday)

Children and partner: Medea Agriche, Benjamin Agriche, Lucas Agriche, Reilin Agriche, Keira Agriche and Y/n Agriche.

Appearance: Black hair and ruby eyes.


Benjamin Agriche

Manhwa: I become the hero's rival


Birthday: October 25

Family members: Dion Agriche, Medea Agriche, Lucas Agriche, Reilin/Leilin Agriche, Keira Agriche, and Y/n Agriche


Lucas Agriche

Manhwa: Who made me a princess


Birthday: December 25(He like levi and Jesus)

Family members: Medea Agriche, Dion Agriche, Reilin Agriche, Keira Agriche, and Y/n Agriche


Reilyn/Leilin Agriche

Manhwa: Today, the villainess had fun

Age: 17

Birthday: (Couldn't find it so it's going to be random and I couldnt find the wiki fandom for it) September 15

Family members: Medea Agriche, Dion Agriche, Benjamin Agriche, Lucas Agriche, Keira Agriche, and Y/n Agriche


Keira Agriche

Manhwa: Actually, I was the real one

Age: 16

Birthday: (Couldnt find her birthday so also random birthday) November 10

Family members: Medea Agriche, Dion Agriche, Benjamin Agriche, Lucas Agriche, Reilin Agriche, and Y/n Agriche


Now im done with the Agriche family(this one) I have to to the next one.

Next family characters: Obelian Family(Did I spell that correct?)


Claude De Alger Obelia

Manhwa: Who made me a princess

Age: (Never found it so 33 or 34)

Birthday: February 28

Partner and family members: Diana De Alger Obelia (partner),Athanaisa De Alger Obelia (child), Anastacius De Alger Obelia(Brother), Jennette Margarita(niece), Unnamed Mother(I'll name her Noah), Unnamed Empress(Serena)(step mother). 


Diana De Alger Obelia

Manhwa: Who made me a princess

Age: 32

Birthday: April 16(Thats 14 days before my own birthday)

Family members and Partner: Claude De Alger Obelia and Athanaisa De Alger Obelia.


Athanaisa De Alger Obelia

Manhwa: Who made me a princess

Age: 15

Birthday: December 3

Family members: Claude De Alger Obelia, Diana De Alger Obelia, Anastacuis De Alger Obelia, and Jennette Margarita.


Anastacuis De Alger Obelia

Manhwa: Who made me a princess

Age: 36?(Chose a random age for him since I dont know)

Birthday: January 21

Partner and family members: Penelope Judith (partner), Jennette Margarita (child), Claude De Alger Obelia(Brother), Athanaisa De Alger Obelia (niece), and Unnamed Empress(Serena, mother).  


Jennette Margarita

Manhwa: Who made me a princess

Age: 15

Birthday: January 6

Family members: Penelope Judith (mother), Claude De Alger Obelia(Uncle), Athanaisa De Alger Obelia (cousin), Diana (aunt), Anastacuis De Alger Obelia(Father).



Sharle Maria Inocencio

Place: Aot prequel, Before the fall

Age: 15

Birthday:July 1( Never found it)

Family members: Deigo Inocencio, Unname mother(Lets name her Maria, she's gonna be mentioned somewhere in the book), and Xavi Inocencio


Very short a/n: I know she ain't from any manhwas but she's so beautiful I just had to add her.


Nikki ???

Birthday: December 6(In the game, you get new suits/clothing items for nikkis birthday)

Quirk: Angel

Quirk description: The user who has this can heal other people and the user themselves but if used to much, the user will likely get nose bleeds, and might faint. The user can also fly with the wings the user has. The user can hide the wings if the user wants to. No drawbacks to this one.


Eloise Wayana

Manhwa: The Grand Duchess of the North was Secretly a Villainess 

(Ignore the English)

Age: 20

Birthday: October 29

Family memebers: Eliose Wayana, Unname father and mother, Dion Agriche(Uncle), Medea Agriche/Solon(aunt), Lucas Agriche(Cousin), Reilynn/Leilin/Reilin Agriche(Cousin), Kiera Agriche(cousin), and Y/n Agriche(cousin).


Eris Miserian

Age: 20(I didnt want to make Eloise the only 20 year old manhwa character here)

Birthday: November 11


Alisa De Harpen

Age: 20(Never mind, Here's the trio of the 20 year olds)

Birthday: June 1 (Cant find the fandom wiki, dang it)


Yerenica Lebovny

Age: 19

Birthday: May 29


And that's the last of the manhwa characters I wanted to add to the story, might add some more later in the story. Besides that, I'm so damn confused. Why? Well last week, I thought I lost my Levi Ackerman shirt and accept the black shirt but then I found it so now I'm so confused. Well thats all I have to say, bai bye readers

Published: July 6

Word count: 1532

Edited:Monday, December 12. 2022
