
Chapter 4: Soon-to-be King Ben

The limo slowly pulled up in front of our new school, Auradon Prep. Lining the entrance to the school there were students everywhere waving flags and holding signs, waiting for our arrival. The car came to a slow stop and just outside the door, you could hear the dozens of prep students cheering us on while the band played.

The limo driver opened the doors and Carlos and Jay fell out first. Mal, Evie, and I filed out after the boys, who were currently on the floor arguing over some kind of blue blanket.

"Oh! Ah! Ow! Stop! You got everything else! Why do you want whatever this is?" Carlos screamed at Jay, tugging on one end of the fabric.

"Cause you want it!" Jay yelled back, tugging on the other end.

"No! Give it to me! Ow! Let go!"

Through the marching band, a couple of people made their way through to come and greet us. I started to panic realizing that these were probably really important people and if we gave off the wrong impression, we'd probably get sent back to the Isle. And with the way Jay and Carlos arguing like they were, they were making fools out of all five of us.

"Guys! Guys!" I whispered to them, trying to get their attention, but they ignored me. I looked over at Mal, who must've been thinking the same thing.

"Guys! We have an audience!" She scolded them and immediately they stopped their yelling.

"Just cleaning up," Jay said as a lady in an ugly pink bow came up to us, two students following behind her. "Get up!" Jay whispered at Carlos and he helped him up off the floor.

"Leave it like you found it! And by that, I mean just leave it." She told us, with a big grin on her face. Jay and Carlos threw the stuff that they had planned on stealing back into the limo.

"Hello, foxy. The name's Jay." Jay said, walking up to the girl who stood behind the older woman, clearly trying to charm her. The girl was wearing a light blue sweater over a pink and gold dress. She just plastered on a big grin and tried laughing it off awkwardly.

"Welcome to Auradon Prep." The lady said, stepping in front of Jay, so she would have all of our attention. "I'm Fairy Godmother, headmistress."

"The Fairy Godmother? As in, Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo?" Mal asked the old lady. If she really was the Fairy Godmother, which I had no doubt that she was, this might just be easier than we all thought it was.

"Bibbidi-bobbidi you know it," She said, all a little too perky.

"Yeah, I always wondered what it felt like for Cinderella when you just appeared, out of nowhere, with that sparkly wand and warm smile- and that sparkling wand," Mal said, trying to play the old broad.

"That was a long time ago. And as I always say, don't focus on the past or you'll miss the future." She said waving her hand in front of her face like some sort of mime. This really was going to be all too easy.

"It's so good to finally meet you all. I'm Ben." The boy standing behind the Fairy Godmother finally spoke up. I do have to admit, Ben was kinda cute. He had light tan skin, brown hair, and golden-brown eyes.

"Prince Benjamin. Soon to be king." The girl next to him spoke up, way too excitedly. Ben just smiled, clearly not caring about his princely status.

"You had me at prince," Evie said, taking a step towards the two. "My mom's a queen, which makes me a princess." She said, doing a little curtsy.

"The Evil Queen has no royal status here and neither do you," The girl said with a fake smile. Whoever she was, with an attitude that nasty she should be on the Isle.

"This is Audrey," Ben said, introducing the girl.

"Princess Audrey. His girlfriend." Audrey spoke up, she grabbed his hand and smiled all too brightly at him. "Right, Benny-boo?"

"Ben and Audrey are going to show you all around, and I'll see you tomorrow." The Fairy Godmother said taking a step closer to us and throwing Ben and Audrey's hands apart, "The doors of wisdom are never shut. But the library hours are from 8:00 to 11:00. And as you may have heard, I have a little thing about curfews." The five of us choked out a fake laugh and the headmistress left taking the marching band with her, leaving us in the hands of the future king and his overzealous girlfriend.

"It is so, so, so good to finally me...meet you all..." Ben walked up to shake Jay's hand, but instead, Jay gave him a punch on the shoulder, leaving him a bit confused before moving on to Mal, who actually did shake his hand. The two of them stared each other in the eyes for a second, before he moved to me.

"This is a momentous occasion," He continued with his stupid monologue as he shook my hand and continued onto Carlos, "and one that I hope will go down in history... Is that chocolate?" He asked licking his fingers after shaking hands with Carlos, whose face and hands were covered in candy, "As the day our two peoples began to heal." He concluded while shaking hands with Evie.

"Or the day that you showed five peoples where the bathrooms are," Mal said, hopefully stopping whatever other boring things he had planned to tell us.

"A little bit over the top?" He asked giving Mal a big smile. Evie and I both gave each other a look that told me we were both thinking the same thing. After all, it doesn't take a genius to figure out something was going on between the prince and our best friend.

"A little more than a little bit."

"Well, so much for my first impression," Ben said, causing the two to laugh at each other. Audrey looked between the two, even she could sense the chemistry between them. Which is saying a lot considering how narcissistic and self-absorbed she seems to be.

"Hey! You're Maleficent's daughter, aren't you?" Audrey butted into the conversation, "Yeah, you know what? I totally do not blame you for your mother trying to kill my parents and stuff. Oh, my mom's Aurora. Sleeping-"

I simply just rolled my eyes at her, of course, she would take the opportunity to make things about her and a hundred-year-old family feud no less.

"Beauty!" Mal cut her off, "Yeah, I've heard the name. You know, and I totally do not blame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the whole world but my mother to their stupid christening."

"Water under the bridge."


They both plastered on fake smiles, not really caring to hide the fact that they hate each other's guts and it's only been a few minutes. Not that I could really say anything since I already disliked Audrey too. Though her tone and attitude aren't helping things.

"Okay! So, how about a tour? Yeah?" Ben interrupted, trying desperately to diffuse the tense and awkward situation.

"Auradon prep!" He gestured to the castle behind him, leading us away from the parked limo. "Originally built over 300 years ago and converted into a high school by my father when he became king."

He led us over to a statue of his father and clapped at it. Instantly the statue turned from the king into the Beast itself. Carlos, having a fear of anything animal-like that could move, jumped into Jay's arms and grabbed hold of him for dear life.

I mean seriously, Carlos has some issues.

"Carlos, it's okay. My father wanted his statue to morph from beast to man to remind us that anything is possible." Ben said trying to console a terrified Carlos

"Does he shed much?" I asked jokingly.

"Yeah, mom won't let him on the couch," Ben replied without hesitation. Mal snorted out a laugh from behind me and we continued following Ben as he led us through the grand entrance and into the castle.
