
i get a text from rafe, saying the house is free. but i'm literally in a middle of an argument with my dad about how i can't let boys sleep over in my room.

"i have no idea why you're bringing this up now?! it was like last week! and jj slept on the floor what's the big deal? mom knew he was here!" i say and he widens his eyes

"i didn't know he was sleeping over." she says as she chops the vegetables.

"mom! it's not my fault! it was late, i couldn't let them walk back on their own at night! it won't happen again i promise! but let me go out at least! it's summer." i say and he sighs

"fine! but if i know that he stays over again, you're grounded." he says and i frown

"i'm literally nearly 19.." i whisper and he raises his eyebrows

"i said, thank you dad, love you!" i say and head out.

i walk to the cameron's house and enter when i get there.

"rafe?" i say through the house and he comes downstairs and takes my hand.

"not a hello? would you like something to drink?" i say and rolls his eyes

"hello, would you like something to drink?" he says and i smile

"i'm good thanks." and i laugh as he throws me on the bed and kisses my lips. he crawls in between my legs to deepen the kiss, and i hold my body up with my elbows to even reach him.

we separate and he begins to kiss down my neck as he unzips my shorts.

"rafe. rafe wait." i say and he stops. i look at him and he frowns.

"could you be more gentle this time? i had bruises when i left last, and my mom was on my case about it." i say and he nods holding my face and kissing me. i shrug off my shorts and he takes off my underwear.

i pull on his shirt and he throws it off in one swift motion. i smile down at him and begin to kiss his lips to his jaw and his neck.

i flip us around and he smirks at me.

i take off his shorts and sit on his lap and kiss his lips deeply. i run my hands through his hair and moan into the kiss. i take off my tank top and i'm in only my bra.

"you're perfect." he mumbles and i close my eyes as he kisses my neck. i bite my lip to suppress a moan and he flips us back around.

he kisses down to my chest to my stomach and leaves small kisses at my thighs. i smile down at him and bite my lip. he slips a finger into me and i moan quietly. my wetness making it easy for him.

he uses his thumb to circle my clit and i begin to breath heavy.

i've never been so satisfied with anyone but him. he knows my body like no else.

so, therefore he knows exactly what i like, how i like it.

he then licks through me and applys pressure to my clit and i hold his head as he  enters another finger and licks my clit.

"fuck, right there." i whimper and he smiles up at me and i moan as he quickens his pace

"you gonna cum?" he asks and i nod, with a moan.

he slips his fingers out and i look at him.

"what the fuck?" i ask as i sit up and he crawls towards me, and kisses my lips, and separates but keeps out lips close together

"i want you.." he kisses my lips again, "to cum around me." he says and kisses my lips one last time and begins to kiss down to my chest.

he slips off his boxers and takes off my bra. i giggle as he kisses my weak spot on my neck.

"you still on the pill?" he asks and i nod.

"yeah, why?" i ask with a slight frown

"no more condoms." he says and i shrug.

"you ready?" he says and i nod as i wrap my arms around his neck for support.

he glides in and i rest my head on his shoulder.

"fuck, rafe!" i moan out and he waits for me to adjust. i nod for him to continue and he slowly slips in and out.

"faster." i say and he does so, i bite lightly on his shoulder and he flips us around.

i grind on him and chase my high, holding onto his chest for support. i look up to the ceiling as i hold back on a moan. he groans as i ride him slowly and decides to thrust into me.

"fuck!" i exclaim and he chuckles to which i look down at him.

i kiss his lips and ride him. i feel him twitch inside of me and i fasten my pace.

"you gonna cum?" i whisper in his ear, nibbling softly after wards

"yes, fuck, yes princess, keep doing that." he says and i do so. i feel my high coming near.

"3..2..1, now." i say and i feel him shoot inside of me and i cum, holding onto his chest for support, scratching him slightly. i ride him for a bit more, riding our highs.

"fuck bon." he says as i lay down beside him, grabbing some tissues on his shelf above him and clean myself up.

"i'm gonna go to the bathroom." i say and put on his shirt, opening his door.

"don't be too long." he says and i pause. "bon? what's wrong?" he says from the bed.

"hey rose.." i say and she stands there in silence.

"hey bonnie.." she finally speaks and i look behind me to rafe. he sits up almost immediately and waves over to her. "rafe." she says and i turn back to my side of the bed so i grab my things.

i put my shorts on and grab my shoes and head out of the house.

